
"Finding Nemo 2" began to set a box office record for animated films in the history of North American cinema


Xinhua News Agency Los Angeles, June 19 (Reporter Zhang Chaoqun) Disney's Pixar Animation Studios produced a new animation work "Finding Nemo 2: Where Did Dolly Go" opened on Father's Day weekend, setting a box office record for an animated film released in North America.

The cartoon opened in 4305 theaters in North America this weekend and sucked up money for 3 days on the weekend. $3.6 billion, the highest-grossing animated film in North American cinema history for the opening weekend, set a single-day box office record of $54.9 million on Friday's release.

The first "Finding Nemo" film was released in 2003 and grossed $70.2 million on its first weekend, and the "late" sequel nearly doubled its revenue over the same period as the previous one.

On the first day, moviegoers gave "Finding Nemo 2" a high "A" rating, and film critics also gave the film a 95% movie recommendation value. According to statistics, the ratio of male and female audiences to the theater is 45 to 55. More than 65% of all viewers were family-based viewers, and 32% were under 12 years of age alone.

Disney's film business has had a great year in 2016, with Finding Nemo 2 becoming Disney's 11th weekly box office title of the year this week.

At the second place on the list is the comedy "Oolong Agent" produced by Warner Bros. Pictures. Starring popular American comedy star Kevin Hart and Muscle Man Dawn Johnson, the film grossed $34.5 million in 3,508 theaters over three days over the weekend.

Last week's no. 1 horror film "The Conjuring 2" fell more than 61% at the box office this week, and the film's three-day cumulative revenue was only $15.6 million, slipping to third place.

Lionsgate's "Monster 2" and Universal Pictures' Warcraft films ranked fourth and fifth with $9.7 million and $6.5 million, respectively. (End)

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