
To share with you a few bistro dishes

author:Home-cooked specialties

Mini osmanthus small red ginseng

To share with you a few bistro dishes


Mini carrots


10 plums, 5 red dates, 100 grams of white vinegar, 100 grams of purified water, 50 grams of rock sugar, 5 grams of osmanthus sauce.


1: Clean the mini carrots, remove the outer skin, change the knife into long strips, and set aside.

2: Take a pressure cooker, put the accessories into the pressure cooker and bring to a boil, add spare mini carrot strips, cook slowly over low heat to taste.

3: After cooling, put on a plate and drizzle with a little osmanthus sauce to make the taste more fragrant.

Fragrant mango protein sea fresh

To share with you a few bistro dishes

< raw material >

Mango 350 g, egg white 150 g, Australian strip 100 g.

< practice is >

1. Remove the mango cores and beat the mango meat with a flower knife.

2. Add light cream to the egg white, season and gently cook with oil.

3. Blanch the oil with australian ribbon, add the egg white and stir-fry, plate and garnish the crab seeds.

Rum fruit crispy beef steak

To share with you a few bistro dishes

5A beef steak 300 g, cashew nuts 20 g, pine nuts 10 g, sesame seeds 10 g, chickpeas 30 g, raisins 10 g.

< seasoning >

Rum 50 g, haha sauce 20 g, Merlin sauce 30 g, Heinz ketchup 50 g, white vinegar 100 g, slice sugar 50 g, water 50 g.

1. Marinate the beef steaks, add the chopped nuts and fry them crispy, and set aside.

2. Simmer the sauce, add the fried beef steak and stir-fry evenly, plate and garnish.

Brandy flame incense burns beef ribs

To share with you a few bistro dishes

< the main ingredient >

Imported beef ribs 500 g.

40 grams of black pepper juice, 40 grams of roast sauce, 30 grams of brandy.

1. Beef ribs fly water, cut into brine.

2. Beef ribs are boneless, sliced and grilled hot with stones.

3. Drizzle with brandy after plating and lighting it in front of guests.

Suzhen Buddha jumped off the wall

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Morels 30 g, matsutake mushrooms 40 g, porcini mushrooms 40 g, mushrooms 30 g.

< excipient >

One pigeon egg and two small rape hearts.

1. Wash the morels well, slice the matsutake mushrooms, mushrooms and porcini mushrooms, and cook the pigeon eggs.

2. Cut the mushrooms and rapeseed fly water.

3. Bring the soup to a boil, add the raw materials after seasoning, and fill the cup with a cup.

Black mushroom seafood soy milk soup

To share with you a few bistro dishes

One Argentine red shrimp and two golden ribbons.

Kale 50 g, mushrooms 30 g, black mushrooms 10 g, soy milk 50 g, milk 30 g.

1. Red shrimp take meat and fly with the tape.

2. Kale peeling and sliced; mushroom diced; black fungus sliced.

3. Bring soy milk and milk to a boil, add the raw materials and cook slightly, season to taste.

Shanxi over oily meat

To share with you a few bistro dishes

raw material:

Pork tenderloin 200 g, fungus (water hair) 15 g, peppercorns 3 g, spring onion 10 g, egg 120 g.


Starch (broad beans) 20 g, yellow sauce 3 g, balsamic vinegar 3 g, soy sauce 15 g, ginger 3 g, salt 2 g, chicken powder 3 g, rice wine 5 g, sesame oil 10 g, lard (refined) 35 g.

1, tenderloin to purify the film, white tendons and fat oil, placed horizontally on the cutting board, sliced into 0.33 cm thick long strips, and then placed flat on the cutting board, and then straight knife oblique cut into 6.6 cm long, 4 cm wide diagonal square pieces.

2, water hair fungus plucked, washed, large pieces of cut small; green onion to remove the roots, wash, cut into large slices of green beans.

3: Put the sliced meat in a bowl, add yellow sauce, peppercorns, soy sauce and salt and mix well and marinate for half an hour.

4: Add 50 ml of chicken broth, rice wine, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and wet starch to a bowl to make a sauce.

