
The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

author:Son of Eagle City

The mystery of Noah's Ark remains unsolved. But in recent years, with the development of archaeological research, there have been more and more facts that although the bible says that God sent water is groundless, there is indeed a precedent for global floods in human history, that is, people in ancient times did experience devastating floods.

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

According to the Bible, about 6,000 years ago, the people of the world forgot about God except Foreah and his family. God was angry and decided to punish them. On February 17, when Noah was 600 years old, the skylight opened, God rained heavily for 40 days, and the world immediately became a vast ocean, and all creatures on earth were on the verge of destruction except Noah's Ark. Noah, having been favored by God and knew of the flood in advance, built a great ship, which was "Noah's Ark." It was with the help of this ship that he and his family survived. At the same time, during the flight, Noah also brought a pair of every creature in the world, which developed into today's human and biological world.

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

In 1850, archaeologist Henry Layard excavated thousands of broken clay tablets in Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria. It is considered by archaeologists to be one of the world's earliest ancient civilizations--- home to Sumeria. Upon closer examination, the clay tablets have been determined to be more than 5,500 years old.

The painting is a mosaic of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice. The painting shows noah's family on the ark, and Noah released all the animals in the world from the ark.

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

Archaeologist Mr. George Smith also found a passage from the Ancient Babylonian Epic of the GurgayMech in these clay tablets. It tells the story of a man named Vanta Napitim and his wife who escaped in a large boat during a flood that engulfed the world, a description similar to the story of Noah's Ark. Is there really such a thing? Some scholars believe that this is not a simple coincidence, but that there must be some connection between them. It is further suggested that the areas where the flood occurred may be the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, both of which flow through them.

In July 1955, the French explorer Nabala took his son Rafael to trace Noah's Ark. According to the Bible, they climbed mount Ararat, located more than 5,400 meters above sea level in the former Soviet Union. They surveyed around and found a block of wood in a glacial lake in the mountains, shaped like the wreckage of Noah's Ark. So they took the pieces of wood and quickly left the Ararat Mountains and returned to France. Later, after research institutions, it was unanimously confirmed that the wooden blocks were at least part of the building from 5,000 years ago. According to scientific examination, Noah lived in an era around 6,000 years ago. So is this piece of wood and thousands of clay tablets found more than 100 years ago part of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark ever exist? Or is it just a legendary myth?

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

Modern science proves that the story of Noah's Ark takes place during the rainy Atlantic period of the Quaternary Period, when great floods were likely to occur.

The first search for Noah's Ark was by some devout Christians, but to no avail. Later, some explorers joined the ranks in 1792, 1850, and 1876, and the explorers repeatedly climbed the summit of Ayatla in Armenia, but still found nothing.

The Ayatla Mountains are located at the eastern tip of Turkey. Near Iran, it is an active volcano at an altitude of 5,065 meters, and the summit has been covered by glaciers since ancient times. The Arminians who live here call it a sacred mountain, believing that if they climb to the top of the mountain, they will be punished by God, so no one has dared to climb it for a long time.

The breakthrough was made in 1883, when a major earthquake cracked a glacial section of the Ayatla Mountains, and a boat was said to have been exposed at the crack. At that time, there was a committee to investigate and assess the earthquake damage in the Ayatla Mountains, and all the members of the committee had seen the large ship, which was 12 to 15 meters high, because a large part of the wooden boat was still embedded in the glacier, and its length could not be estimated. The news shocked the world at the time.

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

Years passed, and by 1916. During the First World War, the Russian pilot Roskovsky flew back to the base along the Turkish-Iranian border after a reconnaissance mission, and when he flew over mount Ayatla, he suddenly found a strange blue-purple thing on the top of the mountain, and his great curiosity prompted him to turn the plane around and look closely, and he was surprised to see that there was a large hull on the hill, and there was a door on one side of the ship, and one of the doors had been destroyed. He took a picture, and when he returned, he reported the matter to the Russian government. The government immediately sent two companies of troops to search for the Ark. A month later, the soldiers found it and took a full survey, taking a large number of photographs. There are hundreds of rooms in the ark, some large fences made of intersecting wooden blocks, and rows of iron bolts in front of these houses...

After this, Nicholas II had intended to send an expedition, but due to the outbreak of the October Revolution, it was unsuccessful. Since then, some explorers from the United States and France have come to Ayat to plan the summit, but they have bad luck and have found nothing. In July 1955, France's Joan Fernan Navarre took her son Rafael to the top of Ayatla Mountain, found fragments of the ark from the glacier, and brought back a wooden plank, which was studied by scientists in Spain, France, Egypt and other countries, which was a wooden board treated with special anti-corrosion paint. Carbon-14 dating is at least 4484 years ago.

The mystery of Noah's Ark? Did Noah's Ark really exist, or was it just a legendary myth?

On April 9, 1986, Turkey's official news agency announced that the remains of Noah's Ark had been found in mount Ayatla. However, the scientific community has always been skeptical about the origin of the Great Flood of the Century, and the search for relics is still constantly searched for to confirm it.

But there are also quite a few scientists who acknowledge the existence of the Great Flood. According to Turkish scientists, about 13,000 to 14,000 years ago, the great flood of the century flooded from the black sea today through the Sea of Marmara into the Mediterranean Sea, and when the huge wave of hundreds or even thousands of meters high rushed into the Mediterranean Sea, it flooded many human settlements, thus forming today's Aegean islands dotted with at least two thousand islands, and the seabed may also be buried with many legendary land sinking "atlantis cities".

Since 1995, the Marine Research Team of the Institute of Marine Science and Technology of the University of the Western Aegean State of Turkey, in cooperation with the University of Toronto in Canada, has carried out sea layer and seabed surveys in the Black Sea in northern Turkey and the western Aegean Sea on a marine research vessel, and found many traces of suspected early human habitation on the seabed of the Black Sea, inferring that the inhabitants of the Black Sea migrated to the nearest highland after being flooded, that is, the Ararat area adjacent to Armenia in eastern Turkey today, The highest peak was 5,000 meters above sea level, and later after the flood subsided, it was transferred to Egypt and other places, creating a new civilization.

In 1997, Walterpit-Williamman and William RYen, geographers at Columbia University in the United States, in the book "Noah's Great Flood", said: "About 10,000 years ago, after the end of the Ice Age, after the Water Level of the Mediterranean Sea was raised, the Marmara Valley [today's Marmara Sea] was noted, and after the water level rose, it entered the Black Sea through today's Bosphorus Strait, forming what the Bible calls the Great Flood of the Century, also known as the Noah's Great Flood."

Although the discovery of Noah's Ark has come from time to time, there are also many scientists who believe that this matter is a figment. Summarizing the arguments of the refutors, the main focus is on the following points: Ayatla Mountain in Armenia at an altitude of 5185 meters. If the flood really flooded to the top of the mountain, there was so much water, how could it disappear in the future? Even if it is said that the water is fully seeping into the ground, it will not be so fast. According to the Bible. The volume of the ark is 43,097 cubic meters, which is impossible to hold 7 male and female animals in the world, not to mention that there is still a lot of food to carry.

Did Noah's Ark really exist? Or is it just a legendary myth?

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