
Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

author:The burning moon color of the crimson moon

Similar to theatrical editing, Jack Snyder's Justice League rises after the events of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and the events of Superman/Henry Cavill.

As a result of his death, a giant demon arrived on Earth in the form of Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds), the horned pioneer of the evil Darkseid (Ray Porter), a demonic figure who attempted to unite three mighty Mother Boxs and destroy everything we know of life on Earth.

To overcome this apocalyptic danger, Batman/Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) struggles to unite a group of warriors to deal with the impending danger: Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot of the Demigod Goddess, part robot hero Cyborg/Victor Stone (Ray Fisher), super-fast savior Flash/Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) and underwater royalty Aquaman/. Arthur Curry(Jason Momoa)。

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

However, the key to it all may lie in a fallen hero and his beloved woman, Lois Lane.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

Although the overall storyline has a similar storyline to the previous version, the new version of Justice League feels like a completely different movie.

Taking on the more serious, conceited tone of Snyder's earlier productions, Iron Man and BvS, it feels like being at home in the broader series, and the pursuit and success achieves true cinematic epic status.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

With a chaotic slow-motion sequence and rich visuals, its directorial vision has a true consistency, which is lacking in the mashups released in 2017 – even if it's a bit boring and heavy on rock and folk.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

However, the film also retains some of the flaws of his litigation film. The ambitions are obvious, but the grueling rush times, lengthy tangential lines, and delightful Easter eggs often distract the central plot of the story.

There's no doubt that this is a treat for die-hard followers of comic book fans, but for many ordinary readers, these moments can be confusing at best, but confusing at worst.

Some problems with theater tailoring also persist. Steppenwolf is a dull CGI villain whose personality has been slightly expanded by the appearance of his master, Darkseid.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

The brilliant Amy Adams was once again downplayed, and Lois Lane was reduced to a grieving widow until some undeniably moving scenes later.

The ending undoubtedly also led to the typical superhero CGI melee, although there were some stronger character jobs and some gore in the lure.

However, for all the complex structures, there are indeed moments of awe in the film, and some paintings are almost paintings, while also expressing their cast in greater depth – especially for the central hero.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

The character of the man who sustains life by mechanical devices is particularly expanded, weaving his own origin story through the central narrative itself. While this can be a distraction, actor Ray Fisher is at the heart of the story, and Victor Stone's relationship with his father, Joes Morton, proves to be particularly satisfying.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

It's also satisfying to see Ben Affleck return to Caped Crusader, a role he never really had a chance to grit his teeth, while Henry Cavill still perfectly plays the noble, carved Titan, the Iron Man.

Sadly, Gal Gadot's Diana Prince doesn't have the most loving beacons of love she did in Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman films.

Jack Snyder's Justice League is a solid epic for most marathons, but the last half hour is particularly lengthy, existing only to tease potential future installments and provide a large number of fan service objects.

But, ultimately, that's the purpose of the cuts — to please supporters of Snyder's DC Vision of an Extended Universe and to give Snyder one last chance to fully implement this plan, and for that, it was a success.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is a DC Comics epic that, while its long running times and some unnecessary plot detours may shut down the average audience, fans are happy.

Justice League is here! This super-burning epic special effects blockbuster! Can you make your friends' blood boil?

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