
What is the beijing wildlife park man rushing out of the car to confront the white tiger?


Recently, a thrilling incident occurred in the Beijing Wildlife Park, and it is reported that some tourists suddenly got off the bus while visiting the White Tiger Area and walked towards the White Tiger Group. When the tourists got off the bus, the staff constantly dissuaded him, but there was no effect at all, and finally the man approached the white tiger and crouched down in front of the 7 white tigers. The man let out a wailing sound when he came to the white tiger, not knowing whether he was imitating the tiger's howl or crying.

However, according to the introduction of the staff, the 7 white tigers did not show aggressive behavior towards the tourists at that time, some wandering back and forth, and some crouched in front of the tourists. After the incident occurred, the park immediately called the police, and the specific reasons that led to the incident are still under further investigation. Going to the zoo without dissuading and approaching wild white tigers without permission is tantamount to cherishing life in the eyes of many people, and as for why the man did it, it is still under investigation.

Although the man experienced a very exciting scene, but other tourists were affected, for safety reasons, the staff let other tourists leave the area, the tourists were very cooperative, the scenic spot afterwards to the affected tourists for their initiative to cooperate expressed gratitude.

As you can see in the video, there are a lot of children in the sightseeing car, and the man's behavior gives the children a very wrong example.

Whether the man made such a crazy move on a whim, or whether it was premeditated, whether it was for stimulation or whether he had a world-weary thought, remains to be investigated. No matter what the motive, such behavior is very stupid, fortunately, the safety measures of the scenic spot are sufficient, the staff should respond reasonably, otherwise it is likely to cause a serious safety incident, although the man was eventually rescued safely, but it still affected the play experience of other tourists, and its behavior is too selfish, should be pulled into the blacklist by the scenic spot, and be punished as it deserves.

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