
Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

author:The contemplative Tocqueville
Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

The United States is the New Rome, the Roman Empire died to the barbarians, will the United States die of immigrants? Today I'm going to talk to you about that.

First of all, the Roman Empire died in the barbarians, a common explanation is that in the middle and late period of the Roman Empire, the Romans were arrogant and lustful, neither willing to be soldiers nor willing to have children, in the face of foreign invasions, the Romans were powerless to resist, they could only recruit barbarians as soldiers, the barbarians gradually grasped the military and political power of Rome, and a great empire was destroyed in the hands of immigrants.

Many people think that the large number of immigrants in the United States today is tantamount to attracting wolves into the house, which is a self-destruction of the Great Wall, and Huntington, a university scholar in the United States, is also extremely worried about this, he is worried that the influx of immigrants will change the culture of the United States and make American values tend to collapse.

The rise of Trump in 2016 seems to prove huntington's correctness, and many Chinese people conclude that the fate of the United States has been determined, and the time is on the Chinese side, and many Chinese are betting on the United States to lose.

I think it is premature to make such a judgment, and to understand this we must understand the details of Roman history.

In fact, since the establishment of the Roman Empire, the Romans have been a minority of the empire, and the conquered foreign races have been the majority of the empire. During the Augustus period, the population of italy as a whole was only 6 million, while the entire Roman Empire had as many as 70 million people, and the Romans in Italy accounted for no more than 10%. But 10 percent versus 90 percent of foreigners still achieved 200 years of solid rule.

These majority foreigners remained loyal to Rome and tried to romanize themselves.

In the book The Fall of the Roman Empire, it is mentioned that the upper classes of the Gauls, Egyptians, Britons, and Spaniards tried their best to learn the way of life of the Romans, and like the Romans, they bathed in the bathhouses and watched the gladiatorial wearing robes, and they tried to learn Latin, hoping to become part of the Romans. Many of the high-ranking members of the conquered peoples became Roman officials, and a large number of alien sons entered the Roman army as auxiliary corps.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(As early as the beginning of the empire, the foreign races had already occupied half of the Roman army, the picture shows the Roman Gallic auxiliary cavalry)

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(Emperor Aurelian, who saved Rome from the crisis of the third century, was not Italian.)

By the 2nd century AD, Roman emperors were no longer confined to Italy, for example, Trajan, one of the Five Wise Emperors, was A spaniard, and the Romans were able to accept people of non-Italian origin as emperors.

After Caracalla granted citizenship to the whole empire in the 3rd century, the vast number of non-Italians in the empire officially became Romans, and it was these non-Romans from the provinces who helped Rome survive the crisis of the third century and ushered in a short-lived revival. The Roman emperors in the crisis of the third century, almost all from outside Italy, these Romanized non-Romans became the mainstay of the empire.

In the 4th century, there was no difference between Italians and non-Italians, for example, in the 4th century, the literary scholar Sumarcus consulted Latin like the Gauls Ausonius, and Sumarcus also said that his own Latin teacher was also Gauls.

This account reveals two astonishing facts, one is that most of the foreign races in Rome have been completely Romanized. The second is that there is not much separation between Italians and non-Italians. Asking a Gaullic for advice on Latin was unthinkable in Caesar's day.

These facts amply prove that the argument that the Roman Empire led to the demise of the state due to the weakening of the main nation is completely untenable, as early as the beginning of the empire, the Romans were already an absolute minority, in the 3rd century AD, even the army was composed entirely of non-Italians, even the emperor was no longer of Italian origin, but these naturalized foreign races still defended the Roman Empire and continued to maintain it for more than 200 years. They loved Rome even more than the Italians.

As long as the Roman Empire was able to continuously assimilate the alien races within its borders, the Roman Empire could live forever.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?
Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(The alien elite within the Empire struggled to romanize themselves, imitating the lifestyle of the Roman nobility.)

But in the middle of the 4th century AD, the situation changed completely, because of the Huns' expulsion, the Visigoths poured into the Roman Empire in large numbers, unlike the previous conquered peoples, the Visigoths were armed and independent influx into Rome, and what was more frightening was that the Roman army was unable to stop the Goths after the annihilation of Adrianople, and finally could only acquiesce in the establishment of an independent kingdom within the territory by means of peace.

From the time the Romans compromised with the Goths, the Roman Empire sowed the seeds of destruction. Although the Visigoths had only 300,000 men, these 300,000 had their own leaders and their own armies, and Rome could not assimilate them and intervene in their lives.

Later Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Vandals, all entered the Roman Empire as an independent establishment, they were completely free from the jurisdiction of the Empire, their independence was getting stronger and stronger, and when the Western Roman Empire could no longer rule, they simply established their own kingdoms independently, and the Western Roman Empire was destroyed under their partition.

At the end of the empire, the population of the Western Roman Empire was 20 million, and the total number of barbarians was only 1 million, and the barbarians were an absolute minority, but the 1 million barbarians eventually disintegrated the Western Roman Empire of 20 million people, not because of the absurd reason that the main ethnic group did not give birth, but because the Roman Empire no longer had military strength.