5: Heat the wok, add lard to 50% heat, add the soaked meat slices, quickly use chopsticks to disperse (about 5 to 6 seconds), pour into a colander and drain the oil.

6, put the wok back on the fire, add lard, add slices of green onion, ginger, garlic slices to sauté the aroma, buckle in the slices of meat with good oil, cook it with vinegar first, and then pour in the prepared sauce, stir-fry well, drizzle with lard to get out of the pot.

The essential:

1, "over-oil meat" a dish to oil heat transfer, because of the oil and name, the heat is the most important for this dish, is the key to success or failure. The oil temperature requirement during operation is about 165 ° C, and the oil is the best, which can make the meat slices achieve the effect of flat stretching, smooth and neat, non-dry and not hard, and golden color. If the oil temperature is high, the meat slices are sticky, the outer scorch is endogenous, the oil temperature is low and it is easy to defocuse, deform, and the meat slices are old and dry.

2, the meat slice soaking time should be sufficient, in order to ensure the texture of the dish flavor, stir several times in the middle to make it more moist and even, and cover and cover with a damp cloth to prevent air drying.

3, this dish in the process of heating seasoning, took the method of vinegar seasoning, vinegar points in a timely, moderate, appropriate amount, in order to achieve the purpose of fishy and fragrant, the operation of the fire must be sufficient, master the timing.

Turquoise sand onions

To share with you a few bistro dishes

raw material:

400 g of fresh shallots.

Salt 3 g, flavor powder 2 g, olive oil 5 g.

1: Cool the fresh shallots in water.

2, add the seasoning to the shallots and mix well, put into the mold to make a vegetable pier.


Sand onion, also known as Mongolian leek, is abundant in the desert area of the Great Northwest Mongolian Plateau, and is a heavenly delicacy, this dish is turquoise and attractive, fragrant and delicious.


To share with you a few bistro dishes

400 grams of southern eggplant.

3 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of white soy sauce, 15 grams of shallot oil.

1: Cut the southern eggplant into strips and see 1 cm square.

2: Steam for 10 minutes, remove and let cool.

3: Add the above spices to the steamed eggplant strips and mix well, and plate them with a mold (pictured).

4: Sprinkle with red and yellow peppercorns and spring onions.


Eggplant is soft and rotten, the taste is refreshing, and the color is bright.

Sin Chew Spicy Curry Shrimp Balls with Homemade Golden Steamed Buns

To share with you a few bistro dishes

8 pieces of shrimp 6 pieces (head and tail), broccoli, cauliflower 4 pieces each, homemade golden steamed buns 6 pieces, finger pepper, garlic head, fresh curry leaves a little.

1. Peel off the head and tail of the shrimp balls, wash them with corn starch, and marinate with salt.

2. The shrimp balls can be fished out by soaking in 40% hot oil for 90 seconds, which can keep the taste of the shrimp balls smoother and more elastic.

3. Broccoli cauliflower blanched in water.

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, add garlic, finger pepper and curry leaves and stir-fry, add homemade star spicy curry, then add 200g of coconut milk, 200g of evaporated milk, season and add shrimp balls and broccoli and cook for 1 minute.

5. Finally, fry the homemade sugar-free buns in oil until golden brown and dip in the spicy curry sauce.

Fish soup wild mushroom flower gum soaked in star-spotted balls

To share with you a few bistro dishes

2 pieces of East Star Spot 100g, Shuifa 2-3 head flower glue 15g, fresh matsutake mushroom 2 pieces, fresh grass mushroom 1 piece, bamboo sheng 1 piece, a little parsley, a little goji berries.

1. First put the whole strip of meat of the East Star Spot, and then change the knife to 50g per piece.

2. Fishbone chopping pieces, fry in oil for 40 seconds to fish out, then put into the pan and fry until golden brown, shovel with a spatula, add boiling water, green onion ginger and white pepper grains, simmer for 10 minutes on high heat, filter, leave only the fish soup for use.

