
The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation

author:Just around

Without Grapes of Wrath,

There will be no Kite Chaser!

—Called Al-Husseini

The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation

Grapes of Wrath is set against the backdrop of the Great Depression of the American Sandstorm of the 1930s.

It tells the story of the sandstorm raging,

The land no longer belongs to the peasants, and the machine replaces the peasants,

People have to sell their property,

The story of a car that can hit the road is pieced together.

They're going to go all the way west,

Go to the legendary "California where the reach is the grape",

Follow Route Sixty-Six.

The protagonist, Jodd's family, is also in the westbound queue, and Jodd has killed someone by mistake.

When he was released from prison on parole, he joined his family and rushed to the place of hope.

The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation

The simple and extravagant vision of the poor

Grandpa longed to sleep in grape oranges after going to California, but hesitated to leave.

It was the land he had loved all his life and cultivated all his life!

He can't go! To die is to die in this land.

The land on which it has lived for generations is gone?

The family persuaded him not to do so, so he had to play a little clever trick to trick the determined old man into the car.

However, at the beginning of the journey, Grandpa fell down as the spiritual pillar of the family.

There is no scenery funeral just a decent rule, spend a little money, let the old man leave with dignity.

A sunny thunderbolt of hope

The hope of the whole family is on the west side!

On the way, I met someone who broke the bubble of hope - as a person who came over and told them,

Been to California, there

Overcrowded, with little work and great competition,

There are also people who work a day just to get a loaf of bread.

On a thunderclap of a sunny day, the Jodd family didn't believe it was a lie.

There is the only hope for all,


Leave your homeland and live.

You see, there are leaflets as proof.

Who would pay to print these deceptive leaflets?

Besides, flyers also cost money.

There must be work to be done,

With a job, there is money,

Where there is money, there is bread,

If there is bread slowly, there will be no house...

The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation

The mother's thorns in the midst of suffering

Jodd's mother was an ordinary housewife,

She was firmly tasked with guiding, and she knew there was no turning back.

It is impossible to survive if you return to your homeland and keep the land – the capitalists say that the land is theirs.

Then go ahead!

Firmly believe in the goal, bravely face the difficult situation,

Deal with all kinds of separations without chaos.

The limbs desire labor labor labor

They're all hungry for work and hungry for food, and California has arrived!

This is indeed what it looks like in legend,

There are fruit trees and cotton everywhere, and that is work!

Job? Job? Job!

But where does it work?

Wading through the mountains and wading,

Those bosses asked if they would do the work, and everyone rushed up.

At the beginning of 5 yuan for 1 hour, the bidding became 2 yuan,

The last dozen hours of work only asked for a few faces to wrap the belly!

Don't do it?

If you don't do it, then leave, there are still tens of thousands of people waiting outside to come in and pick cotton and grapes.

The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation


This book shows us the Great Depression under the United States,

How the poor are wrapped up in the tide of the times step by step and continue to move forward,

Constant failure,

Keep trying.

Those farmers took the mountains of orange grapes and burned them,

Bury the pigs alive,

In order to maintain the price of these things.

And there are thousands of wanderers who starve to death because they can't eat,

Even the grapes became "angry".

Space is limited, thank you for watching.

Highly recommend this Douban 9.1 score novel.

The grapes of anger – the most basic needs of man, the body longing for labor, the heart longing for creation

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