
What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

author:Da Cong watching a movie

If "Alien" is a pioneering ground that hides the metaphor of sex, then many people in "Alien 2" should be able to see that the film is reminiscent of the Vietnam War, regardless of the time of creation, as well as the costumes of the warriors, etc.

This is also confirmed in cameron's subsequent interviews.

Of course, there will be people here who will take the so-called metaphors and symbols of the film as an over-interpreted existence, not necessarily what you have in mind, just a word.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

In the 1970s and 1980s, Hollywood was deeply affected by the 20-year Vietnam War, and anti-war sentiment was unprecedentedly high, resulting in many film and television works about the background of the Vietnam War.

Among them are Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Shell", Oliver Stone's Vietnam War trilogy, and Francesse. Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Michael. Cimino's The Deer Hunter, Barry. Vincent Lee's "Good Morning, Vietnam", Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" and so on.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

Therefore, under the background of "Alien 2" in that era, the whole story was also more or less rendered as a metaphor for the theme of the Vietnam War.

From the most superficial point of view, the shape of the soldier in the film has the appearance of an American soldier in the Vietnam War, especially the short-haired female soldier in the film, and the red cloth on her head is consistent with the classic shape in "Deer Hunter".

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

The graffiti on the weapons and uniforms in the film is also very close to the equipment style of the Vietnam War, and the element setting of the musket is the most common weapon in the Vietnam War.

So we can also see that although the film is set in the distant future, Cameron did not want to create such a future more imaginative and interesting, but was full of old reality, and the way and words between the characters were closer to the state of the soldiers in that era, especially during the Vietnam War.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

Let's talk deeply about the story setting, the first fuse and driving force in the story of Alien 2 is caused by the most primitive colonial driving force of The Company of Welen Yutani.

Driven by interests and desires, the company ventured out of Ripley's message to explore unknown aliens, which led to more dangers and casualties.

The Marine Corps in the film represents an offensive symbol of the US military, and the lair of aliens and aliens also symbolizes the unfathomable battlefield of Vietnam to some extent.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

For the U.S. military, they have more advanced weapons, better equipped soldiers, richer tactics and strategies, etc., no matter from which point of view, the U.S. military seems to be able to defeat the alien.

Just as the Vietnam War began, the United States thought it could end the Vietnam War in a very short period of time and go home for Christmas.

But the U.S. military in the Vietnam War is like the soldiers in the film, as the soldiers go deep into the alien lair, they face an invisible opponent.

This is like the middle and late Vietnam War, the Vietnamese battlefield is wet, sweltering, and similar to the alien nest.

Most importantly, the U.S. military in the middle and late stages of the Vietnam War faced the same fear and confusion of the unknown quagmire in the film, which made the U.S. military deeply trapped in it.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

Talking about this, I must state that "Alien 2" in the interpretation of the political metaphor, in the final analysis, is an anti-war proposition, so what is said above is a symbolic expression, full of irony and reflection on the Vietnam War, so it is not that the Vietnamese people represent the Alien, after all, the Alien is a non-human alien creature, so here is only describing some of the connections between the State of the Vietnam War and the film.

Cameron talked in the audio commentary that the character of Ripley is more like a veteran in the Vietnamese battlefield, suffering from severe PTSD syndrome, and her fear of aliens in the film has since made her plant a knot in her heart, so she must return to the "battlefield" to eliminate the root of her fear.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

And the film also shows that if Ripley does not return to the alien battlefield, life, career and mental state, there is a significant gap, poor and poor, unable to face normal life.

Such character building, in other Vietnam War-themed film and television works, has a more obvious and strong expression, such as Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver", as well as Stallone's "First Blood", these works are very typical such a persona, the protagonist returned to the United States from the Vietnam battlefield, suffered from exclusion and PTSD syndrome, several years of battlefield experience, so that they can not find their place in normal life and work, it seems that returning to the battlefield to realize their life value, extremely ironic.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

Talk about this, don't think that this is my wishful thinking to help Cameron dig out the so-called political metaphor, I expanded another Cameron as a screenwriter, "First Blood 2", and I can see how similar Ripley and Rambo are.

In "First Blood 2", Rambo broke out after being ostracized and misunderstood by everyone in the first part, and then went to jail, but his rich experience in the Vietnam War was appreciated, and then the US military boss found him and rearranged Rambo to return to Vietnam for a mission.

Rambo was very familiar with Vietnam, fighting one hundred enemies, but gradually realized that this mission was basically a conspiracy of his superiors, so he vigorously fought back against the people who betrayed him!

Did you see that the story structure of "First Blood 2" is not very similar to "Alien 2", and the encounter between Rambo and Ripley is not very similar, they both need to return to the "battlefield" to achieve self-worth. The bosses of the two movies actually hide hidden secrets.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation

At the end of Alien 2, although Ripley narrowly defeats the Alien Queen, the only thing left for humanity is the little girl, Ripley, and the wounded soldier. Judging from the whole situation, it is actually a lose-lose ending.

It's like the end of the Vietnam War, the United States withdraws its troops, but from this war, the United States gains something and loses something.

What is the relationship between Alien 2 and First Blood? "Alien 2" Vietnam War metaphor interpretation