
"Handbook" Creative Reading: A new form of "whole book reading" in elementary schools

author:Language newspaper

The importance of extracurricular reading is self-evident. Since "whole book reading" entered the curriculum standard, schools around the world have carried out a wealth of reading promotion activities: formulating bibliographies, guiding reading methods, carrying out reading practices, reading examinations, etc.; but it goes without saying that students' extracurricular reading still lacks scientific research support, does not form a linkage integration effect, and lacks long-term mechanisms. As Professor Zheng Guihua, an expert in the curriculum standard group, expects, "Teachers should strive to expand the space available in four aspects: the cultivation of the reading community, the design of reading tasks, the monitoring of the reading process, and the strengthening of reading results." ”

"Hand-booked" Chuangsheng reading is one of our attempts, she condenses the three-dimensional space of reading life into a small world between square inches, allowing hand-book users to record the reading trajectory of day by day with a series of words, paintings and symbols, retain personalized reading experience, and then formulate a reading plan and become the master of reading.

"Handbook" is accompanied from time to time, reading is carried out every day, the reading process can be followed, and the reading harvest can be checked. The key premise is to produce a high-quality "hand-booked" reading book that matches the entire book. At this time, the teacher, as the editor, first chooses the appropriate reading content and draws the appropriate action route; with the help of this "handbook", students record what they read and think at any time, participate in rich reading activities, and learn to share with others, maximizing language literacy and humanistic heritage. As an educational and teaching concept, "the essence of "Chuangsheng" refers to the creation of an environment and ecology suitable for the life and growth of teachers and students, so as to guide teachers and students to continuously obtain new and creative development." "Hand-booked" student reading is a kind of "whole book reading" method of teachers and students reading together under the guidance of the new curriculum concept. What we pursue is to go beyond the passive status of the reader's object, build a good campus reading ecology on the basis of the teacher's self-reading improvement, overcome the separation of children and extracurricular books, so that children can expand their horizons, cultivate language sense, create language, and record colorful childhood life in the free writing, accumulation, and hair growth.

First, how to read the "hand-booked" genesis?

(1) Can the cultivation of reading habits be "dynamic and static"?

Students have different personalities and different ways of reading. As Wang Yangming said: "In the love of a child, happy to swim and afraid of detention, like the beginning of grass and trees, comfortable is reachable, and destroyed is decay." "Two ears do not hear things outside the window" and "sitting on the wall of the Wei lamp", this is just one of the ways of reading, this kind of pure static reading is not suitable for today's students.

"Hand-booked" reading will be the original meditation and understanding of the content, in the form of "dynamic and static appropriate" throughout reading and life, advocating the multi-dimensional development mode of reading, writing, painting, speaking and doing. You can write, draw, chat about reading experience, you can go into the library, visit the bookstore, go to the reading website to read, and even browse the menu, look at the guide map... Record and inherit these experiences, experiences, and students will find that reading is everywhere in life, reading is as natural as breathing, and developing good reading habits.

(2) Can reading accumulation "pick up the level"?

The accumulation of language paradigms in the classroom has rules to follow, and the accumulation of extracurricular reading is often easy for students to fall into the trap of virtualization, solidification and narrowing.

"Handbook" reading builds a ladder of direction. The practice is to establish both the accumulated garden and the classification guidance. The lower grades have "Word Bubbles" and "Sentence Train" columns, and the middle and upper grades have "Star Picking Little Pockets" and "Fang Fei Di" columns. For example, there are many words that represent sound in "Little Pig Purring", and students are required to excerpt and experience their expression effects, and try to transfer and write. For example, the environmental description in "Grass House" and the psychological description in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" can become the language point of speculation, accumulation and migration.

If the excerpts are the accumulation of corpus, then the "Reading Heart Language" and "Reading Log" columns are a kind of language accumulation and cultural accumulation. "Reading Heart Language" can freely express the thoughts after reading the fragment, and the "reading log" records the reading mood of the day with one or two sentences. Nowadays, students' extracurricular reading is mostly carried out using fragmented time, and intensive reading assisted by "hand account" emphasizes the eyes, hands and hearts, and promotes students' deep reading in a step-by-step and cumulative manner.

(3) How to read feedback "rational and fun symbiosis"?

