
Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method


The first time, Chinese translation. Read the Chinese translation of the English classic, experience the character characteristics, character relationships, storyline, contradiction climax, and check the favorite chapters to prepare for the later English reading.

The second time, book reviews. After reading the Chinese translation, you can search and view it on the Internet, and five to ten book reviews will help you understand it in depth. The layman looks at the bustle, and the insider looks at the doorway. Hilarity is "plot", and doorway is "human nature". The ultimate goal of literature is to excavate and experience human nature.

The third time, the original English version. You can go from simple to complex, from shallow to deep, and compare Chinese translations to experience the differences and similarities between Chinese and English expressions.

The fourth time, after reading. It can be written Chinese, and when English cannot reach the level of native language, the training process of thinking style and language expression is completed with Chinese.

The fifth time, famous film and television drama. People who have read famous books will have an image understanding of the characters, stories, plots, etc. of the works, revisit the classics, and obtain aesthetic enjoyment from vivid images; and can make people consciously explore deeper ideological beauty and artistic beauty in the process of secondary or multiple readings.

Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method
Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method
Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method
Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method
Reading Strategies for Classic English Novels - The Five-Pass Reading Method

Recommended English classic reading for high school students:

1. Little Woman

2. Pride and Prejudice

3.the Great Gatsby

4.A Farewell to Arms

5. East of Eden

6.the Count of Monte Cristo

7. Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)

8. Great Expectations

9.the Grapes of Wrath

10. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

11.The Scarlet Letter

12.Les Miserables (Miserables)

13. Sense and Sensibility

14.One Hundred Years of Solitude

15.A Tale of Two Cities (《双城记》)

16.the Hobbit

17. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

18. Wuthering Heights

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