
Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

author:Florist Xiao Qi

In recent years, a plant that is more popular is called "glorious years", we have heard propaganda that its flowering performance is very strong, it can flower thousands of flowers at a time, the so-called flowering of thousands of flowers, that is, from his growth to flower, has been continuously opened to open a thousand flowers, but there are very few people who can really raise it to open a thousand flowers, because when we buy it, there will be deciduous yellow leaves and dead leaves, and it is easy to attract insects, such as whiteflies and other insects, and it is easy to get powdery mildew, which is the most difficult place to raise. If you really want to see it blossom all the time, you have to do something good, because it is more demanding, and I will tell you about it today.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

1. Ventilation

Sunflowers if you are in the greenhouse or open air environment to raise, the probability of raising a good is very large, many people are directly indoors, and even some in the closed balcony with most of the plants together, itself is not ventilated, so it will appear at the bottom of the leaf large area withering, because we have poor ventilation, watering after the soil is dry slowly, the reverse of the humidity will lead to the bottom of the leaves rot and dry, and in the unventilated environment is easy to attract insects, common whiteflies will flood, Not only are they full of them in the glorious years, but they also infect other plants, so this is the worst part.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

Powdery mildew is also easy to breed in an environment without ventilation and humidity, which will eventually lead to the entire plant not being able to bloom a few flowers and finally completely withering. So if you want to raise a good environment, you must have a well-ventilated environment, some flower friends say that I go to open the window for ventilation, or add an electric fan? If there is no convective wind, you do not raise sunflowers well, it is not recommended to raise, it belongs to a hybrid variety, more difficult to raise than other ordinary sunflowers, this is where he is most difficult to deal with.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

2. Illumination

Do sunflowers need to be maintained in full sunlight? This is certain, if there is a lack of light, it will not flower, some flower friends put in a place to see half a day of light, so it is not suitable for him, must do full sunshine maintenance, even in summer do not lack light, only sufficient light, its side branches have a strong ability to grow, flowering performance will be strong. If there is a lack of light in the whole maintenance process, it will grow slender branches, the leaf spacing will be widened, and finally the leaves under the whole branch will all wither after several times, and the flowering performance will be completely weakened.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

3, fertilizer water supply

We all know that he has been continuously open, even if you are buying a small seedling, the seedling can also open non-stop, so we want to raise well, we must keep up with the fertilizer, because he has been flowering to consume a lot of nutrients, which requires us to choose the right fertilizer, some flower friends will directly use nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced, although what elements are contained, can also continue to grow, but he will grow slowly, flowering performance will weaken, so to choose a high content of phosphorus, other elements are not missing, Our common flower more than two can be, and to sprinkle some organic multi-element fertilizer on the surface of the potting soil, such as slow fertilization, such as fermented cow dung and sheep manure, so as to ensure its normal growth, thick trunk, large leaves, strong flowering performance. It is generally recommended that you replenish it once every ten days or so, so that he can get enough nutrients.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

4. Trim reasonably

Sunflower it is as long as the branches grow side buds, side buds can then flower, but there are many flowers in the process of raising flowers after the flowering is not cut off in time, after the flowering is not pruned, pruning is not appropriate, and finally its side branches grow a lot, but crooked seven twists and turns are not good at all, flowering performance will be weakened, so we must master the method of pruning. Generally, after the sunflower has finished flowering, it is not just to cut off the residual flowers, but to prune the branches after each bloom, and retain the two to three pairs of leaves at the bottom, so that the side buds that grow under it are close to the bottom, and the nutrients are sufficient, and the flowering will bloom well.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

If a branch grows very long and grows ten side buds at once, can you imagine that it can supply? Definitely not, we want to be long-lasting flowering, not a bloom, but in his whole process will grow some twigs, thin branches of weak branches found to cut off in time, do not let it flower, because the flowers that bloom from these branches are also very small, as long as he is growing in his bloom, every time he blooms, he must be pruned, but also cut off some large leaves on the surface of the pot soil close to the soil surface, so that the soil surface can see the light, so that the soil can be quickly dried and wet, and the bottom leaves will not rot and wither.

Most people think that the "glorious years" are good-looking, and there are not many good ones that are really raised because it is demanding

Want to raise the glorious years, these things must be done well, and to ensure that the temperature is appropriate, as long as the temperature is not less than 15 degrees, it can ensure normal growth, the flowers do not stop, it is not afraid of high temperature, afraid of low temperatures, and the glorious years we raise are not the seedlings sown with seeds, most of them are through the branches to cut cuttings, although he can flower, but the cuttings themselves are herbs, flowering performance will be very weak, if the seedlings sown with seeds, she continues to raise the resistance of the entire plant is very strong, Because its root system is developed, it can continue to open, it is not easy to have problems in your home, but the root system of the whole plant is relatively weak, and the flowering performance is strong and consumes more nutrients, and finally there will be problems. So if you want to raise the glorious years, it is best to buy seedlings, you can also buy seeds to sow, it is better than the cuttings you buy to raise, the flowering performance will be stronger.

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