3. Change the knife of the fish balls first marinate, with 30% of the oil warm soaking 7 mature; flower glue, and other fungi separate blanched water.

4. Pour the boiled fish soup into the pot, add fish balls, flower gum, other accessories, boil over low heat and cook for 2 minutes, let the mushrooms fully absorb the umami flavor of the soup, seasoning only need to add salt, sugar, and white pepper, 30 seconds before the pot into the parsley and goji berries (put too early celery flavor will cover the umami taste of the fish soup).

Gold and silver egg crab meat Yaozhu fried rice

To share with you a few bistro dishes

20g shrimp grains, 20g strips, 20g Yaozhu, 20g crab meat, 4 eggs, 20g green onions, 200g rice.

1. First separate the egg yolk and egg white, heat the pan cold oil (2 into the heat), pour the yolk and egg whites into the egg yolk and egg whites quickly stir, so that the egg liquid into egg shreds (egg liquid do not all go to the pot, leave a part of the fried rice to use, egg yolk, egg liquid stir evenly), pour out and use kitchen paper to suck off the excess oil,

2. Shrimp grains, strip seeds blanched in water.

3. Hot pan cold oil, pour into the white rice, beat, after pouring the egg liquid stir-fry, when the egg liquid is completely dipped into each grain of rice, change the shovel, turn on the low heat and keep turning the shovel, when each grain is evenly heated, pour in the rest of the accessories to continue to stir-fry, seasoning, fry until each grain of rice feels constantly beating in the pot, 30 seconds before the pot put green onions, egg shreds can be fried.

Shrimp seeds and shallots are grilled with kanto ginseng

To share with you a few bistro dishes

50-60 heads of Japanese Kanto ginseng, 40g of stuffing, green onion, dried shallots, fried garlic, dried shrimp seeds, abalone juice a little each.

1. After sucking out the internal water with kitchen paper, the raw ginseng is dried with kitchen paper, and then the corn starch is bounced into the corn starch with your fingers and stuffed into the stuffing.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil and fry over low heat until the filling is golden brown.

3. After the onion, dried shallots and fried garlic are stir-fried, pour in the abalone juice and beat the borage, put in the Liao ginseng, pour into the sand pot and slowly buckle for 15 minutes, and re-pour the abalone juice when serving.

XO sauce yellow ear jade belt fried elephant mussels

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Japan Hokkaido U15 tape 6 pieces, elephant mussel 6 pieces, yellow ear 20g, pearl ear, asparagus a total of 120g, stir-fry.

1. Soak the marinated tape in hot water for 2 minutes, suck up the water, play a little corn starch and fry until golden brown on both sides.

2. Elephant mussel 3 into oil warm soaking to 7 mature; yellow ear, asparagus, pearl ear blanched water to use.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the stir-frying sauce to fry fragrantly, pour in the XO sauce, cook a little ginger wine, pour in the yellow ear, tape, wood ear, seasoning and stir-fry, pour in the elephant mussel and asparagus and stir-fry evenly, hook the mustard, drizzle a little shallot oil out of the pot.

Scoop up the tilapia

To share with you a few bistro dishes

5 kg of tilapia, 2 egg whites, minced garlic, ground peanuts, onion, shredded shallots, coriander, pickled pepper, shallots 50g each.

Peanut oil 50g, 3 tbsp corn starch.

1. Tilapia ball, 5 pounds of tilapia from 40 pieces of fillet.

2. Use salt to scoop up the fillets, add egg whites, peanut oil, corn starch and then marinate, put in 75 degrees of water and cook slowly for about 3 minutes, then fish out and dry.

3. Wash and shred the minced garlic, chopped peanuts, onions, shredded shallots, coriander, pickled peppers and shallots, and fished with tilapia.

Rose Kung Fu Soup

To share with you a few bistro dishes

1 beef tendon meat, 1 duck leg, chicken thigh meat 0.5 two, pork tendon meat 0.2 two, a small milk cabbage, Ningxia goji berries, Yunnan roses each a little.


