
Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

author:People's Daily commentary

Comprehensively shape the development of new advantages

-- On adhering to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization drive

Ren Ping

(1) Not long ago, the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft successfully docked at the radial port of the Tianhe core module using the autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking mode, and 3 astronauts successfully entered the Tianhe core module and began China's longest manned flight so far. "Zhu Rong" strolled on Mars, Shenzhou 12 manned mission created a number of "firsts", "Xihe" successfully entered orbit, China's space exploration ushered in the "era of exploration"... Since the beginning of this year, the success of the aerospace field has been frequently reported, which has become a vivid microcosm of China's scientific and technological undertakings constantly climbing to the peak.

On October 26, when visiting the national "13th Five-Year Plan" Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievement Exhibition, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "During the '13th Five-Year Plan' period, China's scientific and technological undertakings have accelerated their development, greatly improved their innovation capabilities, and achieved a number of major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of basic frontier, strategic high technology, and people's livelihood science and technology. This is the result of the joint struggle of the whole party and the whole country, especially the vast number of scientific and technological workers, under the strong leadership of the cpc Central Committee. "The accumulated actual achievements reflect that China's scientific and technological strength is moving from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, from point breakthrough to system capability improvement, and scientific and technological innovation has made new historic achievements."

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

On October 26, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the National "13th Five-Year Plan" Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements Exhibition at the Beijing Exhibition Center. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

At present, China has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and scientific and technological innovation has a very important position and role in the overall development of the party and the country. To grasp innovation is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. At the 20th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the 15th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development, we must deeply implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and the innovation-driven development strategy, improve the national innovation system, accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological power, and achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance." During his inspection in Guangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Only innovation can be self-reliant and compete for the lead, and we must unswervingly take the road of independent innovation and firmly grasp the initiative of innovation and development in our own hands." At this year's national two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping demanded: "Strengthen innovation-driven, with greater strength and more practical measures to accelerate scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement."

Technology empowers development, and innovation wins the future. The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the strategic goal of ranking among the forefront of innovative countries by 2035, and the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the core position of adhering to innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization construction, and taking scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement as the strategic support for national development. The 14th Five-Year Plan and the outline of long-term goals for 2035 make major arrangements for adhering to innovation-driven development and comprehensively shaping new advantages for development.

"Scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement is the fundamental support for promoting the overall situation of development" "Scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement have become the basic ability to determine China's survival and development" "The most essential feature of building a new development pattern is to achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement." This is the profound enlightenment given to us by history and reality, and it is also a scientific thesis that wins the advantage, wins the initiative, and wins the future.

(2) When science and technology prosper, the nation prospers, and when science and technology is strong, the country is strong.

Throughout the history of human development, innovation has always been an important force in the development of a country and a nation, and has always been an important force in promoting the progress of human society. Since ancient times, science and technology have pushed human society forward with an irreversible and irresistible force. Since the 16th century, there have been many scientific and technological revolutions in the world, each of which has profoundly affected the world power pattern. In a certain sense, the strength of science and technology determines the changes in the balance of political and economic forces in the world, and also determines the future and destiny of all countries and peoples.

Looking back on the journey of struggle over the past century, our party has attached great importance to the cause of science and technology in all historical periods. From attaching great importance to the work of intellectuals during the revolutionary period, to blowing the clarion call of "marching toward science" after the founding of New China, to putting forward the thesis that "science and technology is the primary productive force" after reform and opening up; from the in-depth implementation of the knowledge innovation project, the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and the strategy of strengthening the country with qualified personnel in the new century, constantly improving the national innovation system and building an innovative country, to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, proposing that innovation is the first driving force leading development, comprehensively implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerating scientific and technological self-reliance, and building a world scientific and technological power. The cause of science and technology has always held a very important strategic position and played a very important strategic role in the cause of the party and the people.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

