
Gu Xuefei went to the Henan Police College to visit and comfort the teaching staff, educate people for the party, cultivate talents for the country, forge swords for the police, and strive to open up a new situation in Henan's public security education and training work in the new era

author:Henan Police

Gu Xuefei went to the Henan Police College to visit and comfort the faculty and staff

Educating people for the party, educating talents for the country, forging swords for the police

Efforts should be made to open up a new situation in Henan's public security education and training work in the new era

In the golden autumn, the fruits are fragrant. On the afternoon of September 9, on the occasion of the 37th Teachers' Day, Gu Xuefei, vice governor, secretary of the party committee and director of the Provincial Public Security Department, went to the Henan Police College to visit and comfort the teachers and staff, presented awards to the collectives and individuals who received meritorious service awards, extended festive congratulations to everyone on behalf of the party committee of the Provincial Public Security Department, and encouraged everyone not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, and strive to open up a new situation in Henan's public security education and training work in the new era with higher morale and full enthusiasm.

Gu Xuefei fully affirmed the construction and development of the Henan Police College and the contributions made to the public security work of the province, highly praised the hard work and silent efforts of the majority of teachers and staff, and put forward hopes and requirements for doing a good job in Henan public security education and training in the new era. Gu Xuefei pointed out that education is the foundation of strengthening the police, talent is the foundation of development, and today's public security education is tomorrow's public security combat effectiveness. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Henan Police College should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Education Conference, the Central Political and Legal Work Conference, the National Public Security Work Conference, and the spirit of the important precepts at the flag-awarding ceremony of the people's police force, always adhere to the principle of political police building and political school building, and firmly carry the heavy responsibility of cultivating loyal defenders of the party and the people. Continue to deepen reform, continuously innovate and develop, promote the public security education and training work in our province to a new level, and strive to create a national public security key college.

Gu Xuefei stressed: As the main front of the province's public security education cause, the Henan Police College is in a basic position in the province's public security work. It is necessary to unswervingly uphold the party's absolute leadership over public security work, firmly grasp the correct political orientation of running schools, take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics throughout the entire process of running schools and administering schools, comprehensively implement the party's education policy and cadre education and training policy, solidly promote the education and rectification of the second batch of public security contingents, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the vast number of teachers in forging loyalty, keeping the original intention, and undertaking the mission. It is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue, closely center on the leader's precepts, focus on the standard of combat effectiveness, base ourselves on the requirements of actual combat, cultivate talents for the party, educate and guide the vast number of police academy students to always regard firm ideals and convictions as a lifelong task, practice regularly, take the starting path of the police career in a steady and down-to-earth manner, and strive to cultivate reliable successors to Henan's public security undertakings in the new era. It is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the concept of taking teachers as the foundation, vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening schools with qualified personnel, optimize the structure of the teaching team, persistently grasp the construction of school spirit and teaching style, strengthen the construction of the teaching team, care for the growth of teaching staff, achieve political concern, work support, and treatment guarantees, and strive to build a high-quality public security teaching team.

Wang Weiping, member of the party committee of the Provincial Public Security Department and secretary of the party committee of the Henan Police College, accompanied the condolences, and Gao Wanxiang, member of the party committee, deputy director of the provincial public security department, and director of the political department, read out the commendation decision and presented condolences to the Henan Police College on behalf of the provincial public security department.

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