
A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

author:Don't choose a good film

007 As the most famous secret agent in the movie world, who can play this role means endless prestige and wealth. In 2006, Daniel Craig emerged from hundreds of actors as the latest Bond candidate.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Daniel's competitors include Clive Owen, Hugh Jackman, Colin Farrell and many other great actors who have become famous.

After the casting was announced, the media and fans generally looked down, "New Bond" is not only not famous, but also too short, the appearance is far worse than the predecessor Pierce Brosnan, 37 years old has a wrinkled face.

Not to mention the mediocre appearance, he does not seem to be very talkative.

At the press conference, Daniel Craig did not impress the reporters present, and most of the media believed that it was the most failed casting in the history of the 007 series.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

007: No Time to Die is the 25th installment in the British Longevity Spy Film Series and the last film daniel Craig starred as legendary Agent 007.

At the time of the film's release, Apple TV+, Apple's streaming platform, launched the documentary "Becoming James Bond", which recalled his arduous journey as a 007.

The first feeling of this documentary to Su Mo was "simple", and he had never seen such a documentary.

Daniel sat down with producers Michael Wilson and Barbara Brocco for more than forty minutes, and with the cuts of the film's footage and behind-the-scenes footage, the documentary became.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Several of the main creators did not leave the country from beginning to end, only the voice "starred", which is a bit similar to the comment soundtrack.

So isn't this just putting the podcast show on the screen, the sincerity is slightly insufficient, even more perfunctory than HBO Max's "Friends Reunion Special".

However, the documentary does reveal a lot of exclusive content, allowing the audience to see daniel's difference and the unique charm of this film series that spans nearly 60 years.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Great Battle Casino Royale

Before we begin, let's introduce two important people.

Michael Wilson first served as an assistant director in 1964's Goldfinger, and since 1979's Space City, he has been a filmmaker for films, and has been involved in almost every 007 film since then.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Barbara Broccoli began working as a 007 producer on 1997's Empire of Tomorrow, not as senior as Michael, but also experienced two Bond terms, Brosnan and Craig.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

After starring in four Bond films, Pierce Brosnan officially removed the 007 title in "Die on a Chosen Day", and finding the next Bond became the most difficult task facing the two producers.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Barbara and Michael have long followed Daniel's performances, from "Our Friends in the North" to "Tomb Raider" to "Elizabeth", although they have played more supporting roles, but in the eyes of the two, Daniel's every appearance is full of charm.

After the audition, Daniel, who has been in the literary film for many years, has a rough image in his elegance, which is very suitable for the new Bond in "Casino Royale", and soon became the best candidate in the eyes of the two producers.

Casino Royale is different from every 007 film by Pierce Brosnan, this episode is more intense, the fight design is more realistic, and it has a bit of a "spy-heavy" style.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Interestingly, Matthew Stillman, the third producer of Casino Royale, did serve as the producer of the first installment of Inside Out, and perhaps this stylistic shift was intentional.

More interestingly, the film brought in director Martin Campbell to steer Casino Royale.

This person is also well-known in the field of commercial films, and Brosnan's first appearance in Bond's "GoldenEye" was directed by him and achieved great success.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Later, he also directed Green Lantern starring Little, but that movie staged an epic street fight, and the entire DC Cinematic Universe almost died because of Martin's version of Green Lantern, but that was another story.

When Daniel got the job, he immediately threw himself into rigorous physical training, getting stronger and stronger, and his agile skills made him competent for most of the playing scenes in the series.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

But after the casting was announced, public opinion exploded, saying that his blond hair did not match Bond's, and the next that he was wearing a life jacket in a speedboat, and "Bond" became a coward.

Daniel was famous for the overwhelming media coverage, and the heat was like a double-edged sword.

Although Casino Royale has maintained its exposure during the promotional period, it has not been a positive review.

Angry fans also set up website to vilify Daniel.

The main creative team also feels aggrieved, the movies are still out, how did they start to criticize?

The whole crew seemed to be holding back as if they were fighting chicken blood, vowing to make Daniel the most successful Bond.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The turnaround came when shooting the Beach in the Bahamas, there was a scene where Daniel came out of the sea, and the Reuters photo quickly made headlines, and public opinion turned to praise Daniel for being a perfect figure, looking like a cold-blooded killer, and the most handsome man in the world.

The film premiered in London on 16 November 2006 and received overwhelming praise.

The new work does not repeat the routine of "Choose a Day and Die Again" four years ago, but uses the appearance of New Bond to keep up with the times and boldly innovates, making the standard of spy action movies of the new century.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Daniel brings Bond a richer inner layer, making the character fuller and more three-dimensional.

In particular, his love scene with the heroine played by Eva Green makes Bond show more of an ordinary person's side.

The film achieved unprecedented success in word-of-mouth and business, with a global box office of $616 million, becoming the highest-grossing 007 film at the time, which made people who had not been optimistic about the film shut up.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The Great Quantum of Crisis

But his second 007 film, Quantum of Solace, was in trouble from the start.

The film was shot just in time for the Hollywood writers' strike, when they only had a first draft of the script in their hands, and the story was far from polished.

Coupled with the fact that the director of this episode, Mark Foster, is in danger, the experience of mastering such a large-scale production is quite limited.

Later, although "Quantum of Solitaire" stumbled and finished filming, there were also many spectacular and exquisite bridge designs, but the overall story was not smooth enough.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The cost of the film increased from the previous film's $150 million to 200 million, but the global box office was only $589 million, and the word-of-mouth was much worse than before.

On the other hand, for Daniel Craig personally, from an obscure little man in the British film industry to one of the most famous film actors in the world, frequently appearing on the cover of TV shows and magazines, Daniel began to drift a little.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

There was only two years between Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, and the third film, 2012, was released four years later.