On October 21, the audience visited the National "13th Five-Year Plan" Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievement Exhibition at the Beijing Exhibition Center. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

Especially since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly grasped the law and general trend of historical development, and put forward a series of new ideas, new conclusions and new requirements around the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy and the acceleration of comprehensive innovation with scientific and technological innovation as the core:

——" Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress, the inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity and development, and the deepest national endowment of the Chinese nation";

-- "Whether we can harden our waist in the world and whether we can overcome the 'middle-income trap' depends to a large extent on the improvement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities";

——" The key to adapting to and leading the new normal of China's economic development is to rely on scientific and technological innovation to transform the driving force of development";

- "No innovation, no slow innovation." If we do not recognize change, do not respond, do not seek change, we may fall into strategic passivity, miss development opportunities, and even miss an entire era";

-- "If China wants to be strong and prosperous, it must vigorously develop science and technology and strive to become the world's major scientific center and innovation highland." We are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we need to build a world scientific and technological power more than at any time in history."

——"Practice has repeatedly told us that the key core technologies are not coming, buying, and getting." Only by mastering key core technologies in their own hands can we fundamentally guarantee national economic security, national defense security and other security."

——" In the face of fierce international competition, in the context of the rise of unilateralism and protectionism, we must go out of the innovation path suitable for national conditions, especially to put the improvement of original innovation ability in a more prominent position, and strive to achieve more 'from 0 to 1' breakthroughs";

- "Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society, a powerful weapon to cope with many global challenges, and the only way for China to build a new development pattern and achieve high-quality development";

-- "We must adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of modernization, regard innovation as a national policy, and actively encourage and support innovation." Innovation does not ask 'origin', as long as anyone can contribute to the country will support whom";


Far-sighted judgment and decision-making to judge the hour and size up the situation guide the direction for us to implement the innovation-driven development strategy and build a world science and technology power. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, China's scientific and technological undertakings have intensively exerted efforts and accelerated leapfrogging, achieving major changes in history, integrity and pattern. Look up at the sky, overlook the earth, dive into the deep sea... Today's China is becoming a broad platform for various innovative elements to exert their agglomeration effect, bursting out the surging momentum of innovation.

A large number of major scientific and technological innovation achievements have emerged. "Chang'e 5" realized the return of extraterrestrial object sampling, the 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope discovered millisecond pulsars for the first time, the new generation of "artificial sun" broke the world record, "Haidou-1" completed a 10,000-meter deep dive, "Strivers" successfully sat at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the Beidou satellite navigation system was globally networked, the Chinese space station Tianhe core module was successfully launched, and the Chinese astronauts stayed in space to continuously set new records...

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

The Strivers, which are about to be launched, on September 30. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Kaizi

The development of a number of strategic emerging industries has accelerated. C919 large aircraft ready to operate, 600 km per hour high-speed maglev transportation system successfully rolled off the production line, artificial intelligence, digital economy booming, image recognition, voice recognition in the forefront of the world, 5G mobile communication technology to take the lead in large-scale application, new energy vehicles to accelerate the development, consumer-grade drones occupy more than half of the global market...

Supporting conditions such as scientific researchers, equipment, and funds are not what they used to be. China's scientific and technological talent team continues to grow, the total number of R & D personnel ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years, and the number of invention patent applications ranked first in the world for many consecutive years. Major scientific and technological infrastructure has experienced a process from less to more, from learning and tracking to independent innovation, and a large number of large scientific installations and facilities such as spallation neutron sources, strong magnetic field devices, synchrotron radiation light sources, large astronomical telescopes, and marine research vessels have been built and put into use, and the number of facilities, construction scale and coverage areas have gradually expanded. In recent years, China's basic research investment has grown rapidly, with an average annual growth rate of 16.9%. In 2020, the total social R&D expenditure reached 2.44 trillion yuan, accounting for 2.4% of GDP, and basic research accounted for more than 6% of R&D investment for the first time. According to the "2021 Global Innovation Index Report" released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, China's comprehensive ranking of innovation capacity has risen to the twelfth place in the world.

