
20 Siberian tigers died, experts: many zoos are in a hurry to make money

author:Released by Longnanli County

"Many zoos are desperate for quick success and just want to make money, ignoring animal welfare." On May 13, talking about the incident of "20 Siberian tigers died in Fuyang Wildlife Park in recent years", Zhu Yugang, founder of Hunan Sanzhen Tiger Park, and Yang Yi, an expert at the zoo, agreed with each other.

20 Siberian tigers died, experts: many zoos are in a hurry to make money

According to the Chinese Philanthropist, the Fuyang Wildlife Park illegally exhibited and artificially bred the Siberian tiger, a national first-class protected animal, without obtaining a permit. What is even more shocking is that 20 Siberian tigers (including 10 tiger cubs), 2 African lions, 3 giraffes and other precious wild animals died due to the dispute over management rights.

At present, Fuyang City has set up an investigation team to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the death of wild animals. According to the announcement of Fuyang Wildlife Park, the park will be closed for three days from May 13th to 15th, and it will be open normally on Thursday, May 16th.

Both Zhu Yugang and Yang Yi have called for an animal welfare law. "If there is an Animal Welfare Law, if your zoo fails to meet the relevant conditions, it will be closed or even closed, and the relevant legal representative and supervisor will bear legal responsibility." Yang Yi told The Paper.

"Eager for quick success, just want to make money"

More than 10 years ago, Zhu Yugang, a veteran of Changsha County, Hunan Province, founded Sanzhen Tiger Park after retiring. At present, there are more than 200 rare animals in Sanzhen Tiger Park, including Siberian tigers, South China tigers and African lions.

On May 13, Zhu Yugang introduced to The Paper that if you want to domesticate and breed Siberian tigers, you need to establish a project, review construction drawings, safety assessment, etc., and all aspects must be in place. Then the forestry and grassland department will accept and reply, and after passing, make an administrative license for domestication and breeding.

"The site was not even built, and the national forestry and grassland department clearly approved the refusal to allow it, so the tiger was transported over and started operation, which is abnormal and completely ignores animal welfare." Zhu Yugang said.

He pointed out that animal welfare includes the living environment, hardware and software investment, employee literacy, food rationing, etc. If these can't keep up, the resistance of the Siberian tiger will definitely be weaker. He also believes that these Siberian tigers are performance animals, which have been violently domesticated and have psychological barriers, and are not suitable for zoo captivity.

According to its introduction, taking Sanzhen Tiger Park as an example, the survival rate of young tigers is more than 95%, and the annual mortality rate of semi-adult tigers and adult tigers is 3 to 4 percent, including normal death, illness death, fight death, etc.

Zhu Yugang said that there is a phenomenon of signing yin and yang contracts in the industry, that is, it is clearly agreed that the company that leases the tiger is responsible for domestication and breeding, and the company has qualifications, but in fact, the domestication and breeding are responsible for the lease of the tiger, and the latter lacks a mature team and technology.

There is a business dispute between the two parties who rent and lease animals in Fuyang Safari Park. "Because of the dispute, maybe the funds are not in place, which makes these animals even more miserable. Otherwise, such an outcome is impossible. Zhu Yugang said that many zoos are eager for quick success and just want to make money, ignoring the basic welfare of animals, which is a harm to animals, let alone playing a role in protection.

"It's normal for animals to die in zoos, but it's certainly not normal for a large number of people to die." Yang Yi, a well-known zoo expert in China, said that after the epidemic, most zoos are losing money, and tigers eat a lot. Many zoo owners want to make money immediately, but zoos are difficult to make money because the expenses are too high. "Construction, water and electricity, feed, epidemic prevention, employee expenses, sewage treatment, what is the ticket income good for?"

Call for an Animal Welfare Law to be introduced as soon as possible

Yang Yi said that more than 80 percent of domestic zoos are for profit. He believes that the significance of zoos is first and foremost to protect them ex situ, and then release them into the wild after the population expands. At present, among the first-class protected animals, the crested ibis and elk have been released into the wild more successfully. The tiger currently has none. However, why are there so many zoos that keep tigers? Because of the attractiveness, tigers are breeding more and more.

Yang Yi said that because of the many accidents of tigers in the zoo, in recent years, the relevant state departments have been particularly strict in controlling tigers, and it can be said that the transportation, trading and exchange of tigers have actually stopped. Quarantine certificates, transportation permits, and wildlife domestication and breeding permits are required for the transportation of wild protected animals, but transportation permits are strictly restricted.

The dead Siberian tigers, African lions, giraffes and other animal carcasses in Fuyang Wildlife Park were all frozen.

Yang Yi introduced that strictly speaking, every animal in the zoo must have a ledger, not to mention the Siberian tiger, a first-class protected animal. Giant pandas, Siberian tigers and other special first-class protected animals are directly under the supervision of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and other first-class protected animals are under the supervision of the provincial level. The breeding and death of Siberian tigers must be reported to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

"Like Siberian tigers, [the carcass] has to be treated harmlessly, and after the zoo reports it, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration requires you to deal with it, and you can deal with it." Yang Yi said that like some cities, there are no conditions for harmless treatment. So, a lot of it is frozen.

Zhu Yugang introduced that whether the Siberian tiger carcass is harmless or made into specimens, it must apply to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. There must be a ledger such as the result of the death, and there must be a complete set of supporting evidence such as videos, photos, and signatures.

According to Yang Yi, urban zoos are under the management of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, such as Beijing Zoo and Shanghai Zoo. Some zoos are under the management of the Ministry of Forestry and Grassland, and some are under the management of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. These zoos managed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development are not allowed to perform animal performances because the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has relevant regulations. The forestry and grassland department and the cultural and tourism department manage these zoos, and there can be animal performances, because there are no relevant regulations.

Yang Yi also pointed out that although the animals are generally under the control of the forestry and grassland department, as long as there is no trading, injuring people, escaping, etc., it is difficult for the forestry and grassland department to supervise the usual breeding and zoo operations without accidents.

It pointed out that the mainland's Wildlife Protection Law prohibits poaching, killing and eating wild animals in the wild, but cannot protect animals in zoos. In February 2002, Liu Haiyang, a student in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, injured five bears with sulfuric acid at the Beijing Zoo. In the end, Liu Haiyang was convicted of intentional destruction of property. In view of his consistent excellent character and learning, and his remorse after the incident, it was decided to waive criminal punishment.

"There is an Animal Welfare Law in foreign countries, and if the zoo fails to meet the relevant conditions, it will be closed or even closed, and the relevant legal representative and supervisor must bear legal responsibility." Yang Yi said.

According to Yang Yi, the Animal Welfare Law covers farm animals, laboratory animals, family animals and animals kept in captivity in zoos. He called for an Animal Welfare Law, "We are missing this piece, and that's why this is happening." There are also many incidents of cat and dog abuse, which can only be morally condemned at present. ”

Source: The Paper

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