
Serving the people is a "treasure"

author:Fashionable King Chrysanthemum

With the rapid development of the new era, the Communist Party of China has led the people from victory to a more victorious road, from prosperity to a more prosperous and well-off life, in life, the people's yearning for a better life is the goal of our struggle, carry out "I do practical things for the masses" related activities, strengthen the awareness of serving the people, and serve the people well, which is the greatest wealth.

In our work, we should actively carry out activities related to "I do practical things for the masses", clarify the difficulties of the masses at the grass-roots level, understand the worries of the masses, grasp the worries of the masses, deeply understand the difficulties of the masses, have close-to-heart talks on the ground, ensure accurate service, satisfy the masses, and let the masses live a good life, which is the starting point and foothold of all our work, and do our best to do what the masses are satisfied and happy. At present, the scope of developing party members has gradually expanded to the peasant masses, and now the development of mass party members has also gradually increased; since the work of poverty alleviation, the number of visits by grass-roots party members to households has increased, and grass-roots workers have helped poor people in rural areas (communities) get rid of poverty, so that the living standards of poor people have been guaranteed, economic income has been improved, and the masses have full of hope for their lives. To serve the masses of the people, we must first give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as fighting bastions and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Second, it is necessary to encourage grass-roots party organizations and the broad masses of party members not to forget their original intentions, keep firmly in mind their mission, strengthen the party's conviction, solve problems with heart, affection, and strength, do practical things for the masses, enhance the satisfaction of the masses, and start from the masses and come from the masses to the masses. In life, there will be a variety of mass problems to be solved every day, such as: the people's land disputes, land rental profits, the masses' safety awareness, etc., are the relevant departments need to solve the people's problems, the staff actively solve, accurately serve the people's problems, so that the masses reduce troubles, full of passion for life.

Serving the people is the purpose that our country has always adhered to, the people are precious spiritual wealth, but also precious material wealth, actively do a good job in the "I do practical things for the masses" activities, go deep into the masses, go into the hearts of the masses, persist in seeking truth from facts, carry forward the fine style of seeking truth and being pragmatic, further strengthen organizational leadership, consolidate work responsibilities, strictly implement the relevant requirements of the "I do practical things for the masses" activities, and truly implement the tasks and requirements of practical activities to the grass-roots level, implement them in a down-to-earth manner, and apply them to the actual lives of the people. Strictly put an end to formalism and superficial work, let us go out of the office, take steps, and truly serve the people, one small step today, a big step tomorrow, serve the masses well, improve the satisfaction of the masses, and let the masses live a good life, that will be a great wealth for us.