
Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

author:Rubik's Cube Science

Entering 2021, for our country, it is simply a year of concentrated bursts of rare animals and plants. After the "world's most mysterious bird" Hainan seabird appeared in Fujian, the new species "dragon" horned snake appeared in Zhejiang, the "mysterious" creature white-tailed bipod appeared in Guangxi's JiuwanShan, etc., also contains a lot of unnamed animals and plants, they have appeared, the rest of the places also present a situation of harmonious coexistence with nature.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

On September 5, the World Conservation Congress was held in Marseille, France. During the conference, a combination of online and offline methods were adopted, and Haikou in China became the scene of domestic guests. It is an honor to speak at the conference when China simultaneously released the population status of the Hainan gibbon as a reference for the global animal and plant protection model.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > a total of 35! Hainan gibbons achieved 2 new additions in 1 year</h1>

It is reported that on March 2 and March 3, the monitoring team found that Hainan gibbons added 2 new baby apes. On August 23, after unanimous identification by experts, the basic conditions of the two newborn baby apes were officially confirmed: they belonged to the B group and the D group, 7 months and 6 months of age respectively. This marks the recovery of the population of Hainan gibbons from 33 in 5 groups in 2020 to 35 in 5 groups, and great progress has been made in the conservation of gibbons. Until the eve of the report, it was found that they were all thriving healthily and developing normally.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

As we all know, the Hainan gibbon was previously rated critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, ranking among the 25 endangered primate species in the world. The discovery of the latest growth of gibbons in Hainan is exciting. In 2020, monitoring researchers found that female apes in group E were holding a cub in their arms. In 2021, 2 baby apes of other populations were found almost at the same time, and for the conservation effectiveness of Hainan gibbons, the sudden growth of so much is the best evidence of efforts.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" what is the Hainan gibbon >? What are the features? </h1>

Hainan gibbon, also known as Hainan black-crowned gibbon. Usually the males are black, while the females range from yellowish gray to light brown, and the coat color difference between the two is very large. The Hainan gibbon is monogamous, usually communicates through barking, and is very good at climbing like other monkeys. Usually, Hainan gibbons mainly feed on some leaf buds, small animals, fruits, etc., and are endemic animals on Hainan Island in China.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

On the one hand, the Hainan gibbon is an endemic species belonging to Hainan, but on the other hand, it is an indicator species of the authenticity and integrity of the Hainan tropical rainforest. Experts from the World Conservation Union have previously judged that among the 20 species of gibbons in the world, the Hainan gibbon is the only species that can maintain slow population growth. Although the Hainan gibbon is still critically endangered as before, the total of 35 new 2 is added. However, compared with the plight of other critically endangered primate species that can only continue to decrease, the Hainan gibbon is quite well protected and the population development trend is also quite good.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > Why are Hainan gibbons so rare? </h1>

In fact, a closer count of all primate species is actually less common in today's society. Even many monkeys, such as golden snub-nosed monkeys, are very rare and are protected by our national legislation. And what does this mean? First of all, on the one hand, our forests, woods, hills, etc. today are definitely not as good as before, so the living environment of these species has become more harsh and there is no way to survive.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

On the other hand, since industrialization, human society has hunted animals and plants and occupied the living environment very seriously. While the natural quantity is decreasing, coupled with the continuous compression of the living space, will the number increase in the opposite direction?

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

For the Hainan gibbon, first of all, it only lived in this part of Hainan Island. In the past, the awareness of environmental protection and animal and plant protection was not strong, and invisibly, whether it was the population protection of Hainan gibbons or the protection of their living environment, they were not in place. Then the number has been reduced to critical endangerment, which is naturally reasonable.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" > behind the growth of the number of gibbons in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable</h1>

On 4 September, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) updated its latest Red List of Threatened Species. According to statistics, 38543 of the 138375 species participating in the global assessment, nearly one-third of the species are threatened with extinction. Although the status quo of the Hainan gibbon has not changed, it is indeed a very rare small amount of steady growth, which is inseparable from the efforts made behind the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park!

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

According to statistics, in order to protect the important Hainan gibbon, Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park has designated more than 95% of the primary forest, more than 55% of the natural forest and the important areas in the ecological location of Hainan Island as pilot areas. After only 3 years of pilot construction, the population recovery of Hainan gibbons and the systematic restoration of Hainan hot rain forests have continued to improve each other.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park covers a total area of about 4,400 square kilometers, and its forest coverage rate has reached 95.56%, which is home to 3,577 species of wild vascular plants and 627 species of vertebrates. There are 40 species of national first-class protected plants and second-class protected plants, and endemic plants such as Pinnacle Qinggang, Overlord Magnolia, Luoluoshan Luofu Wood, Wuzhishan Hanxiao, etc. are as high as 428 species. There are 75 species of national first-level protected animals and second-level protected animals, and up to 33 species of endemic animals such as Hainan peacock pheasant and Hainan new woolly hedgehog.

Rarer than a giant panda? Only 35! The critically endangered Hainan gibbon has added two new baby apes, and there are 35 characteristics in total! What is the Hainan gibbon that has added 2 new Hainan gibbons in 1 year? What are the features? Why is the Hainan gibbon so rare? Behind the growth of the gibbon population in Hainan: the ecological protection of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is indispensable

All in all, Hainan's ecology is getting better and better. The continuous exploration process of Hainan's ecology is also an example of harmonious coexistence between man and nature that we humans should learn! It is hoped that in the future, more animals and plants will be delegated, and more animals and plants will emerge.