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author:The gourmet recipe of the Lord of the Mountain Lake Valley

Today I share with you five famous Beijing snacks: stewed hanging, roasted lamb, fried belly, fried liver, and fried. I put the recipe and production process of the five snacks at the end of the video, which I can take screenshots or download to my mobile phone.

Stewed hangings

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Stewed hangings are Manchu snacks. It is mainly based on pig intestines, adding pig hearts, pork belly, pig lungs, etc., without adding pork liver (anti-disorder soup), and cooking by stewing. Its finished soup is clear and flavorful, and the intestinal color is dark red and fat.

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Recipe and production process of stewed hanging seeds

Roast lamb

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"Feed the sheep fat and tender number Jingzhong, the sauce is boiled red with clear soup color." The sun and noon burned and rotted, and the taste of the throat was not greasy. These few poems outline the Beijing-style roast lamb in a rustic and unpretentious way. According to legend, roast lamb originated from the 45th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, and the old name of Beijing Baikui is still famous all over the world. Its finished color sauce is red, the outside is burnt and tender, and the taste is delicious. Or serve it with wine, or eat it in a baked cake, which can show the characteristics of its cuisine.

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Recipe and production process of roast lamb

Burst your belly

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Popping belly is named after blowing lamb tripe with boiling water until it is tender. The raw materials used are generally divided into lamb tripe board, sheep collar kernel, sheep sandan, lamb tripe gourd, morel mushroom, esophagus and other parts. Tripe is divided into belly kernels, tripe mushroom tips and sandans. Because the fried belly is delicious and crisp and tender, and the food is not greasy, it is deeply loved by Beijingers. The old Beijing diners used four sentences to clearly explain the preparation and eating method of the fried belly: "The soup is slightly warm in an instant, the condiments are complete and the wine is bottled, the teeth are blunt and cannot be chewed, and the throat fruit is swallowed raw." ”

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Belly-popping recipe and production process

Stir-fried liver

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Beijing fried liver has a long history, which was developed from the Song Dynasty folk food "boiled liver" and "fried lungs", and has a history of 1,000 years. During the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, "Hui Xian Ju" was made and sold by the method of not hooking, so it was said in the capital that "fried liver is not hooked - boiling the heart and boiling the lungs". Later, some restaurants used pig intestines and pig liver tips to hook the mustard, eliminating the lungs and hearts and becoming popular, and the stores followed suit and continued to this day. This product has a smooth and tender liver tip, thick pork intestines, and is generally accompanied by buns, which has a unique flavor.

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Recipe and production process of fried liver


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The stir-fry is a 60 cm diameter and 1 cm thick flat bell (slightly concave in the middle), heated in a bucket, put sesame oil on the top of the bell, and cut into large pieces of lamb hind leg meat, and fried with green onions. It is a Beijing autumn snack. The shallots are white and red, and when cooked, they emit a unique flavor and a unique flavor.

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Explosive recipe and production process

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