
Teachers have communication

author:A spring of ease

Life is not a lonely person in the world, even if you come and go alone, as long as you eat, dress, live, your surroundings will be surrounded by all kinds of familiar or unfamiliar people, you will inevitably have to "communicate". What's more, the teacher originally ate the open mouth, but also to learn to communicate with people friendly and effective communication. Being able to communicate is also one of the basic skills that teachers must have.

Teachers are not jobs that can be exchanged for a long time; the object of teachers' work is not a rigid machine, but a full of vitality and living individuals; teachers' daily work is trivial and scattered, but teachers are also ordinary people, in the work is inevitable to have inconsiderate places, especially when there are problems with parents, if you do not pay attention to communication with parents, it will lead to a larger and larger gap between home and school, deeper and deeper prejudice, seriously affecting parents' trust in schools and teachers. It can also have adverse consequences for our working condition and efficiency. It can be seen how important it is to learn to communicate effectively with parents! Facing the problem head-on and communicating sincerely is the easiest and most effective way to solve the problem.

One. Good attitude and skill

Some time ago, a parent sent me a WeChat message asking me: Teacher, is the approximate number of 886 900 wrong? At that time, I was stunned when I looked at it, and I thought: This tone is not kind, should it be the wrong approval of his child's homework? I quickly opened the nails and re-examined them, and found that each batch of errors made me have a bottom in my heart. Then I explained to him that it was right, and that the child wrote 900, and I was not wrong. But this parent still did not forgive, saying: But his mother said wrong, and it was the teacher who told you. As soon as I listened, I knew the reason, it was to listen to my live lesson, the child understood correctly, but the mother did not understand, the child was wrong, and the father was not happy, came to me, and came with anger. Next, I sent several voices to this parent, first explained to him the correct understanding of this knowledge point, and then praised the child's mother for the child's learning, and praised the child for listening to the class seriously and recently made great progress; finally I thanked him again, thanked him for being able to communicate with me in time, let me know that the original knowledge point the child may not have mastered very well, and then strengthen the practice. When he finished listening to my voice, he said to me: Thank you, teacher. Because of this problem, the child's mother tore up the child's homework, and we had a fight between the two of us. I found the reason for the bad tone at the beginning, and I hurriedly replied: Haha, I'm sorry, my fault. Parents said: No, no, teacher, sorry, disturbed. The child at school does not let you bother, and the child can always find me if he has any problems in the future.

After this incident was over, I felt a sense of relief and a little joy in my heart, and a smoke of war was extinguished. To tell the truth, at work, any kind of parents may meet, meet reasonable parents are good to say, we talk about it and it will be fine. The more unreasonable and unreasonable the parents, the more we need to come up with a better attitude, use good communication skills, not only to convince them, but also to let them understand the teacher's difficulties, and from then on unconditionally support your work.

Two. Empathize

In today's society, as a teacher in the new era, under the premise of jointly educating children well, we teachers sometimes have to think for the sake of parents, stand in the position of parents, and implement empathy. Put yourself in the shoes of parents and help them solve problems, thus winning the trust of parents, then our education will be half successful. It is important to communicate with parents and whether they can consider the problem from the perspective of parents. The question comes out, the teacher must first reflect on himself, is there really something wrong with doing it? If I were a parent, would I accept such a practice from a teacher? If that student is my child, and the teacher does this to my child, can I accept it? Isn't it liberating to think like this?

I remember that there was a student named Zhang Ruihan in the graduating class I sent away, and when he was in the fourth grade, he once ran on the playground and accidentally fell, his face hit the ground, and he was scratched. When school is out, parents look at it and are anxious before I can speak: What happened to the child's face? How did it fall? There must be a classmate pushing him, injured at school, you must be responsible... Listening to her words, I was quite angry, thinking: All in the fourth grade, such a big child, the teacher can't always follow him behind, and repeatedly told him not to run, the child himself is not obedient, who is it? But when I look at the child's face, the skin is broken, there is still water, some places are oozing blood, I can't get angry again, I fell like this, I look at it with pain, not to mention that people are mothers, people say two sentences is also deserved. So I adjusted my tone and said to her: Indeed, the child fell like this, and we were all very distressed. Well, I'll take my child to the medicine. The child said that he fell by himself, if you don't believe it, tomorrow to adjust the monitoring, if it is true that someone pushed him, what should we do. As soon as the parents heard me say this, their attitude immediately changed and said: It's okay, teacher, don't use it, I just go home and apply a ointment. You're busy first, tomorrow I'll adjust the monitoring. Parents took their children home when they finished. The next morning, I just arrived at the school, this parent was already waiting at the school gate, she looked very embarrassed to say to me: Teacher, I'm sorry, yesterday I saw the child's face is broken, a hurry attitude is not good, you don't go to your heart. After a night, my face was up and down, and I saw that I was all right. Monitoring I also do not check, the child is naughty, bumping and bumping is also normal. I insisted on letting her go to the monitoring, and when I walked to the door of the monitoring room, she didn't go in. Since then, this parent has never looked for me because of his child.

Later, I reflected on this matter, if the parents were anxious about me at that time, I could not stop, and I was also anxious about her, and I would definitely say the wrong thing in the anger, and I guess there would be no good results. But I did not bother with her, first showed pain for the child, she felt that she was understood, and the teacher also attached importance to and cared for the child, her bad emotions were resolved, and it was easy to accept the teacher's advice. After waiting for a while, she found that the child was not so serious, and she began to reflect on herself, so there was a scene of apologizing to me later. Through this incident, presumably, this parent will have more trust in the school and teachers.

Three. Communicate on an equal footing

There must be equal communication with parents. Parents are adults like us, when we sit together, there is no status of status, we are an alliance for the healthy growth of children, and we should be close comrades and partners in the education of children. No parent will listen carefully to the teacher's advice and ideas, because he knows that the teacher is all for the good of his child. When talking to parents, teachers must put themselves in the right position, avoid holding up the teacher's shelf, and reprimand parents like criticizing children. When parents have something to find, first of all, they must respect the parents from the attitude, treat them politely, and talk in a gentle and gentle manner, so that the parents can trust the teacher psychologically and are willing to communicate frankly with the teacher. In the face of problems, we must seek truth from facts, not to make things out of nothing, but also to discuss things on the facts, not to turn over old accounts, in the original intention of solving problems, put ourselves in the shoes of parents and children, and actively explore ways with parents. At the same time, use good wording when talking to avoid parents having the illusion that "the teacher sees the parents is a complaint", and do not let the parents think that you are looking for parents to borrow the hands of parents to clean up the children.

Communication is an effective way for teachers and students to make progress together and to educate together. Good communication between home and school helps teachers to get parental support, understand students' learning status, and promote the formation of good habits in students. The link between home and school communication is the student, the center is for the good of the student, based on this, parents and teachers can calm down to communicate well, let parents understand the intentions of teachers, let teachers understand the parents' ardent expectations, home and school work together to promote students' progress, and achieve a better life for students.

Therefore, all good education should start from home-school communication.