Due to military defeat, the empire could not intervene in the life of the barbarians, let alone assimilate the barbarians, the power was not on the side of Rome, but on the side of the barbarians, and under the circumstances of this, the barbarians no longer worshipped Rome, and finally destroyed the empire with strength.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

In Rome in the 1st century AD, although the Romans were an absolute minority, Rome had absolute military superiority, any organized military power within the empire was destroyed, and all peoples were atomized under Roman rule. So they could only learn from Rome and strive to be part of Rome.

Rome was violent, so even if the foreign races accounted for 90%, the Roman Empire was still as stable as Tarzan and could cultivate a bunch of spiritual Romans.

In Rome in the 5th century AD, although the Romans were the absolute majority, the Roman army had been crushed, the barbarians occupied the advantage of force, Rome was no longer a symbol of strength in the hearts of the barbarians but a synonym for weakness, because of the satisfaction of mastering the initiative, the Romans naturally could not assimilate the barbarians.

The barbarians who entered the empire in the 5th century AD no longer studied Latin, but developed their own language, laying the foundation for the future independent statehood.

The fundamental reason for the misdirection of rome's fate in the two eras is not the question of the population of the main ethnic group, but whether the empire has the advantage of violence, as long as the empire's force is crushed, he can continue to assimilate foreign races, assimilate immigrants, and make them spiritual Romans. But once the Empire lost its superiority in force, barbarian immigrants would rebel against the main guests and become a force to destroy the Empire.

The most fundamental reason is violence, as long as the empire is strong and monopolizes violence, immigrants will only be the help of the empire and not the gravediggers of the empire. On the other hand, if the country declines, 10% of the foreign races can make the world chaotic.

This was true of the Roman Empire, and it was true of the United States.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(Trump is German-American but fully identifies with his American identity.)

In fact, the United States has never had a majority of peoples, and like the Roman Empire, it has been relying on the continuous assimilation of immigration by power.

At first, there were only English and blacks (slaves) in the United States, then the Irish, then the Germans, then the Eastern Europeans, the Jews, and finally the Chinese and Mexicans.

Although there are many races, due to the rapid development of the United States and the strength of the country, the United States can always quickly assimilate immigrants, immigrants from all over the world also worship the strength of the United States, in 1910, even some immigrants went to the streets to ask the government to teach them English, in order to quickly assimilate them and make them Americans. Until now, the authority of the United States is still strong, and there are countless spiritual Americans, many newly naturalized Americans, often more loyal than old Americans, such as The Republican Latino Congressmen Cruz and Rubio, as well as the Democratic Party's Obama, Harris, Defy and so on.

These immigrants tended to love America more than Americans who had been three or four generations old, and the so-called convert fanaticism was no different from the spiritual Romans of that year.

As long as the United States maintains its strong national strength and lets immigrants worship its authority, then even if the proportion of white people is less than 50%, it can still maintain hegemony, or even more powerful, and it is unrealistic to destroy the United States by immigration alone, and the collapse of American hegemony requires two variables.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?
Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(Convert fanaticism, Dai Qi and Rubio and old Americans are more loyal to the United States)

The first variable is that the United States has experienced a sharp decline in national strength, and even suffered international defeats and discredit.

The turning point in the destruction of the Roman Empire was the defeat of Adrianople, when the Romans were unable to deal with the Goths and had to ask for peace and allow them to retain their formation. The fall of empires often begins with a defeat, and if the United States suffers defeat and loses its sacred aura because of its decline in power, then the United States will certainly be in danger.

The second variable, which Rome had never experienced, was the New Left's deconstruction of the United States.

The New Left has constantly denied the value of Western civilization with the intention of deconstructing american history and destroying the sanctity of the United States from an educational point of view.

A multi-ethnic empire, in order to maintain, must let the immigrants maintain their worship of him, just as the Roman Empire was the light of civilization, the United States also needs to maintain its image of the city on the top of the mountain, the beacon of democracy, the reason why the United States bothered to promote American democracy, in addition to the missionary spirit, more out of the need for hegemony, the United States needs American values to maintain his legitimacy, so that immigrants are willing to naturalize the United States.

This is not only a matter of faith, but also the survival of the country, and if you understand this, it is not difficult to understand why the United States is so angry about China, why the Americans cannot stand what Chinese take for granted.

But what can destroy the sanctity of the United States is not China, but the white left, if the New Left completely deconstructs the sanctity of American history and the US Constitution, then the foundation of the Founding of the United States will no longer exist, once the sanctity is lost, the United States will no longer be able to let immigrants naturalize the United States, and immigrants will no longer be the help of the United States, but become the gravediggers of the United States.

Looking back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, will the United States die of immigration?

(The reason why the four young generals are a big threat to the United States is mainly because they are not proud of the United States, but are ashamed of the United States.)

The United States will not necessarily die from immigrants, and whether immigrants will destroy the United States depends on whether the above two variables appear. The first variable is unlikely, but the second variable is still unknown.

As long as America's strength remains and Its values are not questioned, immigrants will never destroy America, but will make America great again. Biden can let go of immigration or be politically correct, but if Biden continues to allow the New Left to deconstruct American history and deconstruct American values, I am afraid that the United States will one day self-destruct the Great Wall.

If it did happen, it would be ridiculous that the United States would be the first self-destructive nation in human history.

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