From basic research, applied basic research to technological innovation, from high-tech industries to strategic emerging fields, from people's livelihood science and technology to national defense science and technology... China's scientific and technological undertakings have undergone historic changes and made historic achievements, and scientific and technological innovation is deeply changing the daily lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese, and its supporting and leading role in promoting economic and social development, improving the country's comprehensive strength, and meeting the people's growing needs for a better life has been significantly enhanced. In the historical process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the important position and role of scientific and technological innovation have become more and more prominent, and the substantial leap in China's scientific and technological strength and innovation ability is not only an important symbol of building a well-off society in an all-round way, but also a key support for building a well-off society in an all-round way. "The Economist" magazine pointed out: "In the past, the owners of those technology companies in the United States wanted to see the world's most cutting-edge technology, just push open the door, and now they have to fly to China to see it all." ”

"Eyes full of vitality and transformation, natural workers skillfully strive for new ones." Today, China has entered the rapid track of scientific and technological innovation, and some frontier fields of science and technology have entered the stage of running and leading, becoming an innovative power with global influence and becoming an increasingly important pole in the global innovation map.

(III) Today's world is experiencing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the domestic and foreign environment facing China's development is undergoing profound and complex changes.

Looking at the outside, the world's new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are booming, which will reshape the global political and economic pattern. Scientific and technological innovation has become the main battlefield of the international strategic game, and the competition around the commanding heights of science and technology is unprecedentedly fierce. If China's scientific and technological innovation cannot be carried out, it will be impossible to achieve a transformation of the development momentum, and it will be in the inferior position in global competition. We must enhance our sense of distress, keenly grasp the development trend of scientific and technological innovation in the world, firmly grasp and make good use of the strategic opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and cannot wait, wait, or slacken off.

At present, the international environment is complex, the world economy is in a downturn, the global industrial chain supply chain is facing reshaping, and the instability and uncertainty have increased significantly. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is wide-ranging, with anti-globalization, unilateralism and protectionism surging forward. In the past, in the external environment of the in-depth development of economic globalization, the "two ends outside" of the market and resources played an important role in China's rapid development. In the current external environment of rising protectionism, sluggish world economy and shrinking global market, we must give full play to the advantages of the domestic super-large-scale market, add impetus to China's economic development through prosperity of the domestic economy and smooth domestic circulation, and drive the recovery of the world economy. This requires us to focus on improving the modernization level of the industrial chain supply chain, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the research of key core technologies, and create new advantages for future development.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

An EMU parked on a storage line. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

Looking at the inside, after more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China has become the world's second largest economy. However, many areas of economic development are large but not strong, large but not excellent. Under the new situation, the way of mainly relying on the input of resources, capital, labor and other factors to support economic growth and scale expansion for a long time is not sustainable, and China's development is facing the heavy task of power conversion, mode transformation and structural adjustment.

The driving force of China's low-cost resources and factor inputs has weakened significantly, and it is necessary to rely on more and better scientific and technological innovation achievements to inject new impetus into economic development; social development is facing many challenges such as population aging and ensuring people's health, and it is necessary to rely on more and better scientific and technological innovation achievements to achieve coordinated economic and social development; ecological environmental protection and ecological civilization construction have a long way to go, and we need to rely on more and better scientific and technological innovation achievements to build a beautiful China with blue sky, green earth and clear water; energy security, food security, network security, The pressure of ecological security, biosecurity, national defense security and other risks is increasing, and it is necessary to rely on more and better scientific and technological innovations to ensure national security...

