
"Black Lizard": The yellow eagle dared to write a shocking work in place of the ancient dragon, which is more terrifying than the ghost story

author:Little Panan

Gu Long is a ghost talent who has written many classic martial arts novels.

Maybe the stories that can be written in the jianghu, the routines that can be played, have been played badly and tired of being played.

Therefore, Gu Long, who has been seeking new changes and breakthroughs in the martial arts world, has paid attention to ghost stories.

Bringing the legend of the strange and terrifying ghost god into the world of martial arts, giving the martial arts novel a new way of playing and ways, in fact, proved that Gu Long's concept was correct.

When the Six Horrors came out, the reader was really stunned. Wuxia can also write like this, who else but Gu Long?

But in fact, it was Mr. Huang Ying who really completed the Horror Six Series. Gu Long only mentioned a concept, but it was Huang Ying who really put it into action.

"Black Lizard": The yellow eagle dared to write a shocking work in place of the ancient dragon, which is more terrifying than the ghost story

Although the Horror Six Count series was completed by Huang Ying, Huang Ying was very humble and modest, bluntly saying that he only dared to succeed Gu Long to complete the Horror Six Count series.

The name "Six Plans of Horror" was originally ordered by Mr. Gu Long, and Huang Ying dared to continue to write, only because he liked this name too much, so there were four novels such as "Black Lizard", "Pink Skull", "Crystal Man" and "Wingless Bat".

It is precisely because of Mr. Huang Ying's love for the Horror Six Counts series that we have the honor to see the story of these Six Counts today. If Huang Ying hadn't taken over the baton, or If Mr. Huang Ying had given up halfway, then today we won't see these six wonderful and completed novels.

The Horror Six series, with six different species, or legends of gods and ghosts, as the entry point of the story, like "Vampire Moth" with vampire moth as a substitute, "Blood Parrot" with blood parrot substitution, "Black Lizard" with lizard substitution, although written although different species, but the real story of the foothold is on people.

As Huang Ying said, "Blood Parrot" is about a talking magic bird, "Vampire Moth" is about a moth that can suck blood, "Black Lizard" is about a terrifying lizard... In fact, it is written by people. Man is a very scary, terrible animal.

"Black Lizard": The yellow eagle dared to write a shocking work in place of the ancient dragon, which is more terrifying than the ghost story

Huang Ying is a novelist who is recognized as the closest to Gu Long in his writing style, so the Series of Horror Six Counts that he took over the baton is difficult to see without looking carefully that it is not written by Gu Long, although there is still a gap with Gu Long, but it is not so obvious that people can see at a glance that it is not written by Gu Long.

Regarding the Horror Six series, I have written the analysis of "Blood Parrot", "Vampire Moth", "Crystal Man", today we come to talk about "Black Lizard", the story of "Black Lizard" looks terrible, Yellow Eagle is a master of creating atmosphere, and the beginning of the novel makes people feel thrilled.

The male protagonist of the story is called Long Fei, who originally went to pick up his fiancée Zizhu. On the road, he stumbled upon a carriage pulling a coffin with a wooden carved corpse lying in it, which looked exactly like his fiancée Zizhu. This caused Long Fei's great concern, both fearful and worried, worried that something would happen to his fiancée.

When he followed the carriage into a deserted mansion, the terrifying and strange arrangement in the courtyard like a netherworld mansion frightened him even more. The monster with the upper body and the lower body is a lizard, churning in a strange posture in the flames, holding a naked middle-aged woman with its hands. The middle-aged beautiful woman's cloak is scattered, like a black snake, her body is like a snake wrapped around the monster's body, her head is split, the blood is rushing wildly, the blood is red and white, shocking! What was even more frightening to Long Fei was that the monster's face was actually the same as the face of the coffin-pulling groom that Long Fei had encountered today.

"Black Lizard": The yellow eagle dared to write a shocking work in place of the ancient dragon, which is more terrifying than the ghost story

The fog was thick and eerie, and when he had no clue, Long Fei found the future old man Ding He, and learned from him that this manor belonged to his good friend Xiao Li, and after several rounds of tracking, he really wanted to finally surface. It turned out that this was a love tragedy involving infidelity and betrayal, Xiao Li thought that his wife had an affair with Ding He, and suspected that his two children were born to Ding He. Therefore, in order to retaliate, this bureau was set up, intending to kill Ding Hemanmen.

At the end of the story, I knew that this was a love tragedy, but the process was thrilling and chilling. More strange and terrifying than ghost stories, I have to admire Huang Ying's talent and imagination, substitute the legend of gods and ghosts into martial arts stories, and tell the stories of jianghu with legends of gods and ghosts, and the final foothold is still in martial arts, which is really clever.

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