
Idiom Story 382 Popular

author:Woodcutter one

The idiom story of the popular population comes from the Warring States Mengke's "Mencius, Under the Heart" Zeng Zhe loved sheep dates, and Zeng Zi could not bear to eat sheep dates. Gongsun Ugly asked, "Is it beautiful to cook and ripe with dates?" Mencius said, "Oh shit! Gongsun ugly said: "However, what is zengzi who eats hot and does not eat sheep dates?" "The sun is the same, and the date is the same." The name is not a surname, the surname is the same, and the name is unique. ”

Popular, it originally meant delicious food that everyone loved to eat. Now the beautiful poems and articles are praised and praised by everyone.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, both father and son were students of Confucius. His father, Zeng Zhe, was very fond of eating dates (a wild fruit, commonly known as milk persimmons). After the death of his father Zeng Zhe, Zeng Zhan, the great filial son, did not eat dates in honor of his father.

Gongsun Ugly was a student of Mencius, and he had doubts about this matter, so he went to consult Mencius. Gongsun Ugly asked Mencius, "My dear teacher! Which of the hot dates, do you say, is delicious? Mencius replied, "It must be delicious, and everyone loves to eat it!" Gongsun Ugly then asked, "Since it is delicious, then Zeng San and his father must also love to eat it?" Then why didn't Zeng Ginseng quit eating hot and only eat sheep dates? Mencius laughed and said, "Braising is a food that everyone loves to eat; although the dates are not as delicious as the braised dates, Zeng Zhe especially loves to eat them." Therefore, Zeng Ginseng abstained from eating dates in honor of his father.

It is like the elderly are only taboo to call names, not surnames, surnames are common to many people, but names are unique to each person. Mencius's teachings enabled Gongsun Ugly to solve his doubts.

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