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "At present, China's economic development environment has changed, especially the relative advantages of production factors. Labor costs are gradually rising, the carrying capacity of resources and the environment has reached a bottleneck, the old combination of production functions has been difficult to sustain, and the importance of science and technology has risen in an all-round way. In this case, we must put more emphasis on independent innovation. ”

At present, China's economic and social development and the improvement of people's livelihood are more in need of scientific and technological solutions than ever before, and it is more necessary to strengthen the first driving force of innovation. Facing the future, if we grasp scientific and technological innovation, we will seize the bull nose that affects the overall situation of China's development. In the overall situation of China's modernization drive, it is of great strategic significance to accelerate scientific and technological innovation.

Accelerating scientific and technological innovation is the need to promote high-quality development. Scientific and technological innovation is the only way to achieve high-quality development, the construction of a modern economic system, to promote quality change, efficiency change, power change, all need strong scientific and technological support, must rely on innovation-driven connotation growth.

Accelerating scientific and technological innovation is the need to achieve a high-quality life for the people. The main contradiction in our society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and insufficient development, and to continuously meet the people's yearning for a better life, we must introduce more scientific and technological innovations involving people's livelihood.

Accelerating scientific and technological innovation is the need to build a new development pattern. To promote the domestic cycle, we must adhere to the main line of supply-side structural reform, improve the quality and level of the supply system, and create new demand with new supply. To smooth the domestic and international double cycle, it is also necessary to strengthen the high-level supply capacity of scientific and technological innovation and ensure the safety and stability of the industrial chain supply chain.

Speeding up scientific and technological innovation is the need of forging ahead in a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. From proposing the "four modernizations" to proposing to build a socialist modern power in an all-round way, the modernization of science and technology has always been an important part of China's modernization.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

At 9:27 a.m. on October 24, China successfully launched the Shijian No. 21 satellite at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center with the Long March 3B carrier rocket. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Chen Jianyong)

"Crisis and opportunity always coexist, and overcoming a crisis is an opportunity." At present, we are in the historic intersection period of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change in the world and the transformation of China's development mode, facing both a once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity and a severe challenge that the gap may be widened. We must soberly see that the situation in which China is subject to people in some key core technologies has not fundamentally changed, the scientific and technological reserves for creating new industries and leading future development are far from enough, and many industries are still at the low end of the global industrial chain value chain. History and reality have profoundly warned us that some historical intersection periods may produce the same frequency resonance, and some historical intersection periods may also pass by.

The situation is compelling, the challenge is compelling, and the mission is compelling. In the new stage of development, crises coexist, crises are organic, and crises can be turned around. Only through innovation can we firmly grasp the initiative in competition and development in our own hands; only through innovation can we reshape China's new advantages in international cooperation and competition; and only through innovation can we promote China's high-quality development.

(IV) Self-reliance is the basis for the Chinese nation to stand on its own feet among the nations of the world, and independent innovation is the only way for us to climb the peak of science and technology in the world. Only confident countries and nations can go steady and far on the road to the future.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "You can't always use other people's yesterdays to dress up your own tomorrow." You can't always expect to rely on the scientific and technological achievements of others to improve your own scientific and technological level, let alone be a technical vassal of other countries, and always follow the footsteps of others. We have no other choice but to take the road of independent innovation. "To enhance the ability of independent innovation, the most important thing is to unswervingly take the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the principle of independent innovation, key leaps, support development, and lead the future, and accelerate the pace of building an innovative country and a scientific and technological power." This is the only way to comprehensively build our country into a socialist modern power. Different countries have different national conditions and different stages of development, which determines that the mode and path of scientific and technological innovation in different countries are not the same. The road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics is a scientific and technological innovation path that not only conforms to the trend of world scientific and technological development, follows the law of scientific and technological development, but also closely integrates China's national conditions and conforms to China's actual conditions.

