
Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

author:Maple view

In the world of villains, there is a clear rule: Don't fight with Jackie Chan in the furniture city.

The protagonist of today's film, also known as another "furniture city god of war", uses electric drills, hammers and nails to destroy a Russian gangster.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

Denzel Washington starred in "The Wrongdoer.".

The protagonist, McCall, is an agent who elaborates the illusion of his own death and breaks away from his previous life.

Living alone after the death of his wife, he lived a life of strict self-discipline, working in the Furniture City during the day and reading in a café at night.

In addition to being too solitary, the whole person is like a most calm and kind neighbor uncle, helpful and rarely angry.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

In order to save a prostitute who was forced into prostitution, McCall negotiated with a Russian gangster, and after the defeat, the group wiped out the entire point of the people, and thus provoked the gangster's revenge.

After a series of wits, the McCall Regiment destroyed the killers sent by the gang headquarters, and killed the old nest by the way, resulting in the gang boss.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

This is a decent story, in addition to the unique characters, the plot is actually not brilliant. But Denzel Washington did a good job of portraying a calm, elegant, violent agent.

Precise obsessive-compulsive killer

His fights are accurate to the second, and he has his own set of behaviors for violence.

From the beginning of the film, the introduction of the environment tells others that he is a self-disciplined person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the bed is neat, the furniture is simple, and he is meticulous.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

The same is true when drinking coffee, the edges of the books are aligned with the table, the cups and spoons are neatly arranged, and the tea bags are folded. (Don't ask me why I come to the coffee shop for tea bags)

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

And these foreshadowings were reflected again when he first killed people. The door was closed three times repeatedly, the calculation time was a total of 16 seconds, each action was not wasted, there was no mud and water, everything came as planned.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

He can control not only the outcome of the win, but also the process of winning.

This may be the result of well-trained, an agent after years of homicide training, has a wealth of experience, can control any scene, the details to every prop, every action, very purposeful.

The two males duel, not abiding by the rules may not win

But I'm more inclined to another interpretation, which is that he's a guy with obsessive-compulsive traits.

The screenwriter gives the protagonist such a persona, just like giving him a human weakness that must be followed: the killing machine will not have compassion, and having sensibility is the characteristic of this character that distinguishes it from other violent machines.

This is reflected in his exchange with the villain killer Nikolai:

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

His procedural behavior was already part of himself. So when we see him with both cruel and cold-blooded violence and helpful warm moments, it doesn't feel abrupt.

Corresponding to this is the behavior of the villain killer Nikolai: McCall is precise and effective, violence is the means; Nikolai is crazy and chaotic, violence is the end.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

The effect is the same, they all understand how to kill effectively, and even in terms of ability is close to the same level.

Beasts in cages

He is a trained war machine in his own right and does not reject violence. Therefore, when this war machine is put into the warmth of society, the contrast formed gives people a different experience.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

Perhaps to maintain this sense of contrast, McCall did not fire a single shot in the entire play, or solve the opponent with his bare hands, or use the tools around him to turn seemingly innocuous daily necessities into murderous weapons.

In particular, the final furniture city fight took a full half an hour. McCall transformed the Furniture City into a battlefield full of traps, and the common furniture became a murderous weapon in McCall's hands. The shelves became trenches, the wrenches became weapons, and the nails and drills were guns and ammunition.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

Real life is the cage that regulates our behavior. In the film, McCall is a caged beast, but he is the beast that wins the battle in the jungle and voluntarily stays in the cage.

This contrast makes this character tense and tense, become rich and three-dimensional, and especially give the audience imagination space.

He is connected to real society and is not one of the kinds of people we can meet in our lives. Like the heroes that each of us has fantasized about becoming, this movie turns the imagination that everyone has in their daily lives into a person.

Violent and calm: Don't mess with me in the Furniture City. "The Wrongdoer"

Or even if you don't expect to be someone like McCall, you'll definitely want to have a friend like that.

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