1. Beef tendon meat, duck leg, chicken thigh meat and pork tendon fly water, cold water wok, put in all the materials, slowly heat up to force out the purine, when the blood and water of the meat are all gone, immediately fish up the frozen water, and then immediately fished up.

2. Put all the ingredients together in a stew cup and simmer for 4 hours.

3. Take out the cabbage, blanch the water and put it in a small cup of kung fu tea; the same is true for bamboo sheng and Ningxia goji berries; and put the roses into the cup.

4. Once the dish is served, smash the stew into the cup while it is hot and let the soup merge with cabbage hearts, bamboo sheng, goji berries and roses.

Lemongrass baked ribs

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Tibetan pork chops 500g.

Lemongrass 100g.

10g oil, 15g salt, 15g chicken powder, 1000g water, 600g soup.

1. Cut the pork chops into 5 cm-sized pieces, put them in boiling water for good blood, rinse well and set aside.

2. Put the ribs into the seasoned brine, add lemongrass to marinate for 30 minutes, soak for 30 minutes and set aside.

3. Bundle the brineed ribs with lemongrass leaves.

4. Heat the oil on the pan, add the bundled ribs, fry until golden brown, raise the pan, put it on the plate and decorate.

< note >

Tibetan incense pig has a high nutritional value, and the test shows that Tibetan pork contains 19 kinds of measurable amino acids and a variety of essential trace elements, which is a rare pure natural green food.

Spicy by the Jinsha River

To share with you a few bistro dishes

200g pork intestines, 200g pork liver, 200g pork hearts, 200g pork belly.

100g of tofu, 100g of pork puff skin.

Jinshajiang dried chili pepper 50g, pepper noodles 30g, rice dumpling chili pepper 60g, watercress sauce 50g, ginger 30g, garlic 30g, salt 10g, chicken powder 10g, cooking wine 20g.

1. Wash the main ingredients, pass through the water; cut the pig intestine into pieces; cut the dried pig, pork heart and pork belly into 1.5 cm wide and 0.2 cm thick slices and set aside.

2. Soak the pork bubble skin in water, cut into 1.5 cm size slices and set aside.

3. Heat the pot, put the oil, put in the dried chili festival and fry until fragrant, add ginger and garlic, rice dumpling pepper, watercress sauce and stir-fry, pour the cut main ingredient into the pot, put the cooking wine and stir-fry, add water to taste, simmer for about 1 hour, then add tofu and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Start the pot, put it on the plate, and add the garlic sprouts to the top to decorate.

Riverside Spicy appeared in the second episode of the third season of "China on the Tip of the Tongue", and its slightly spicy, appetizing, and moisture removal.

Signature spicy chicken

To share with you a few bistro dishes

200g chicken, 150g chicken intestines, 150g chicken gizzards.

200g dried cloud pepper, 30g minced ginger, 30g garlic rice.

50g of shallot oil, 3g of Wang Shouyi thirteen spices, 5g of salt, 6g of chicken powder, 3g of pepper oil.

1. Slaughter the chicken, clean it, remove the bones, change the knife to 2cm square dice, add salt and marinate; change the chicken gizzard to 2cm diced; change the chicken intestine to 6cm section and set aside.

2. Soak the dried peppers in hot water for 4 hours, grind them finely and set aside.

3. Heat the pan, grease the marinated chicken and drain the oil.

4. Heat the pot, put down the green onion oil, add ginger, garlic rice and stir-fry, add the rice sticks and chili peppers and stir-fry, add the smooth oil of the chicken and chicken gizzards, chicken intestines and stir-fry, add salt, chicken powder, thirteen spices and stir-fry, plate sprinkle with green onions.

Matsutake yak beef

To share with you a few bistro dishes

300g yak beef, 100g matsutake mushrooms.

100g of garlic and egg white to taste.

20g butter, 20g oyster sauce, 10g chicken meal, 8g sugar, 5g salt, 20g oil, 5g dark soy sauce.

1. Put the sliced beef into the pot, add salt, sugar, chicken powder, oyster sauce, soy sauce and egg white and marinate for about 30 minutes.