During the gap period, Daniel deliberately pulled himself out of the role of Bond and appeared in films such as Cowboys and Aliens, The Shadow of a Dream House, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

He also co-starred in the stage play "The Continuous Rain" with Hugh Jackman in New York, and yes, hugh Jackman, one of the 007 hot candidates.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

A big sky-shattering killing machine

Four years of preparation made the script more perfect, and Daniel also adjusted his mentality, returned with full blood, and reloaded in the best condition.

2012's "Skyfall" is a special movie on many levels.

The first is the adjustment of the direction of the story, with Ms. Bond Boss Ms. M, played by Judy Dench, saying goodbye to the 007 series in this episode, and Ralph's character will become the new director of MI6.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Several new characters, including Q played by Ben Weshao, appeared in the film, transforming the 007 series from a Bond solo show into a more professional team combat.

In this sense, "Skyfall" is a completely new starting point for the series.

Next up is a comprehensive upgrade of the behind-the-scenes lineup:

Back in 2002's Road to Doom, Sam Mendes had a great time working with Daniel Craig.

During "Breaking the Sky", Daniel recommended Sam Mendes, who won the 72nd Academy Award for Best Director for "American Beauty".

Although the latter lacked experience in big productions, Barbara and Michael agreed to the proposal.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The film's cinematography brought in Roger Deakins, the gold-medal cinematographer of The Shawshank Redemption and The Old Man.

In 2019, Sam and Roger also collaborated again to make a pseudo-one-shot World War I blockbuster "1917".

Coupled with the invitation of Adele to compose music for the film, "Breaking the Sky" rarely invited the Oscar-winning team to shoot a $200 million commercial action blockbuster.

Sam Mendes used his narrative strengths to integrate complex stories into simple plots, completing large scenes well while not forgetting to dig deep into the emotions of the characters, so that "Skyfall" returned to the height of Casino Royale.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The film brought the 007 series to the pinnacle, reaching $1.108 billion at the global box office for the first time and becoming a hit at the Following Year's Oscars.

In addition to the fact that the word of mouth is really hard enough, Daniel appeared at the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games as 007 and played a huge publicity role.

At the same time, this is also the first 007 film released in Chinese mainland, achieving a box office performance of 376 million yuan.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Ghost Party

In 2015, the "Ghost Party" investment was further increased to $245 million, and Sam Mendes returned to the directorship, bringing a more explosive and creative scene than "Skyfall".

There were also many challenges when shooting, the most difficult one being that Daniel Craig broke his leg while shooting.

There are two paths in front of the crew, either the film is stopped for 9 months for Daniel to go to surgery, or the film is finished with a broken leg.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

A film of this size does not mean that it stops and stops, and in the end they finished the whole film with a hard scalp.

The film opens with a classic long shot of Bond walking on a rooftop, where Daniel is in severe pain.

The whole parade scene also had to be redesigned because of his physical condition, using a large number of crowds to cover and quickly cut, so that Bond maintained a sense of mystery and distance from the camera.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

The whole filming process was extremely difficult, but the media did not give too many positive reviews. The main thing is that the plot is not good, the big scenes are loosely put together, compared to the spy series such as "Mission Impossible" is bloated and old-fashioned.

Daniel stepped back from this film, and Ghost Party was his fourth 007 film, in which Pierce Brosnan also played Bond four times.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

During the Ghost Party's campaign, he was interviewed by Time Out magazine. When asked if he wanted to star in another Bond movie, his response was: "Now?" I'd rather break this cup and cut my wrist."

Daniel quickly came forward to repent, saying that he was not sure whether to return to the 007 series.

His explanation was that "Ghost Party" was filmed too hard, and just after the pain was asked about the next movie, "not to act" was just his idea at the time.

In fact, he didn't know if he would act in the next movie.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

It wasn't until 2017, when Daniel participated in the Buckle Bear Late Night Show, that he finally confirmed the return to "Bond 25", that is, "No Time to Die", and made it clear that this was his last Bond movie.

After all, "Ghost Party" is not a success, and he prefers to leave the role at the peak rather than the trough.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the previous statement was because the contract was not negotiated, after all, there have been many news of Daniel's discord with the filmmakers in recent years.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

There is no time to die

Bond's last 007 cost as much as $250 million, and according to a 2018 Variety report, Craig was paid $25 million, not counting the box office share.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

In the last movie, Craig's version of Bond's story is not yet finished, so the story of "No Time to Die" is aimed at giving this version of Bond a complete ending.

Originally, the director was "Guess the Train", "Slumdog Millionaire" and the director of the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games, Danny Ball, but he soon resigned from the filming due to the lack of shooting ideas.

It was Kerry Fukunaga, the director of True Detective and Jane Eyre, who took over, that the project continued.

The filming process was also not smooth, the script was changed again and again, Daniel was injured again during the filming in Jamaica, and the crew had to be forced to stop work.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

After the film was filmed and caught up with the global epidemic, the film was released from the original April 10, 2020, and the schedule was adjusted several times, and the final film was scheduled to premiere in the UK on September 30, 2021, and in China on October 29, 2020

After all, such a high cost, if you can't let the global audience enter the theater to watch, 80% will lose money. But this new slot has been 6 years since the last "Ghost Party".

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

According to the law of Daniel Craig's version of 007's first four works of good or bad word-of-mouth succession, "No Time to Die" should be good-looking. At least with the gimmick of "Daniel's last 007 work", the film box office should not be too bad.

No matter who the next Bond is, what color he has, what gender he has, Bond, played by Daniel Craig, will be integrated into the 007 series, which will become a classic that will be revisited many years later.

A comprehensive review of Daniel Craig's Five 007s, the Best Bond or the Worst Bond?

Pay attention to [Mo choose a good film], reply to [007]

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