
Remember that everyone is an "island keeper"

author:Nine factions view the world

"Today, the courier brother sent us a courier, and we are very happy." On September 27, Sun Cundong, a militiaman guarding the island on Kaishan Island in Guanyun County, received the first express delivery on the island, which also marked the full logistics coverage of 302 administrative villages in Guanyun County.

Since the study and education of party history was launched, Guanyun County has organized the broad masses of party members to carry forward the spirit of defending the island and defending the country and making patriotic contributions, centering on a red axis, a red family letter, a real-world party lesson, a practical matter for the people, and a "red landmark" to carry out "infiltration" party lesson education, and educate and guide grassroots party members to learn party history, understand ideology, do practical things, and open up a new situation. "Although everyone's position is different, everyone should always remember that the first identity is a Communist Party member, the party's cause should always be in their hearts, and everyone is a 'island keeper' in their own post." Su Feng, secretary of the Guanyun County Party Committee, said.

Party building leads and walks out of the road of rural revitalization

Many villages in Guanyun County have a weak economic foundation, the project lacks start-up funds, it is difficult to apply for a loan from the bank, and it is difficult to land a good project. In this regard, the Organization Department of the county party committee took the lead in convening relevant departments, and successively held 6 forums and opinion meetings to study how to open up the "last kilometer" of the collective economic development of inclusive financial service villages and guide financial living water to irrigate rural depressions. Specially set up the financial product of "Fumin Xing Village Loan", established a three-level examination and handling work mechanism at the county, town and village levels, and strictly implemented the examination and handling process, which maximized the feasibility of the loan project, reduced the risk of lending, and solved the worries of banks participating in agricultural and rural loans. At present, the "Fumin Xing Village Loan" has been extended to 44 villages in 7 towns and streets, directly or indirectly driving nearly 50 village collective projects.

Rural revitalization is inseparable from the support of characteristic industries. On the afternoon of September 28, the e-commerce public service center of The Keqi E-commerce Live Broadcasting Industrial Park in Guanyun County, the first net red e-commerce live broadcast competition "dressage" was held. In recent years, the e-commerce industry in 13 towns and streets of Guanyun County has shown a good development pattern of a hundred flowers, and e-commerce has become an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of the Guanyun industry and high-quality economic development. In terms of characteristic cultivation, Guanyun County has deeply cultivated the theme of clothing e-commerce, forming a relatively complete characteristic clothing e-commerce industry chain, there are currently more than 1,000 manufacturers of a certain scale, more than 5,000 active online stores, and directly drive the employment of more than 50,000 local people.

Respond to everything and adhere to the "island" of people's happiness

On September 1, the teaching area of Yunhu Experimental Primary School in Guanyun County was officially put into use, which solved the problem of "going to school far" for children in several villages around Dongcheng District. This is a scene of Guanyun County's party history study and education "I do practical things for the masses", and this autumn semester also opened for enrollment in the fourth phase of the new district real primary school project and the Isi nine-year school project, which can provide 8340 standard degrees for the county and urban areas, effectively alleviating the problem of large class sizes in compulsory education in the county and urban areas.

Walking into Wafang Village, Shizhuang Street, surrounded by green trees, flowers competing, and the villas are neatly planned. "Now Wafang Village has become more beautiful, the villagers have become richer, and our rural people's life is getting more and more comfortable." Sun Ruyun, a septuagenarian in the 2nd group of Wafang Village in Shizhuang Street, said happily.

Safeguard and enhance people's livelihood and well-being, and effectively respond to people's livelihood concerns. Since the beginning of this year, the Guanyun County Party Committee has organized party members and cadres in the county to go deep into the grass-roots level to visit and investigate, 78 participating units have visited 3688 households, and a total of 3917 opinions have been solicited from the grass-roots masses, and after careful sorting, 27 lists of "I do practical things for the masses" projects at the county level have been published, and 2315 projects of "I do practical things for the masses" have been collected by various participating units, clarifying the project list, task list, responsibility list, and completion time limit, and promoting the normalization and institutionalization of "I do practical things for the masses".

Television asks about politics, forming a closed chain of "three questions" supervision

Since the beginning of this year, the Guanyun County Discipline Inspection Commission has started with the education, medical care, parking, funeral, and other issues that the masses are most concerned about, combined with the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses," asked questions on television, and let the responsible persons of departments "sweat," forming a closed chain of "three questions" supervision and closure of "asking for government affairs, accountability, and effectiveness," thus creating a good environment for enterprises to start businesses with peace of mind and for the masses to live and work in peace and contentment.

By standardizing the management of the funeral industry, the funeral expenses of the masses have been reduced by 60% to 70%, and the experience and practices have been affirmed and promoted by the provincial and municipal discipline inspection commissions; through the standardization and rectification of pension institutions, the contradiction in the supply of old-age services has been solved, the number of beds has increased by 60%, and the utilization rate of beds has increased by 42%; through the special governance of school canteens, the implementation of "sunshine distribution" of food raw materials has promoted the price of student meals to drop by 20%; through the special governance of the problem of "difficult to see a doctor and expensive for illness", promote the construction of clean and honest hospitals. Achieve "one rise and one drop" in the management service level of medical and health institutions and the burden of medical treatment for patients.

In addition, we have implemented systems such as leaders' package visits and listing supervision, changed "waiting for visits" to "appointment visits, sinking visits", explored and implemented mechanisms for petitioners to participate in the investigation of difficult and complicated letters and petitions, and truly investigated each letter and petition as a case clue. In the first half of this year alone, 152 cases of letters and petitions were transferred to Guanyun County, and the transfer rate reached 65.5%, ranking the forefront of Lianyungang City; the verification rate of provincial and municipal cases and the rate of reporting and closing on schedule were 100%.

□ Reporter Cheng Changchun, Liu Huiyang, correspondent Xia Xingjian

【Source: Xinhua Daily】

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