
Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

author:The flower planter on the road to the sea of stars

The legend of Noah's Ark in the Bible should be believed by Christians, but science cannot think of this fact because of the legend or the large number of believers, and science needs more evidence to prove whether this is a historical fact! Of course, the search for Noah's Ark has never stopped in history, but there has never been one that can make the global archaeological community believe that this is the remains of Noah's Ark! Of course, we might as well take a look at the efforts of the archaeological community!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

The legendary Noah's Ark is about 136 meters long, about 23 meters wide, and about 14 meters high, this size is not a small boat in modern times, not to mention that in ancient times, it was still a wooden ship!

I. In the clay tablets excavated in the ancient Assyrian kingdom in 1850, there is a story about a man named Vanta Napitim and his wife and wife who escaped by boat during the Great Flood! These clay tablets are about 5500 years old!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

Location of the ancient Assyrian state

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

Cuneiform script of the ancient Assyrian kingdom

In the summer of 1993, local government officials discovered the wreckage of the ship type during an inspection of the great earthquake that occurred in the Ararat Mountain area, which, although only partially exposed, was estimated to be about 100 meters long!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?


In fact, there are many more such plausible cases, but recently one has caused quite a stir!

The most recent is April 28, 2010, when the exploration team of Hong Kong and Turks of Noah's Ark announced in Beijing that they had found the remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, located at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

Where are the ruins located, so what exactly is it?

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

It looks like a terrace, but it is said that important ancient ruins have been found in the center!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

Of course, the onlookers did not know what kind of important evidence archaeologists had found there, but according to most laymen, it seemed to be nothing more than a mesa somewhat similar to a ship! Because it is impossible to form such a terrace according to the time when ancient wooden ships were preserved in the open air, wood of course has conditions similar to the formation of wood fossils or ebony, but these forms that are enough to be preserved for thousands of years or even longer have not been found!

Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Are the remains of Noah's Ark found in Turkey real?

Even with so much evidence and the flaws revealed, even then we can't prove that Noah's Ark doesn't exist, but it's hard to find a 5,000-year-old wooden ship! And there are legends all over the world that resemble the Great Flood and seem to point to the fact that this ship really exists! At this stage we can't easily conclude whether the legendary Noah's Ark exists or not, but one thing is for sure, all the ruins we have found so far should not be the legendary Noah's Ark! More is to make some news, brush up on the sense of existence, but there seems to be a positive side, to wu cunjing, or eventually will really find it!

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