
Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

author:Si Hui Xian Er

Have the fairies been chasing "Genesis 3" or "Blue You" lately?

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

Since Genesis 3 announced Lu Han as a mentor, Huahua I basically locked in Tron 3.

Whoever calls people is Lu Han powder, there is no way to be the face of Lu Han.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

Lu Han's little brother is really talented and beautiful, more than the heart.

His skin is fair, flawless and impeccable in near and far shots.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

However, with the broadcast of the show, I was also "poisoned" by the little sisters.

Needless to say, it is necessary to sing and dance, the key is that the skin is also super good.

Not a single person had acne spots

The skin is white to glow (although there is a credit for lighting)

Flowers envy ing

It seems that the daily whitening and sunscreen work of the little sisters is also done well.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

Summer is coming, and the sunscreen work of the fairies should not already be put on the agenda.

Although everyone knows that sun protection is required all year round, it is estimated that there are very few fairies who persist.

Wait until the spots on his face slowly grow out, only to regret it, sad and painful, but it is too late!

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > spots on different parts of the face can be seen in the health of the body</h1>

1. Grow on both cheekbones

The center of the two cheekbones is the part of the small intestine that is circulating, the outer side of the two cheekbones is the corresponding area of the kidney, and the upper part is the sanjiao meridian circulation. Melasma in the cheekbones is often accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitation, chest tightness, digestive loss, and even loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms, which is a manifestation of weakened digestive system and heart function. Melasma or age spots from the cheek pages to and above the ears suggest renal qi deficiency, poor trifocal machine, and disordered lipid metabolism.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

2. Grow under the outer corner of the eye

The outer corner of the eye corresponds to the neck and shoulders, upper limbs, where melasma appears, indicating that the shoulder joint is attacked by wind and cold or neck and shoulder muscle strain, often have symptoms of neck and shoulder stiffness and soreness, and must be vigilant against neck and shoulder diseases.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

3. Grow on both sides of the forehead and temples

This is the circulation site of the bile meridians on both sides, if there is melasma, it is often caused by hepatobiliary dysfunction, hepatic depression, and often has symptoms of weakened digestive function, insomnia and dreams.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

4. Long on the lateral side of the lower jaw

The outer side of the lower jaw corresponds to the lower limbs, the gastric meridian, the large intestine meridian, and the small intestine meridian circulation. There are melasma here that indicates poor blood circulation in the lower limbs, which is a sign of spleen and kidney qi deficiency, and there are often lower limb pain, waist and knee soreness, cold hands and feet, and weakened digestive function.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

5. Long spots on the upper lip

The upper lip is the circulating part of the large intestine meridian, corresponding to the genitourinary organs. The growth of melasma here is a sign of insufficient kidney qi and cold intestinal tract, often accompanied by constipation, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms, and should be vigilant against uterine and ovarian diseases.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

6. Grow in the middle of the bridge of the nose

The middle of the nose bridge corresponds to the liver and gallbladder. The face is blue and yellow, and melasma appears in the middle of the nose, which is mostly related to liver qi depression, emotional failure or mental stress, indicating liver loss and drainage, hepatobiliary depression, and vigilance against fatty liver and liver and gallbladder diseases.

Regarding "Genesis 3", I envy the food therapy that envies the young ladies and sisters with spots on different parts of the face to see the health of the body

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > freckle-removing dietary therapy</h1>

  1. Red jujube chrysanthemum porridge

  Ingredients: 50g of red dates, 100g of japonica rice, 15g of chrysanthemums

  Function: red color, moisturizing skin tone, spot removal beauty

  Wash the dates and japonica rice together, and then put them in a pot with chrysanthemums and boil them in water, boil out the thick porridge and then add an appropriate amount of brown sugar to taste when it is cold, and eat it directly.

  2. Lotus barley porridge

  Ingredients: 30g lotus seeds, 30g of coix seeds, 50g of coix rice, 10g of cinnamon balls, honey to taste

Function: Smooth wrinkles, remove spots and whiten, rejuvenate and moisturize

First of all, before cooking the porridge, you must first soak the lotus seeds, coriander and coix rice in water for half an hour, then put it in a pot with guiyuan and cook it over low heat until it is cooked, and finally add an appropriate amount of honey to taste according to personal preferences.

  3. Ginger black tea

  Ingredients: Ginger 500g, black tea 250g, salt 100g, licorice 150g, cloves 25g, agarwood 25g

Function: Spot removal and whitening, skin rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction

Mash the prepared raw materials together into a powder, take about 15 to 25g of these powders at a time, soak them in water in the morning, and drink them several times a day.

  4. White ear cherry soup

  Ingredients: 50g of white fungus, 30g of cherry, osmanthus flowers, rock sugar to taste

  Function: Nourish qi and nourish blood, remove spots and whiten, rejuvenate the face and anti-aging

  First, the white fungus and rock sugar are boiled together for about ten minutes, at which point the rock sugar has completely melted, and then add 30g of cherries and the prepared osmanthus flowers to boil together. After it is cold, you can drink it directly.

The spots in different areas reflect the different hidden dangers in our bodies, and it is recommended that fairies can usually drink more spotless porridge.

May the fairies run away for half a lifetime

Returning is still a girl