Taking the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics is an important experience for China to continuously improve its scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength. From the early days of the founding of New China, practicing "self-reliance as the mainstay, supplemented by striving for foreign aid," and achieving a number of major scientific and technological achievements in independent innovation marked by "two bombs and one satellite"; to the implementation of the "strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education" and "building an innovative country" since the reform and opening up, a large number of independent innovations, world-leading complete sets of technical equipment, and systematic platform products such as manned space projects have emerged; and then since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have comprehensively implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerated scientific and technological self-reliance, and built a world scientific and technological power. "Mozi" transmission, high-speed rail Mercedes-Benz, "Beidou" networking, "Jiaolong" into the sea, "nine chapters" came out, the emergence of large countries and heavy weapons, the field of scientific and technological innovation has undergone earth-shaking changes. The tree is tall and leafy, tied deep in roots. History and practice have fully proved that adhering to the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics is the correct choice for China to continuously improve the level of scientific and technological development and enhance its comprehensive national strength.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

At 0:23 on October 16, the Long March 2F Yao-13 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was accurately ignited and launched at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center according to the scheduled time, and the three astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu were successfully sent into space. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Lei

To take the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, we must have a strong self-confidence in innovation. General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed many times that we should strengthen our self-confidence in innovation and strive to overcome key core technologies. On the one hand, China's scientific and technological strength and innovation ability have been significantly improved, laying a solid foundation for accelerating the realization of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. After years of efforts, the overall level of science and technology in our country has been greatly improved, and we have the foundation, confidence, confidence and ability to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, take advantage of the momentum, and make great achievements. On the other hand, strong institutional advantages provide a strong guarantee for accelerating the realization of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Our greatest advantage is that our socialist system can concentrate its efforts on doing great things, which is an important magic weapon for us to achieve our cause. Only by unswervingly taking the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, further enhancing self-confidence in innovation, firmly daring to be the first in the world, working originality and originality, having the courage to challenge the most cutting-edge scientific problems, putting forward more original theories, making more original discoveries, and striving to achieve leapfrog development in important scientific and technological fields, can we keep up with or even lead the new direction of world scientific and technological development and grasp the strategic initiative of a new round of global scientific and technological competition.

To take the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, we must accompany the times and unite our forces. We must uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership over the cause of science and technology, improve the party's leadership system over science and technology work, and provide a strong political guarantee for the development of China's scientific and technological undertakings; we must do a good job in the top-level design from a world perspective, and put forward realistic development directions, goals, and work priorities; we must improve the new-type national system, grasp the system layout, systematic organization, and cross-border integration, and twist the government, the market, society, and other forces into a rope; we must strengthen basic research, achieve major breakthroughs in basic theory and underlying technology, and better solve the problem." We must break down institutional and institutional obstacles, stimulate innovation potential and market vitality, and transform innovative achievements into real productivity faster; we must build an open innovation ecology, participate in global scientific and technological governance, and enhance our own scientific and technological innovation capabilities in open cooperation... We must have the backbone and ambition of independent innovation, accelerate the enhancement of independent innovation capabilities and strength, and this road must be unswervingly followed.

To implement the innovation-driven development strategy, the most fundamental thing is to enhance the ability of independent innovation, and the most urgent thing is to break down the obstacles of institutional mechanisms and maximize the liberation and stimulation of the huge potential contained in science and technology as the primary productive force and innovation as the first driving force. Innovation has always been a life of nine deaths, however, "I believe that it is feasible, then the difficulty of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea will eventually have a successful day." Only by adhering to and giving play to the characteristics and advantages of the road of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, playing a good game of chess, playing a good battle of initiative, and with strong confidence and determination in innovation, neither being arrogant nor arrogant, having the courage to overcome difficulties, pursuing excellence, and winning victories, can we seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development.

