
Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

author:Read good poetry
Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season
Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season
Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

"Frost falls, eat persimmons", with the arrival of "frost", it has reached the late autumn of "a thousand trees sweeping yellow". On the day of frostfall, most parts of our country will eat tomatoes, and folk customs believe that "frost falls to eat persimmons, there will be no runny nose". During the frost season, the thin skin of persimmons is delicious and has high nutritional value.

It is rumored that frost fell to eat persimmons, which is also related to Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.

It is said that when Zhu Yuanzhang was young, his family was very poor. At a young age, I had to go around begging for food. One year during the Frost Festival, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had not eaten for two days, was so hungry that his eyes were black and his limbs were weak. When he stumbled to a small village, he suddenly found a persimmon tree growing on the edge of the village, which was covered with red persimmons. Zhu Yuanzhang ate a feast of persimmons to survive. Later, Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, and one year the frost soldiers passed by the small village again and found that the persimmon tree was still there, and it was still covered with red persimmons. Faced with this situation, Zhu Yuanzhang had a thousand thoughts, and it was this persimmon tree that saved him from becoming a starving victim.

He looked up at this ordinary persimmon tree, slowly took off his red robe, climbed up again, solemnly draped the robe on the persimmon tree, and named it "Ling Frost Hou", and then reluctantly left. After this story spread in the folk, it gradually formed the custom of eating persimmons when the frost fell.

Fourteen poems about persimmons when the frost tree is red, eat persimmons during the frost season!

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Tour Guihou City South Forest Villa

Don-Zheng Gu

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

In August and September, the pavilion was high and downwind.

After coming to Xinji alone, he strolled in the smoke.

Lotus pond green, persimmon multiplication and leaf red.

The master is greedy and expensive, and the Qingjing belongs to the neighbor.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Xie Chen Youhui red and green persimmons

Song-Liu Zai

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Red and green are good fruits, and Danqing makes a good word.

Distant pity frost fallen leaves, shore sits inscription poems.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Four absolutes

Song -Zheng Gangzhong

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Wild butterflies fly in groups, and this scene is the best time in autumn.

Cold pear frost persimmon leafless, green orange yellow orange half pressed branches.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season


Song-Liu Ziyi

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Autumn forest yellow leaves late frost severe, ripe Tigan fragrance unique.

The fire umbrella is full of waves, and the wind vane is like Yi Zhongqian.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Remember the ancient city of persimmon


Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

The orchard is secluded and little to know, and the dan persimmon black hand moves by itself.

If you want to learn Zheng Qian's book falling leaves, who will understand when you send it.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Tour Longhua Temple

Song-Fan Zongyin

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Xiao went out of the east road of the city, looking for monks to chat and avoid noise.

Suyun Kailing, late rice no Kawahara.

The village is dark and mulberry, and the forest is full of persimmons.

The sun is sleepy and sleepy, and the joy goes to the mountain gate.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season


Song-Fang Yikuo

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Wanzhu Famous Ancient Temple, nearly said Dongyang.

The green trees are full of eggs, burning empty and glowing night light.

The fruit is cold and thirsty, and the leaves are upside down.

If you want to go up the Tong River, look for stone honey cream.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Late looking has a feeling

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Frost made clear and cold to help the wind, and several hedges fell into the smoke.

Sand gulls trail to the fish full, wild birds call persimmons red.

The temple bells go through the bamboo, and the cave is deeply inhabited and clouded.

Yanmen Will Even Report What, Wanli can be ashamed of Duan Zisong.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Late autumn tour of Middle Creek

Song-Dai Table Yuan

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Pine and laurel branches in the Xiu folding mountains, and the brook fish are also small Mowley silk.

After Sha Tin turns white and harvests, the frost tree is red when tasting persimmons.

At sunset, the cattle and sheep are ripe, and the cold black birds are kind to people.

Izumo is a bureaucrat for miles, and it is better to ask how things are.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Tailing Orchard

Ming-Wang Tingxiang

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Persimmons are late red with fire, and pears are crisp and frosty in autumn.

Whoever expects the fruit of the lingling tree, there are still old courtiers to taste.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Mountain villages are eye-catching

Qing-Qiu Fengjia

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

In the sunset of the western peak in a corner, the clouds and the east ridge are rainy.

Lin Feng wants the old persimmon to ripen, and the autumn is red in the depths of the Wanshan Mountains.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Qingzhou persimmon

Qing-Peng Sunyi

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Yin Hong Zhu is beautiful, Qingqin is cold and scorched.

The canopy flows cold liquid, and the bee spleen is over the honey.

Jun Qian's form was inferior, and Sima's thirst should be eliminated.

Win the children's trouble, frost rope more proud.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Wild persimmons

Modern - Single-Handed

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

The white sun chrysanthemums were not saved, and they were all swept away by the horses.

Who knew that autumn was wrapped in the north mountain, and wild persimmons were like flowers and ten thousand Dan.

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

Autumn evening on the mountain trip

Hyundai - Wu Weichun

Fourteen poems about persimmons are written in the frost tree, and persimmons are eaten during the frost season

The return road is late, and the first few peaks of Yunqi.

Long sky oblique birds, rocks and fine grunts.

Persimmon old group is red, and the pine is high and green.

Autumn heart is infinite, where to smell the bell more.