
Read "Alien 2" and read this film review!

author:This fat man loves to watch movies

At the age of 80, Ridley Scott began to play God, using the light and shadow of the film as a container, turning the story and the script into dirt, and then gently blowing on it, the life that broke out of the cocoon was called "Alien"!

He said, "Let there be light here!" Then the light appeared, followed by magical spaceships, greedy roots-seeking humans, self-destructive human creator engineers, strange planets, cold and damp, like hell, like graves.

Ridley Scott's "Creation" plan can already be seen in the first Prometheus of the Alien, and in the "Covenant" sent this year, his purpose of creating a god has been blatant!

Alien: Covenant is definitely not a simple killing space monster thriller, but a film history bible of allegories about the demise of mankind.

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Although there are some edits that filter out the bloody and brutal picture, under the masterful scene scheduling and atmospheric rendering, Alien: Covenant has a tremorous sense of fear.

The sense of oppression that rises again and again, screaming in despair, exhausting in suffocation, and uneasiness that completely loses faith constantly stimulates the audience's nerves and destroys your psychological defenses.

This is just a superficial killing of the mental surface, and when you fully understand Ridley Scott's intentions, you will sweat and panic, because he uses this story to tell that the existence of human beings is just a play, and the demise of human beings is close at hand.

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Creation is destruction! Desire is hell!

Be sure to watch the opening scene of Alien: Covenant with twelve spirits. This scene directly follows the theme and completes the character psychology of the film's protagonist, David the Cyborg played by Michael Fassbinder.

The creator of the cyborgs, Weyland, let him choose his own name, and after the cyborgs saw david, who was regarded as one of the finest male human statues in the history of Western art, chose his own name, he called himself David, and he gave himself a symbol of existence.

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Then His Creator began to test Him, to make Him walk, to let Him play with feelings, to make his own choices, to let Him create.

Weyland graciously told David that he was his father, that he had created him, and that he was proud of David's "perfection."

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At this time, David asked a creative question, a question that robot cyborgs would not ask, and he asked: Father, you created me, so who created you?

Who am I? Where am I from? Where will I go?

These three questions are the ultimate philosophical propositions of mankind.

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At first, Weyland was able to answer thoughtfully, but when David began to question the existence of humanity and the choice of the human Creator, Weyland was furious.

But he did not want to show the fragility and doubt in his heart, did not want to admit that human beings, like David himself, could be nothing more than a test object, an accidental, meaningless creation.

Weyland did not accuse David, but sat upright like a king, in a tone of strong command, and asked David to pour himself tea.

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David read out Weyland's subtext. He re-manifested himself as a machine, serving his Creator, mankind.

But at this moment, he had a question in his heart, an idea had sprouted, he wanted to be the Creator, he wanted to be the God who could command everything!

In the film Alien: Covenant, Wagner's famous song "The Gods Enter the Hall of Heroes" is mentioned many times, which is highly in line with the film's main control idea:

At the end of the gods, the fire burns the temple of heroes, and the flames will cleanse the ring and return it to the hands of the maiden of the Rhine.

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The God here is the human being who created the cyborg man.

The Hall of Heroes is the colonist spaceship in the film, covenant.

The flames are a metaphor for the havoc of aliens on humanity and the Engineer of humanity's Creator.

The new Creator, the Maiden of the Rhine, is the conceited cyborg David!

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The story of Alien: Covenant continues prometheus, and 10 years later, the new human colonization spaceship Covenant is on its way to its destination, and halfway through, the ship encounters electromagnetic waves.

The dormant crew is awakened. During the accident, the captain was trapped in the dormant bunker and burned alive. (The captain is played by James Frank, who also dedicated his shortest cameo role, presumably a die-hard fan of the Alien!) )

The leaderless and incompetent oram becomes the captain, who lacks confidence and poor ability to resist pressure, which lays the groundwork for the direction of the story.

The entire Compact ship has thousands of space colonists and tens of thousands of embryos of Earth species. It's a living world in a cold room. A pantheon without thawing!

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Just as the crew was repairing the Contract, they received a mysterious message from outer space, a folk song symbolizing human civilization, which made the new captain oram ecstatic. He decided to change his itinerary and find out.

