
"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

author:A little turtle watching the rain from the window

The last festival of autumn: "Frost Falls", and the poem has clouds: "Crabapples are pale, and white dew is frost." At night, the dew condenses into frost, so it is called frost. The arrival of frost is the transition from autumn to winter, which means that the weather is getting colder and winter is coming. During the frost season, not only the autumn leaves of "frost leaves are red in February flowers" can be viewed from a distance, but also the autumn chrysanthemums that bloom closely can be admired, and the scenery is picturesque. In addition, the health care of the frost season is particularly important, as the saying goes, "a year to make up for it thoroughly, it is better to make up for the frost", and the customs and delicacies of the frost season can not be underestimated.

Guangxi people pay attention to eating beef on the day of frostfall, such as "beef fried powder", "beef fried radish", or "beef brisket pot" and other delicacies to replenish energy, hoping to strengthen their health in winter; people in southern Fujian should eat duck to "paste autumn fat"; and then: "autumn radish race ginseng", "frosted vegetables are particularly sweet", some food lovers prefer to eat frosted cabbage, radish, red cabbage moss and other vegetables.

In addition, eating persimmons in frost is also one of the essential customs of cuisine. Persimmons are sweet and juicy after frosting and weathering, and the taste becomes particularly delicious. Persimmon is rich in sucrose, glucose, fructose, protein, carotene, vitamin C, citrulline, dietary fiber, iodine, calcium, etc., its mineral content exceeds apples, pears, peaches and other fruits, high nutritional value, appropriate to eat more persimmons, but also help to clear heat, moisturize the lungs, moisturize the intestines laxative. "Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", "frost falls to eat persimmons, will not run a nose" and other sayings fully illustrate the importance of frost to eat persimmon health. At the same time, "persimmon" harmonic "thing", eating persimmons, buying persimmons, sending persimmons, etc., also has the auspicious meaning of "happy events" and "everything is as expected".

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

Below, I will recommend 5 persimmon recipes, like friends may wish to try:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > one: persimmons</h1>

Also known as "lazy persimmon" or "crisp persimmon". Freshly picked persimmons have an astringent taste and must be artificially deastringent or naturally deastringent before they can be eaten. Simple deastringent methods are:

1: Put the persimmons in a box or box, put a few more apples, seal them for a few days and eat them.

2: Place the persimmons on the window sill or balcony, and move the placement direction at any time, so that the persimmons can be basked in the sun for a few days, and when the persimmons become soft, they can be eaten. It is also possible to place persimmons in a cool, ventilated, sun-free place, so that the persimmons soften a little longer.

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="42" >2</h1>

According to historical records, China's earliest persimmon cake has appeared in the Han Dynasty, soft glutinous sweet authentic persimmon cake, there is a layer of white frost on it, also called "persimmon cream", is fructose, glucose and other sugars due to the evaporation of water crystallization; however, now there are always some unscrupulous traders will dip some starch or talcum powder on the surface of the persimmon cake to make the persimmon cake look whiter and more beautiful. When buying, if you find that the white powder on the surface of the persimmon cake is easy to rub on your hands, it is possible to buy fake or low-quality persimmon cakes.

In fact, it is not difficult to make persimmon cakes at home, not only simple, but also a fun process:

How to make persimmon cake:

Ingredients: 30 persimmons, cotton thread to taste

Preparation Method:

Step 1. Wash the persimmons in clean water and control the moisture. [Note at this step: Persimmons should be selected relatively hard, and do not remove the stems and do not break the persimmons when cleaning.] ]

Step 2. Peel the persimmons, tie them to the persimmon cakes with cotton thread, string them several, and hang them on the balcony to dry. [Note at this step: Do not throw away the persimmon peel, dry it with the persimmon, and use it later.] ]

Step 3. After a few days of drying, the persimmon will become flattened and the volume will become smaller, at this time, the persimmon will be pinched dozens of times by hand every day to help it be soft and flattened, which will make the persimmon cake taste more firm and chewy.

Step 4. After the persimmons have dried (not over-dried), prepare a box, lay a layer of sun-dried persimmon skins, place a layer of persimmons, and then lay a layer of persimmons and persimmon skins. Placed in a cool place that is not exposed to the sun, after more than 10 days, the persimmon will return to the white frost, the persimmon cake will be ready, and the flesh inside is crystal clear and very delicious

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:
"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" >3, persimmon sauce</h1>

Sometimes, after buying more hard persimmons at one time and placing them for a period of time, soft persimmons cannot be eaten at once, at this time, it is better to make persimmon sauce, spread bread, make sandwiches, etc.

How to make persimmon sauce:

Ingredients: 8 freshly cooked persimmons, 1 lemon, rock sugar, salt to taste.

Step 1: After washing the persimmons, remove the crust and stem, remove the pulp, and place it in a blender to juice. Wash the lemon and set aside.

Step 2: Sit on the heat, pour in the persimmon juice, squeeze the lemon juice, mix well, add the right amount of rock sugar, half a small spoon of salt, stir well. After the fire boils, let it simmer slowly.

