
The first session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County was successfully concluded

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
The first session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County was successfully concluded

On the afternoon of October 26, after successfully completing the agenda of the congress, the first session of the 18th People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County was successfully concluded at the Jianghua National Culture and Science and Technology Training Center.

The first session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County was successfully concluded

Leaders who attended the meeting and sat in the front row of the rostrum were: Duan Guijian, secretary of the county party committee; Wu Junchen, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate; Zhou Runrun, deputy secretary of the county party committee; Wu Jijie, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighteenth County People's Congress; Yi Jie, chairman of the eleventh session of the county CPPCC Committee; Huang Zhijian, chairman of the standing committee of the seventeenth county people's congress; Chen Huaiquan, second-level inspector of the county CPPCC committee; and Tang Zhen, Luo Mei, Zhong Jiangbo, Li Mingliu, and Tang Xiaoren, executive chairmen of the current meeting.

Also seated at the rostrum were Wen Song, Yang Min, Tang Yahui, An Qing, Wan Ruqing, Chen Yaming, and Yin Xin, vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Seventeenth County People's Congress, political commissar of the County People's Armed Forces Department, president of the county people's court, chief procurator of the county people's procuratorate, secretary and director of the party committee of the Jianghua State-owned Forestry Farm, secretary and director of the party committee of the Chuotianhe Reservoir and Engineering Administration Bureau, general manager of the Chuotianhe Engineering Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Li Dashuang, former director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, retired veteran leader Lu Hanping, and deputy to the Provincial People's Congress Zhao Shiyi and Wang Shihua. Other members of the presidium of the first session of the Eighteenth County People's Congress.

The general assembly shall have 260 delegates, 4 shall take leave of absence due to illness, and 256 shall be delegates, which shall meet the quorum.

The meeting heard a report on the results of the examination of the motions of the General Assembly and voted on the motions. The meeting adopted by show of hands the "Resolution of the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County on the Work Report of the People's Government of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft)"; the "Resolution of the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County on the Work Report of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft)"; and the "Resolution of the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County on the Work Report of the People's Court of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft)"; and the "Resolution of the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County on the Work Report of the People's Court of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft)"; The "Resolution of the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County on the Work Report of the People's Procuratorate of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft)" was adopted; and the "Regulations on the Administration of Wildland Fire in Jianghua Yao Autonomous County (Draft and Voting Draft)" were adopted.

Wu Jijie, newly elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, spoke at the meeting, saying: The next five years will be a crucial period for Jianghua to start a new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and it will also be an important stage for Jianghua to achieve economic and social development by leaps and bounds. The standing committee of the new county people's congress will follow the overall arrangements of the thirteenth county party congress, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the work conference of the Central People's Congress as the follow-up, take pioneering and innovation as the driving force, promote development as its duty, and strengthen the construction of democracy and the rule of law as its task, give full play to the role of the organs of power, and lead the work of the people's congress into a brand-new period of development; always adhere to the party's leadership, and have a new leap in ideological understanding; always adhere to the performance of duties according to law. There must be a new level in work; we must always persist in being pragmatic for the people and a new change in our work style; we must always adhere to honesty and honesty, and we must have a new improvement in our image. It is necessary to make new and greater contributions to comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and creating "five good parks", promoting the high-quality development of Jianghua, and building a strength Yaodu, a quality Yaodu, a green Yaodu, an open Yaodu, and a happy Yaodu.

Wu Junchen, the newly elected county magistrate of the county people's government, spoke at the meeting, and he pointed out that he once again returned to his beloved hometown to work, once again integrated into the landscape and water of Yaoshan Mountain, and more deeply felt the breadth and thickness of this hot land in his hometown, and the simplicity and excellence of the people in his hometown. Standing at the important time when the two centenary goals converge, taking over the baton of the county chief, I deeply feel that the mission is glorious and the responsibility is heavy. Bearing in mind the entrustment of the organization and the people, under the leadership of the county party committee, we will unite and lead the county government team, do our best and do our best, and strive to write the answer sheet of the era of Jianghua's high-quality development!