2. Put the marinated beef in the oil pan and cook it.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the matsutake flakes, sauté until golden brown, and set aside.

4. Add butter, beef, black pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, then add matsutake mushrooms and broth, season and color and collect the juice.

Sauce emperor white jade mushroom pop screw slices

To share with you a few bistro dishes

White jade mushroom 8 two, American snail head 4 two, bacon 1 two, Dutch beans 20 grams, red pepper pieces 2 slices.

20 grams of XO sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of mustard powder.

1: Pick up the American snail, wash it, suck up the water, put in a small amount of pepper and sesame oil and marinate, set aside.

2: Fry the white jade mushrooms in 200 degrees Celsius until golden brown, pour and set aside.

3: Set aside the blue beans and red peppers in flying water; put the marinated screws at 80 degrees Celsius for 5 seconds, remove and set aside.

4: Heat the pot, use XO sauce to heat the pot, put in the bacon (cut into the shape and size of the white jade mushroom) and stir-fry, then pour in the white jade mushroom and the snail slices, stir-fry together for 10 seconds, then add sugar, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce to taste and turn well, and finally add the hollandaise beans and red pepper pieces, stir-fry well, you can put on the plate.

Open screen flower branches pigeon breast

To share with you a few bistro dishes

1 suckling pigeon (4 pairs), 3 flower branches, 3 seaweed rolls (sold in the market), 6 small begonia vegetables, and 2 green and red pepper horns.

Ingredient A (salt 8 g, sugar 15 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g)

Ingredient B (MSG 5 g, sugar 10 g, oyster sauce 5 g), XO sauce 10 g.

1. First remove the bones of the pigeons, and fry the head, feet and wings until golden brown and set aside.

2: Mix the pigeon meat with ingredient A, marinate and set aside.

3: Fry the seaweed rolls and slice them on the plate.

4: Stir-fry the small tang vegetables in the water and set the plate.

5: Warm the marinated pigeon meat with 80 degrees of oil, then add the flower sticks, green and red pepper horns, slide for 10 seconds and then pour the draining oil.

6, XO sauce up the pot, put in the pigeon meat and flower sticks, add B ingredients and fry for 5 seconds to get out of the pot and plate (no need to beat, to dry, enough pot gas).

Lime rose Angus beef

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Angus beef 200 g.

2 grams of Dried French Roses, 1 Thai Lime.

1 g salt, 5 g corn starch, 2 g lime juice, 10 g peanut oil.

1. Cut the beef into cubes, spread well with salt, drizzle with lime juice 2g and marinate for 5 minutes.

2. In a hot non-stick pan, add 10 grams of peanut oil and fry the beef until golden brown on both sides.

3. Pour the dried roses into a pot and grab the color on high heat

4. Place the minced lime and roses on the plate, place the fried beef in the middle, and decorate with green peppercorns.

< features >

Beef has both the rose flavor and the freshness of lime.

Matsutake juice 63 degrees Low temperature dragon barley fish

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Dragon barley pieces 200 g.

100 g pure milk, 10 g dried matsutake mushrooms.

Salt 8 g, sugar 8 g, corn starch 10 g, peanut oil 20 g, blended matsutake juice 100 g.

1. Marinate the dragon barley fish pieces with 5 grams of salt, 5 grams of sugar and corn starch, vacuum into a 63 ° low temperature machine and cook for 3 hours, take out and set aside.

2. Add 200 grams of dried matsutake mushrooms to steam for half an hour, take out and chop, add pure milk, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of sugar and boil the juice, beat a little thin mustard.

3. Place the slow-cooked dragon barley in a non-stick pan and lightly fry until the skin is golden brown.

4. Put the small bamboo basket on a plate, put the fried dragon barley fish, drizzle with the prepared matsutake juice, and add a tricolor jin.

Slow cooking at low temperatures, the meat is tender.

Bamboo salient shrimp strips Spanish ham

To share with you a few bistro dishes

3 large bamboo shoots, 50 grams of shrimp gelatin, 20 grams of Spanish ham.

One shredded red pepper, one shredded green onion, 200 grams of chicken soup.