Step 3: When the persimmon sauce in the pot becomes thick, turn off the heat, let it cool and put it in a water- and oil-free bottle, and then put it in the refrigerator to seal and store.

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:
"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" >4</h1>

I remember that one year, when I traveled to Xi'an, Huanggui persimmon cake (also called "crystal persimmon cake") was a common snack, which was made of fire crystal persimmons produced in Lintong County, Shaanxi Province, as the main ingredient, and made with flour and some fillings to make small cakes and then fry. Because the flesh of the fire crystal persimmon is orange-red or bright red, although it is small, but the skin is thin, the flesh is juicy, sweet and delicious; the persimmon cake looks golden in color, very attractive, and it is sticky and soft to eat, sweet and fragrant. If you use other varieties of persimmons, the persimmon cakes are mostly yellow. It is said that this persimmon cake also has a history:

At that time, Li Zicheng was crowned king in Xi'an and would soon enter Beijing. At that time, Guanzhong was in the midst of a famine and food shortages, so the people of Lintong used ripe fire-crystal persimmons mixed with flour to make persimmon cakes for the soldiers to eat on the road. Later, every autumn, during the season when the persimmons were ripe, the locals would make persimmon cakes to eat in honor of Li Zicheng. After that, after continuous improvement by the chefs, the current style of Huanggui persimmon cake was formed. ”

How to make fried persimmon cake:

Ingredients: 2 freshly cooked persimmons, flour, red bean paste, cooking oil to taste.

Step 1: Wash and peel the persimmons, remove the stems, remove the pulp, put them in a large bowl and mash them into a puree, or put them in a blender to make a puree.

Step 2: Pour an appropriate amount of flour into a bowl, stir while pouring, then use your hands and form a dough. Set aside and wake up for 15 minutes.

Step 3: In the time of waking up, knead the red bean paste into small balls of uniform size and set aside.

Step 4: Knead the dough into long strips, then roll it into a uniformly sized agent, press it flat with your hands, then wrap the bean balls, tighten and flatten it to make a cake embryo.

Step 5: Sit on the pan on the fire, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the persimmon cake after the oil is hot, fry slowly on low heat, fry until both sides are golden brown, and then you can get out of the pan~

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:
"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >5</h1>

Frozen persimmons are the best way for lazy people to store persimmons, put in the refrigerator, you can wait until winter or spring to eat; especially friends in the north, in the cold winter, guarding the stove, holding the heat to eat frozen persimmons, the smell of cool silk to the bottom of the heart. On the palate, frozen persimmons are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, bion B, carotene and water-soluble fiber, which not only supplement nutrients, but also help to moisturize the intestines. However, friends with bad stomach and fear of cold should eat less frozen persimmons.

How to make frozen persimmons:

Ingredients: 10 freshly cooked persimmons.

Step 1: Wash the ripe persimmons well and control the moisture.

Step 2: Place the persimmons neatly in a crisper box and freeze them in the refrigerator.

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="67" >6, eating persimmons is contraindicated:</h1>

Although persimmons are delicious, because persimmons contain a large number of tannins, gums and soluble astringents, you must eat less when eating, and also pay attention to:

1: Can not eat on an empty stomach, easy to combine with stomach acid to form stomach persimmon stone.

2: Do not eat the skin, because the tannic acid of the mature persimmon is mostly concentrated in the persimmon skin, and after the tannic acid enters the human body, under the action of stomach acid, it will chemically interact with the protein in the food to produce precipitate, which will cause physical discomfort.

3: Do not eat with crabs, octopus, sweet potatoes, pears, wine, etc., so as not to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

4: Do not eat with sauerkraut, as well as some high-protein fish, shrimp and other foods, so as not to have stomach persimmon formation and be detrimental to health.

"Frost falls to eat a persimmon, a winter does not catch a cold", 5 persimmon recipes to do, nutrition to reduce dryness and moisturize the intestines one: persimmon two, persimmon cake: three, persimmon sauce four, fried persimmon cake five, frozen persimmon six, eat persimmon taboo:

Food, eaten properly, can supplement the body's nutrition, and even suitable for food and medicine; excessive consumption or improper consumption will be more harmful to health. People who love persimmons love its sweet and juicy, sweet but not greasy persimmon pulp, tough and crisp persimmon meat, the cream has come down, buy some persimmons, let the family taste sweet at the same time, but also means this autumn "everything is as expected"~ ~

The daily chai rice oil and salt makes us have no sense of "if we first saw" for the trivial and complicated cooking, but however, "regardless of gains and losses, forget about ourselves, and enjoy it" is still our unremitting pursuit every day. Love life, love food, and share the delicious food and stories with you. This article is the original editor of the little turtle who looks at the rain in the window, the code word is not easy, and it is strictly forbidden to copy and carry it from the bad self-media. Like me ~ attention! ~Thumbs up! ~Support me~~~