The highlight of "hand-booked" reading is to pursue quality "reading feedback": or in the form of mind maps, let students learn to extract information, or to pursue the theme content or language characteristics, so that students can feel the main idea, both words and meanings; or connect with life, observe the mind for ductile expression; or expand the reading surface through reading links, or form a three-dimensional cultural feeling through the addition of multiple media. Specifically, there are mainly the following forms:

1. Information extraction class

Elementary school students love to track the storyline and explore the results of the story, but it is easy to figure out the speed of the moment, and there is often a lack of overall review of the main content. In order to exercise their ability to collect information and summarize information, different forms of visual mind maps can be designed.

2. Language construct classes

On the basis of information extraction, students use language to express the characteristics of the characters, express their understanding of the content, and improve their language expression ability.

Example: "I'm a nickname for a hero" (one of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms reading events)

From the perspective of personality characteristics, three characters in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are selected to draw up nicknames, and the reasons are briefly described in combination with the characters' life experiences. Pick the one you think is the best to communicate with your classmates.

3. Thinking development class

Example: "A Hundred Schools of Thought" (one of the Crickets in Times Square reading activities)

When Chester's music career reached its peak, he suddenly chose to leave Times Square and return to his hometown. Chester is gone, but it remains deep in everyone's heart... What is your attitude towards its choice? Against, or in favor? Tell us your reasons.

4. Imagine the creation class

Example: "Conjecture of the Ending" (one of the reading activities of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea")

The novel does not end with the "Nautilus" going, what do you think the ending will be?

Second, the characteristics of "hand-booked" creation reading

(1) Pointing to child sexuality

The series of books is titled "Four Hours of Reading Music". "Four Hours of Reading Music" is a song dynasty poet Weng Sen's exhortation poem with the theme of spring, summer, autumn and winter, singing about the love of reading. These four poems are noble in sentiment and beautiful in imagery. A hundred years ago, zhang Jian, the founder, industrialist and educator of our school, wrote these four poems by hand and engraved them on the bronze scrolls on campus. These four poems constitute another "preface" to the "handbook" textbook, which is conducive to the continuous swimming of the whole school students in the primary school career, turning reading into a lifelong need of "fun" and "endless fun".

According to the "Language Curriculum Standards", the recommendation of the comprehensive unified version of the primary school Language textbook "Happy Reading Bar", after many discussions with students and parents, we have repeatedly considered and determined the recommended reading list as a benchmark for the production of supporting "handbook" books. A "handbook" is used for one semester, of which the "hand account" type assists in reading 5 intensive books, and about 15 pan-reading books are recommended. The content covers many aspects, including classical masterpieces, classic poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, fun picture books, campus novels, scientific and natural books, growth guides and so on.

The "handbook" picture can make people have a strong aesthetic pleasure. The school book is beautifully illustrated by the school's art teachers, and strives to be highly consistent with the text content, character image, and writing intention, and is full of fun. For example, in the reading feedback of "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd", Wang Bao scratched his head and thought: What happiness does the treasure gourd bring? What annoyances have been added? Please write in brief language on this laughing gourd doll and the crying gourd doll.

The illustration style of each grade is self-contained, with line drawing, colored lead, watercolor, white painting and Chinese painting style close to the aesthetic tastes of students of different ages. The overall binding is harmonious and beautiful. Students carefully appreciate the pictures, understand the characters in the book, imagine interesting content, and write down with great interest. The "handbook" also has the characteristics of strong decoration, and students can freely graffiti to express their reading mood.

Planned reading is full of fulfillment. "Handbook" helps to mobilize "energy management". While reading and completing the "hand account" task, although the time is not much, the accumulation is a lot of wealth. Its true meaning lies in reading consciously and systematically. In the "Pan Reading Mountain" column, students can paint red on the small flag next to it every time they finish reading it. You can also write the unique discovery of "bookworm foraging" in the "Good Book Recommendation" and "My Personalized Reading" columns. Students summarize, organize and plan the "whole book reading" of this semester in the "My Reading Summary and Prospect" column. "Hand-booked" Chuangsheng reading guides students to read a group of books, learn from their strengths, help them form a balanced and reasonable reading structure, and continuously improve their reading taste.

(b) Pointing to interactivity

1. Talk to the text

Students have a dialogue with the text, realize integration and creation in communication and collision, and realize their own personality stretching in dialogue. "Hand-booked" reading annotation is an active and personalized reading practice of students, capturing important information in outlining and writing, combing the structure and refining content, tasting the connotation of language thinking, and effectively improving students' reading ability and language expression ability.