Salt 3 g, sugar 2 g.

1. Simmer for 4 hours with 150 grams of chicken broth, 15 grams of Spanish ham, 3 grams of salt and 2 grams of sugar.

2. Soak the big bamboo sheng in water, clean it, open it one by two, simmer 50 grams of chicken soup for 5 minutes, brew 50 grams of shrimp glue and steam for 3 minutes.

3. Put the steamed bamboo salient shrimp strips in a bowl, drizzle with the stewed Spanish ham soup, put a slice of Spanish ham on top of the bamboo stalk, garnish with red pepper and green onion shreds, and light the wax stove to serve.

Bamboo sheng is fresh and refreshing, and the soup base is thick but not turbid.

Butter chestnuts

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Self-boiling coffee sauce wrapped in finished chestnuts, quick to produce, cost 12 yuan, priced at 38 yuan, gross profit up to 68%. Coffee and chestnuts are both women's favorites, so this cold dish that combines the two is favored by female diners.

Cooking process:

200 grams of beef ware brand sweet chestnuts dry the water, pour into the bucket, pour 25 grams of coffee sauce and mix well, put on the plate and serve.

To make an illustration:

1: Pour the coffee into the casserole dish with your partner.

2: Add an appropriate amount of water, turn on low heat and simmer well.

3: Add condensed milk to the coffee sauce

4. Add mayonnaise.

5: Simmer until the coffee sauce is thick.

6. Production completed.

Coffee Sauce:

1 bottle of Nescafe (500 g/bottle), 1 bottle of Baolang Ma brand coffee companion (weighing about 400 g) pour into the net pot, add 300 g of water, stir well over low heat to make a condensed milk-like thick coffee paste, add 6 kg of Lemen mayonnaise, 5 bottles of condensed milk (350 g/bottle) and stir evenly.

Production key:

1, chestnuts need to dry the surface water and then mix with coffee sauce, otherwise it will dilute the aroma of coffee.

2, according to the preferences of local diners to prepare coffee sauce, if you like sweet people, you can put more coffee partners appropriately, in addition, when you walk the coffee sauce can not be wrapped too much, otherwise the taste is bitter.

Avocado golden egg

To share with you a few bistro dishes

This egg, golden and dazzling, is it a tea egg? Is it a smoked egg? wrong! This is actually a boiled egg, but there is another mystery inside the yolk.

Production Process:

1: Peel 4 eggs, put them into a bucket, add water, mushroom soy sauce, heat and bring to a boil on an induction cooker, soak for about 10 minutes until the appearance is colored, cut in half, take out the yolk and put it in a clean basin.

2: Add 50 grams of avocado minced fruit, 50 grams of smoked duck breast meat, 30 grams of Baili brand mayonnaise in the egg yolk, and mix well. Remove the egg yolks and add the accessories.

3: "Backfill" the mixed egg yolks into the egg whites, smooth them with a knife, and garnish them before serving. Squeeze back into the egg whites.

Chef's Order:

This dish is delicious to eat directly, you can also sprinkle a layer of cheese powder on the egg, and burn it with a spray gun after serving it, until the surface is golden and the milk aroma escapes, and the effect is better.


This dish is actually a glutinous rice root, but it is full of gimmicks after serving: one is to use a red wine bottle as a container, and the other is to use roselle flower to boil the juice to replace the previous red wine, even if the driver is full, there is no risk of drunk driving. When walking, sprinkle dried osmanthus flowers, with dry ice, and after serving, the fog is swirling, and the appearance is very "immortal".

1: Steamed and sliced glutinous rice root.

2, 150 grams of roselle flower plus 100 grams of sugar into a stainless steel pot, add 5 pounds of pure water and bring to a boil.

3: Take an appropriate amount of glutinous rice lotus chips into the bottle container, pour a little hibiscus flower water, sprinkle dry osmanthus flowers, and serve with dry ice.

