
There is no need to pursue "sky-high" summer camps

author:China Education News

According to the Beijing Evening News, there are many kinds of summer camps on the market, with prices ranging from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. Some parents have reported that the publicity of the summer camp activities is inconsistent with the actual situation, and the content is "shrinking".

The reason why summer camp activities are favored and respected by parents, on the one hand, because summer camp is an effective way to solve the problem of child care during the holidays, especially now that all over the world has formed a high-pressure situation for off-campus training governance, putting children in summer camps can save the worry of bringing children; on the other hand, the study tour attributes of summer camps are indeed beneficial to children's growth, from physical exercise to escape drills, from various places to military training, many summer camps are rich and personalized design, providing a good experience for the growth of children. Therefore, summer camp activities in various places have shown a vigorous development trend.

However, there are also many parents who are keen to send their children to summer camps to exercise, blindly following the trend due to educational anxiety. Coupled with the exaggerated publicity of some summer camp organizers, some parents lack enough rationality, and there is a great blindness in the choice of whether to participate in the summer camp and what kind of summer camp to participate in, and the cost is not ideal. For example, many parents have reported that summer camps organized by some institutions are often exposed to problems such as excessive fees, poor food and accommodation conditions, inadequate safety measures, and publicity that is inconsistent with reality. Relevant data show that there are currently about 48,000 summer camp-related enterprises in China, of which 80% of the enterprises were established within 5 years, which shows the growth of the summer camp market in recent years. However, the "2020-2025 China Summer Camp Industry Market Prospect and Future Investment Strategy Analysis Report" shows that there are as many as thousands of institutions operating summer camps, and there are no so-called leading enterprises in the entire industry. The market concentration is quite low, the market share of the top ten companies in the industry does not exceed 5%, and the situation of uneven market quality is very obvious. Due to the very low threshold for holding summer camps, the market is chaotic and urgently needs to be effectively regulated and managed. Judging from the organizers of summer camps, in addition to schools and corresponding public welfare groups, there are mainly travel agencies, training institutions, and institutions specializing in summer camp business. The improvised summer camp activities, professionalism, systematicness and professionalism are questionable, and there are also great hidden dangers. Summer camp activities are an educational activity, in addition to respecting the child's growth law and educational law, we should also respect the individual needs of each child, and pay attention to the child's mental health problems. In particular, summer camp activities mostly involve outdoors and travel, and the requirements for safety, insurance and emergency response plans in the process of activity organization are higher, which requires the organizer to have a high sense of responsibility and professionalism.

Therefore, parents choose to let their children participate in summer camp activities, must be correctly viewed, rationally faced and carefully selected, do not have to blindly pursue the "sky-high" summer camp, in making a decision should follow several basic principles: first, to respect the child's wishes, whether to participate in the summer camp to solicit the child's opinions, and combined with the child's interests and hobbies to choose; second, when choosing the summer camp type and project, we must do enough homework on the institutions and teachers of the summer camp, check the qualifications of relevant institutions, tutors or staff. Don't be misled by some false propaganda; the third is to have insurance requirements and sign a standardized contract. In this way, once a dispute arises, the other party can be held responsible in accordance with the contract. (The author is a staff member)

Author: Don Quixote

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