
The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

author:A two-dimensional conan jr

Although the main characters of "Finding Nemo" are fish living in the ocean, they indirectly reflect the protection and love of parents in the human world for their children.

The love of parents for their children is a kind of selfless love, no matter how many hardships and obstacles they experience, they must save the precious children in their lives. The love of father Marin for his son Nemo does not represent the love of human beings for their children.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

Parents are overprotective of their children

At the beginning of Finding Nemo, Marlin, the father of the clownfish, has an excessive love for his child Nemo, and it is precisely because of what Marin has experienced before that Marin is very sensitive to everything around him, believing that only their home coral bush is the safest, and other places are full of crises. Therefore, after losing his wife, Marin could not lose his son Nemo again, so he could only teach him over and over again how to protect himself, but did not dare to really let Nemo face the future practice alone. This led Nemo to have a rebellious mentality toward his father's protection, and to desire everything in the outside world even more.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

Marlin's protection, far from protecting Nemo, provoked Nemo's inner rebellion. Until Nemo went to kindergarten, Nemo was very happy, he could finally explore the outside world alone with his friends, after all, Nemo had not looked at the outside world since he was a child until he was in kindergarten, and his main area of activity was the coral bush where they were and his father's side. As a kindergarten teacher, Ray wants to take these children to explore the depths of the sea, but is strongly opposed by his father Marlin, who has always protected him, and his father Marlin believes that this kind of overprotectiveness is the most important love.

Therefore, he was very much opposed to the teacher taking the children on expeditions, especially with Nemo. Seeing that the other children could go on expeditions and play under the guidance of the teacher, Nemo was very angry, and he became bored with his father's overprotectiveness, so he swam out of the water alone and wanted to explore alone. Unexpectedly, Nemo's rebellion led to him being captured by humans and locked in an aquarium in the human realm.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

Father Marin embarks on the road to salvation

Father Marin was not so careful at the beginning, because his wife was eaten by fish, so he had a very dangerous mood for his relatives, and always felt that he had an obligation to protect the people he loved. If they are not overly protective, they will leave again, just like their own wives. Fortunately, the wife left Marlin with their son Nemo before leaving, and Marin must protect the other party in order to prevent his son from leaving him like his wife.

After Nemo was captured by humans, Marin did not flinch, but bravely embarked on the journey. Marin is very afraid of everything in the ocean, but he has dived into the deep sea for his son that he has never experienced before, met his friend Dolly, and encountered various difficulties. Everything was dangerous for Marin, who didn't want to go through it, but in order to save his son, he had to embark on this journey. So, although Marin was overprotective of his son Nemo, this overprotection came from genuine love.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

Clever Nemo

Although Nemo has always been well protected by his father, has no reverence for the outside world and humans, and does not know that the ocean is full of dangers, it is precisely because of this spirit of the newborn calf that he is not afraid of tigers, so he chooses to bravely jump out of the human aquarium and return to his father's side. With the help of the fish and animals, Nemo learned that Marin had stepped out of the coral bushes in search of his son, and the story had spread throughout the streets, and all the fish and marine life basically knew about it. Thus he finally understood the father's love of gain and loss, although this love seemed a little too careful, but the father did love his son. It also inspired Nemo to bravely jump out of the human aquarium, so much so that with the help of the fish, Nemo was accidentally flushed into the toilet and returned to the ocean.

Among the fish that swim against the current, Nemo and Marin finally meet. Dolly and other fish friends who helped them are also remembered. About this adventure, we also deeply realized that although Marin and Nemo have mistakes, they are very much in love with the family and love each other.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

Correction of overprotectiveness

After experiencing this difficult and dangerous obstacle, Marin finally understood that his protection of his son was not just blindly locking him in the coral bush, he needed to face the world alone, face growth alone. After all, Nemo could not live under the protection of his father Marin all the time, and if one day his father died, perhaps Nemo would face the world alone.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

At that time, if Nemo does not have survival skills, if he does not have the ability to face the future alone, perhaps he will live a very hard life. After this difficult time, his father, Marin, finally corrected his habit of overprotectiveness, and he felt that even if he experienced setbacks and suffering, he should not impose this emotion on Nemo. Nemo, as a unique child, also needs his own growth and friends.

At the end of the story, Father Marin allows Nemo to follow the kindergarten teacher and the other children on a deep-sea expedition. Marin believed that Nemo was so clever that he would be able to protect himself in future expeditions, not to mention the protection of his teacher.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

The selfless love of parents

Marin's overprotectiveness of Nemo was a mistake, but that false love reflected a kind of selflessness. The only person in the world who can love you without hesitation is your parents, and this connection between blood and flesh and blood is the cornerstone that supports this family affection.

The most selfless love in the world comes from our parents

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