2. Talk to your peers

The 5 minutes before the Chinese class are very rich in "Bookworm Whispering" activities. For example, reading "Popular Interpretation of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" (by Liang Heng) created the following interactive game: "I say you guess", briefly describing the characteristics or achievements of a scientist to see who guessed the name first; "Storytelling Scene" fits the language style of the book's interpretation, shocking the wooden beat, up and down five thousand years, ancient and modern science history, students' oral transmission; "the brightest star in the night sky", "fan group" scientist recommendation, and so on. The reading community has fully absorbed the nourishment of science from it.

Another example is reading the picture book "This is the Twenty-Four Solar Terms" and playing special aeroplane. Throw the color, take the corresponding number of steps, and say the name of the corresponding solar term according to the picture prompt. Game elements such as "Continuous Look" and "Magic Cube" are designed into the reading process, reflecting the distinctive interactive generation characteristics.

3. Talk to yourself

Students construct their own cognitive system and growth space through reading, and subtly enrich the spiritual world. For example, after reading "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd", in the "Reading Feedback" there is such a question: "Do you want to have such a treasure gourd?" Why? The secret of the treasure gourd is the secret of success, the true meaning of happiness. Did you find it? "The process of finding answers is the process of pulling together students' lives.

Third, the implementation of "hand-booked" Chuangsheng reading

(1) Trigger endogenous learning ability and make progress day by day

"Handbook" genesis reading is a kind of "daily progress" self-reading, speaking independently and writing freely. In the reading promotion class, the teacher relies on the text, keenly captures the students' spiritual trigger points in the novelty, confusion, resonance, and challenge, and designs exquisite and exquisite questions, and the students use circles, points, comments, recognition and other methods to annotate. Teachers guide students to "crawl and crawl", teaching students the methods of silent reading, browsing, fast reading, skip reading, guessing reading, and intertextual reading, crossing reading barriers and improving reading speed. In short, the "hand-booked" creation reading stimulates the internal driving force of individual growth, provides a relatively complete cultural field, promotes the comprehensive application of reading strategies, conforms to the learning rules of students, bases itself on the origin of growth, and points to the far side of life.

(2) Build an intelligent communication platform and conduct diversified evaluations

We emphasize the parallel offline and online reading, with the help of big data statistics, screening reading, we call for the construction of intelligent communication platform, so that reading is not "lonely". Encourage students to upload, read, and evaluate the "Reading Handbook" in pictures or other forms. For example, a class of students set up a WeChat group, and from time to time they will push photos of "reading the account", which receives the attention and likes of many students. The school's WeChat public account also regularly pushes the "Four Hours Reading Music" student "Reading Handbook" album. Small makers use their own style and the cultural product of hard work to identify and confirm their own identity from a sociological perspective.

In the "Four Hours Reading Music" textbook, the columns "I am the most beautiful reading man", "My class is fragrant", "My family overflows with books" guide students to self-evaluate according to the listed standards. These "standards" full of the characteristics of the times are a kind of action guide, aiming to structure the reading life in multiple dimensions.

The school carries out individual, class and family reading evaluation activities. With keynote speeches, student book displays, WeChat promotion and voting, the school-level "Most Beautiful Reading Lang" and the class "Most Beautiful Reading Lang" are selected, and special badges and armbands are worn for them, and a "Flower Season Reading Scholarship" can also be set up to maximize the enthusiasm and creativity of students and enhance their self-confidence in reading.

(3) Integrate multiple forces and comprehensively advance

As a systematic project, "Whole Book Reading" must form an organic cooperative community of schools, families and communities to activate their potential and advantages. "Hand-booked" Chuangsheng Reading not only realizes value leadership through the evaluation of "parent school" and "bookish family", but also opens "parent volunteer classroom" and "reader" to explore parent-child reading methods.

Campus activities are an important carrier for the implementation of the "hand-booked" student reading activity curriculum. Such as the "Painted Voice and Shadow" dubbing competition, textbook drama competition, "One Stop to the End" knowledge quiz, "Rhyme of Love" class classic recitation and so on. In the activity, teachers of all subjects are reading instructors. In this way, the linkage of disciplines can maximize the role of teachers as the driving force.

Taking the school as the guide, fully explore the reading resources of the community and establish a department of public welfare services. We pay special attention to cultivating students' feelings for libraries and museums, so we have joined hands with the Municipal Library to create a library-school joint project such as the "Seven Colors Flower National Academy", and young teachers will regularly guide community students to read classics and make "reading handbooks". The school also employs a community leader in reading as an off-campus counselor for students reading outside of class. The heterogeneous composition of the mentoring team provides students with different perspectives and experiences. (Author Affilications:The First Affiliated Primary School of Nantong Normal School)

Source: Primary School Newsletter on Language Teaching