(5) "Force, shape is also striving" At present, China is in a critical stage of moving from a scientific and technological power to a scientific and technological power, and scientific and technological innovation has become the key to China's future development. Adhering to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization drive and taking scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement as the strategic support for national development is a long-term strategy to adapt to the development trend of science and technology in the world, and it is also a policy based on the root causes of China's development stage.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must take innovation as the first driving force to lead development, take talents as the first resource to support development, put innovation in the core position of the overall development of the country, and constantly promote innovation in various aspects such as theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, scientific and technological innovation, and cultural innovation, so that innovation runs through all the work of the party and the country, and innovation becomes a common practice in the whole society." "Standing at a new historical starting point, we must put innovation drive in a more prominent and important position, facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, facing the main economic battlefield, facing the major needs of the country, facing the people's life and health, while strengthening the strategic scientific and technological strength, further exerting efforts in the role of enterprises, talent vitality, institutional mechanisms, comprehensively shaping the development of new advantages, so that the momentum of scientific and technological innovation is stronger."

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

Footage of astronauts Zhai Zhigang (center), Wang Yaping (right), and Ye Guangfu waving to the people of the whole country at the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center on October 16, which were stationed in the Tianhe core module. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tian Dingyu

To achieve innovation-driven development, it is necessary to "navigate" and enhance strength with the country. The world's scientific and technological powers compete with the national strategic scientific and technological strength. In recent years, China's outstanding achievements in the fields of lunar exploration projects and manned space projects have fully proved the remarkable advantages of the new national system. Facing the future, we must also rely on this magic weapon to promote scientific and technological innovation and leapfrogging, improve the new national system under the conditions of the socialist market economy, fight a key core technology battle, and improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system. It is necessary to adhere to the strategic demand orientation, determine the direction and focus of scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively strengthen the deployment of scientific and technological innovation, pool superior resources, vigorously and orderly and effectively promote the "unveiling and taking command" system and mechanism of innovation research, strengthen the docking of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and constantly break through the barriers, attack the city, gnaw down one "hard bone" after another, and achieve an overall leap in the level of high-end technology.

To achieve innovation-driven development, it is necessary to "pilot" and act as the main force of enterprises. Enterprises are the main body of innovation and the new force that promotes innovation and creation. As Engels said, "Once society has a technical need, this need will be more able to advance science than ten universities." "From the perspective of the history of scientific and technological development, many of the scientific and technological innovations that have a major impact on the development of the world come from enterprises. Judging from the development practice of our country, enterprises have played a vital role in innovation. For example, Shenzhen has become an innovation highland in the country and even the world, and the mystery behind it is "6 90%", that is, more than 90% of innovative enterprises are local enterprises, more than 90% of R& D institutions are set up in enterprises, more than 90% of R& D personnel are concentrated in enterprises, more than 90% of R& D funds come from enterprises, more than 90% of service invention patents come from enterprises, and more than 90% of invention patents for major scientific and technological projects come from leading enterprises. It is necessary to promote enterprises to become the main body of technological innovation decision-making, research and development investment, scientific research organization and achievement transformation, and cultivate a number of innovative leading enterprises with outstanding core technical capabilities and strong integrated innovation capabilities. In particular, state-owned enterprises such as central enterprises should bravely shoulder heavy burdens, dare to take the lead, and be brave to be the "source of original technology" and the "chain leader" of modern industrial chains.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

Workers perform production operations at the wind power equipment manufacturing plant of China Yizhong Group Co., Ltd., located in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, on July 1. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Jianwei

To achieve innovation-driven development, we must let talents "set sail" and be full of vitality. The only way to innovate is to get people. If you have the needs of others, you will store them in a wide way. The entire history of science and technology proves that whoever has first-class innovative talents and first-class scientists can occupy an advantage in scientific and technological innovation. In order to achieve a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, China must, in the final analysis, rely on high-level innovative talents. At present, China's high-level innovative talents are still insufficient, especially the lack of strategic scientists, scientific and technological leaders and innovation teams. It is necessary to create a good environment for innovation, accelerate the formation of a training mechanism conducive to the growth of talents, a mechanism conducive to the use of talents, an incentive mechanism conducive to the growth of talents, and a competition mechanism conducive to the emergence of all kinds of talents; it is necessary to strengthen the input of talents, optimize the policy of talents, create a policy environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship, build an effective mechanism for attracting and using talents, and form an innovative situation in which the world's talents gather in Shenzhou. The vast number of scientific and technological workers should strengthen their self-confidence in innovation, seize the opportunity of innovation, bravely climb the peak of science and technology, solve development problems, consciously shoulder the glorious historical mission, and accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