Lotus coal drum tamales

To share with you a few bistro dishes

After the "honeycomb coal" style dishes became popular, many restaurants have purchased this mold and launched a series of follow-up dishes, mostly by molding fried rice into briquettes on the table. This dish is not simply imitated, but has made two excellent improvements:

The first is to use Xiang-style tamales instead of ordinary fried rice, the taste is more fragrant and sticky, the texture is more delicate, and the clamping is a lump, not as loose as rice.

The second is to customize a miniature briquette stove to hold this dish, this small stove is hollow inside and has vents at the bottom, you can put candles to "honeycomb coal" insulation, sell atmospheric, cute shape, sell 70 copies a day.

1, the tamales are prepared in advance and placed in the steam box to keep warm, the guests take out a portion of the amount (about 800 grams) after ordering, put into the washed and dried briquette mold compaction, shaping, put into the stainless steel basin, gently press down the joystick, take out the mold, a "honeycomb" will be ready.

2, the top of the dish dotted with a little chopped shallots, millet pepper, in the miniature briquette stove into a lit candle, the small basin containing "coal" stuck on the "stove mouth" can go to the dish.

In order to prevent the tamales from scattering when walking vegetables, they must be pressed tightly after loading into the mold; the action when taking off the mold should be light to avoid crushing.

Baby cabbage

To share with you a few bistro dishes

Brussels sprouts and shrimp are made into small skewers with bamboo skewers, and when they are marinated, they are poured with curry sauce for cooking, which is convenient for eating, mini cute, and quite popular with female diners.

1, Brussels sprouts (also known as thumb cabbage) wash and drain, from which everything is two; remove the head and shell of the green shrimp, rinse the shrimp and drain, add green onion ginger water, salt and pick well for 10 minutes. Each brussels sprout is paired with two shrimps and strung together with a bamboo skewer for later.

2. After placing an order, guests take 5 kale shrimp skewers, soak in boiling Sichuan-style red brine for 1 minute on low heat for 1 minute to taste, drain and plate.

3: Put 10 grams of butter in a frying pan and heat it, pour 40 grams of garlic curry sauce and stir-fry over low heat, start the pot with a small spoon and drizzle on the shrimp to go.

Garlic curry paste:

1, the pot into the salad oil 800 grams to 50% hot, under the shrimp head, shell a total of 500 grams, green onion 200 grams of stir-fry incense, until the oil turns red, umami escape, drain the dregs is shrimp oil.

2: Heat the shrimp oil to 60%, add 1000 grams of raw garlic, 50 grams of bright red millet spicy crushed and stir-fry, put 200 grams of yellow curry paste, 80 grams of sesame paste, 50 grams of red curry sauce and stir-fry on low heat, add Nestlé light cream 150 grams and stir well, add 30 grams of salt, 20 grams of chicken powder and cook for 5 minutes, until the sauce is fully integrated.

Let the bullets fly

To share with you a few bistro dishes

It is a cute and creative dish that is loved by female diners and children alike. Filled with pork belly and Cantonese sausage filling salted duck eggshell, the top is placed on the salted egg yolk into the steaming box, as it heats, the egg yolk oil continues to flow down to moisten the meat filling, so that it has a strong salty aroma; when walking, the steamed eggs should be placed into a specially customized spring base, which has played a fixed role, and when moving the base, the duck eggs are like bullets that are about to fly out, which is very interesting.

Batch prefabrication:

1, 100 salted duck eggs from the top to break the opening, dig out the yolk into the crisper box, the protein fishy taste is heavier, generally discarded; the eggshell into the basin with fine water rinsed, drained and set aside.

2, fat four lean six pork belly stuffing 2000 grams, Cantonese sausage crushed 400 grams, horseshoe crushed 300 grams into the basin, mix in 200 grams of rice wine, 40 grams of soy sauce, 35 grams of salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate 20 grams, sugar 15 grams of mixed to make meat filling, every 60 grams of meat filling filled with an eggshell for later.

Take out the eggshells filled with meat according to the number ordered by the guests, and place a salted duck egg yolk on top of each one. Place the eggshells in a spring base, steam in a steaming box over high heat for 15 minutes, remove and go.