The story divide has been widened.

A group of people land on a mysterious planet.

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There is a natural environment suitable for human survival, and there is wheat, a plant plant of human civilization.

These surprise discoveries made the crew extremely excited, maybe this is the colony they are looking for.

What they thought was the new paradise was nothing more than an old tomb.

It turns out that Dr. Shaw in Prometheus finally piloted the engineer's spaceship to this planet, and this planet is the place where the human creators and engineers live.

The crew is walking step by step into hell.

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David had been waiting for them here for a long time, and he needed to use humans to breed alien embryos again, and he finally found an opportunity to make him the Creator.

To become a god, you must first kill the old god.

David spent ten years studying the evolution of alien embryos, and the final step was pure human genes, and he needed the human body to hatch a perfect "god-killing" weapon, the alien.

The fire that David burned in the Hall of Heroes was the new alien he had created.

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Subsequently, the film enters the genre mode of exploration, discovery, escape, and duel. The big reversal in the ending is expected to make the audience sweat.

Alien: The Covenant's mastering ideas are layered and biblically expansive. At the same time, the film also tells the audience what is called master-level fear and oppression!

In order to leave suspense for fans, I will only reveal one scene and interpret what is the top scheduling.

When the crew first encountered the Alien.

Foreplay has already told the audience about the infections that the two crew members may have suffered.

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The time bomb has been placed underfoot, and everyone is waiting for it to explode, and this uneasiness has quietly scratched the wounds on the nerve endings of the audience.

The next part is to inject a potion of fear into the wound, injecting a sense of horror directly into the audience's nerve flow.

In the climactic scene, Ridley Scott uses a fast-paced parallel clip.

He first brought the scene of the ship gradually getting out of control, the alien was ready to break out of the belly, the two female crew members were out of control, and the emotions were suddenly pulled up to the peak. Closed ship silos, isolated women, mysterious and dangerous aliens! The first sense of oppression struck.

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At the same time, outside the ship, an infected crew member began to attack, trembling like a half-evil crew, shocking everyone, and then there was a ritual alien hatching scene, everyone was stunned, and more than one, the alien began to attack in the dark, hidden, dangerous grass.

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Two crises detonate the plot at the same time. The two emotions collide with each other, directly setting off the climax of the story.

In a dizzying high-intensity stimulus, Ridley Scott shows mastery control, without the slightest confusion, is constantly using alien attacks, human panic and despair, creating a climax of the plot.

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This section of scheduling and scenes definitely makes the audience feel like a needle felt, and it is not lightly frightened!

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After watching, some fans said that the strange friend sitting next to him did not feel that he had grabbed his hand!

Alien: Covenant has several intense scenes.

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The doomsday scene of David driving a spaceship to sow a virus and instantly devour and destroy the human creator and engineer is almost like hell.

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Afterwards, that huge tomb, thousands of corpses, was definitely a reproduction of hell.

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In Alien: Covenant, Ridley Scott also pays tribute to his first work. He specially chose the blue color of the film, which gave people a cold feeling.

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In the final climactic moment, the closed fierce battle inside the spaceship, the alien's exposed tail teasing the crew of the Mandarin duck bath, and the alien egg blooming into a flower of terror evokes the collective memory of the alien fans.

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The film ends in "The Gods Enter the Hall of Heroes", a huge reversal. When the fact of the destruction of mankind is in front of us, a chill in the spine and a feeling of utter despair arise.

The lights come on, giving people a sense of being spared.

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The gods created the engineers to create humans, but because they accidentally created the alien virus, they invited the disaster of extinction.

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Humans created cyborgs who thought they could control, and as a result developed an independent-thinking David borrowed the alien virus, borrowed the body of the Creator, and created his work of God, while destroying both Creators.

Engineers and humans alike pride themselves on God, performing the power of creation, and where do they know that this is digging their own graves!

Ridley Scott's Alien series already has the ambitions of a new age bible, telling where humans come from while predicting their end.

According to the current construction of his story, human beings, whether they are born or future, are tragic, and they are all moving towards death step by step.

The first and second parts buried a huge pit, waiting for his third part to fill it!