In his speech, Wu Junchen solemnly promised: We will put the clear-cut banner of stressing politics in the first place, and constantly temper the political character of absolute loyalty; we will aim at the goal of high-quality development, carry forward the spirit of "three eyes," maintain the "three cadres" style, and strive to turn the blueprint for development drawn up into a beautiful reality; we will take administration according to law as the lifeline of government work, resolutely implement Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law, regard honesty and honesty as the political background of communists, and lead the government system to continuously improve the party style, political style, and work style.

Wu Junchen pointed out that a generation has a generation's Long March, a generation has a generation's responsibility, the wheel of time rolls forward, and Jiang Hua's tomorrow needs everyone to work hard. The new leading body of the county government will doubly cherish the stage entrusted by the organization and the people, do its utmost to shoulder the responsibility and mission of the post, and under the strong leadership of the county party committee and with the full help of the county people's congress and the county CPPCC, work hand in hand with the vast number of cadres and masses throughout the county to jointly create a better future for the modernization of The New Jianghua!

Finally, Duan Guijian, secretary of the county party committee, spoke at the meeting, saying that this meeting is a very important meeting held in the crucial period of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the march toward the second centenary goal. The deputies embodied the mission style of bearing the overall situation in mind and caring for the people, and displayed the spirit of advancing with the times and forging ahead in a pioneering spirit. This congress was a complete success, realized a high degree of unity between organizational intentions and the will of the people, and was a conference of democratic unity, encouragement and cohesion, pragmatic and efficient, and urging people to forge ahead. On behalf of the county party committee, he expressed warm congratulations to the successful convening of the conference and to the newly elected comrades! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the delegates and comrades attending the meeting, and to all the staff of the Conference!

Duan Guijian pointed out that at the thirteenth party congress of the county, the county party committee determined the goal and strategic deployment of basing itself on "one grasp", highlighting the "two main lines", and building "five Yaodu", promoting the high-quality development of Jianghua, and striving to build a modern new Jianghua. This is a solemn commitment of the county party committee and the county government to the people of the whole county, an objective need for the economic and social development of the whole county, and a strong expectation of the broad masses of the whole county. On the important occasion of the two sessions, he issued an appeal to the party members and cadres and people's congress deputies present, and through everyone issued a call to the people of the whole county -- "Work hard, work hard, work hard, work hard, strive for excellence, and jointly write a new chapter in Jianghua's high-quality development!" ”

Duan Guijian demanded that in order to achieve the goal of high-quality development, we must overcome the difficult situation with the firm self-confidence of "the ambition of Qingyun will never fall". It is necessary to work hard and work hard in accordance with the international and domestic situation, the requirements of Jianghua's high-quality economic development, and the expectations of the masses of the people. With the strong determination of "not breaking the building and never repaying it", we must blossom and see practical results. It is necessary to grasp the theme activities of "five links and five households" and open up the "last step" of serving the masses; we must highlight the "two main lines" of rural revitalization and industrial construction, and strengthen the "first driving force" for high-quality development; we must adhere to the people-centered development thinking and earnestly solve the masses' "urgent difficulties and anxieties." We must set an example by adhering to the feeling of "gradually widening the belt and never regretting it", and performing our duties and responsibilities. It is necessary to strengthen propaganda and propaganda and enhance consensus; we must fulfill our duties and responsibilities and take the lead by example; we must offer ideas and suggestions, and we must keep the overall situation in mind.

Duan Guijian pointed out that happiness is all struggle! Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, keep in mind the great trust of the Party and the people, cherish the rights entrusted by the people, closely rely on and unite to lead the 540,000 people in the county, work hard and work hard, strive to be the first, strive to open a new journey of Jianghua's modernization construction, and jointly write a new chapter in Jianghua's high-quality development!

The first session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County was successfully concluded

In the solemn sound of the national anthem, the congress closed triumphantly.

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