To achieve innovation-driven development, we must let the system "escort" and increase the momentum. Scientific and technological innovation and institutional mechanism innovation are like the two wheels of a car, and "two-wheel drive" can go steady and far. If scientific and technological innovation is compared to the new engine of China's development, then reform is an indispensable ignition system for igniting this new engine. We must take more effective measures to improve the ignition system and launch the new engine driven by innovation at full speed. China's scientific and technological contingent contains great potential for innovation, and the key is to effectively release this potential through deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system. It is necessary to release the vitality of innovation with reform, solve the three basic problems of "who will innovate", "where will the driving force come from", and "how to use the results", cultivate a good innovation pattern of combining production, study and research, connecting the upper, middle, and lower reaches, and coordinating large and medium-sized enterprises, so that new technologies, new formats, and new models can continue to blossom and bear fruit, and release the development potential to the greatest extent.

Science knows no borders, innovation never ends. Science and technology are universal and epochal, and the development of science and technology must have a global vision. No country can be an independent innovation hub or have exclusive access to innovation. Independent innovation is innovation in an open environment, and it must not be carried out behind closed doors, but must gather the strength of the world and borrow the strength of the eight parties. The more we face blockade and suppression, the more we cannot engage in self-isolation and self-isolation, but must implement a more open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and shared international scientific and technological cooperation strategy. Do not reject the crowd, the party is the river and the sea. Strengthening international scientific and technological innovation cooperation in an all-round way, more actively integrating into the global innovation network, and enhancing their scientific and technological innovation capabilities in open cooperation can inject more source of living water into innovation-driven development.

By starting the "14th Five-Year Plan", setting sail on a new journey, giving full play to the role of scientific and technological innovation as a key variable in the great changes that have not occurred in a hundred years, the supporting and leading role in the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation, cultivating opportunities in the crisis, and opening a new situation in the changes, we will certainly be able to continuously expand the new space for development and shape new advantages for development.

At the conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Based on the new development stage, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and promote scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement."

Looking at the road ahead, what we have embarked on is an unprecedented magnificent journey, which is bound to be accompanied by unimaginable challenges and tests, and we must maintain strategic determination; the external environment we are facing is complex and severe, and it is indispensable to "block the road" and "turn back", and we must make more arduous efforts; the opportunities we must seize can be called elusive variables, and we must strengthen our bones and bones and improve our coping ability in all directions.

Ren Ping of the People's Daily article: Comprehensively shaping new advantages for development

The trial train Fuxing travels in Shannan, Tibet , on June 16. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jue Guo

Time is not waiting for anyone! History does not wait for anyone! History will only favor the firm, the enterprising, and the fighters, but will not wait for the hesitants, slackers, and fearful of difficulties. "We dare not be complacent in the slightest, but we have unparalleled self-confidence" - in the new journey of forging ahead to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, our original intention is like a rock, and we are full of vigor. "The journey is long, only struggle" - shouldering the historical mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we know where we are going and where we are going.

The river flows day and night, and the song of generosity is not yet sung. The era in which we live is a great era that urges people to forge ahead, the cause we are carrying out is a great cause unprecedented in history, and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that we are engaged in is the common cause of all the people. Standing at a new historical starting point, more closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, adhering to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization construction, seizing opportunities, facing difficulties, cohesion and firm conviction, we will certainly be able to comprehensively shape new advantages in development, write a new glorious chapter on the new journey, continue to create the great historical time of the Chinese nation in the great time history of mankind, and march forward courageously toward the second centenary goal and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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