
Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

author:The circle is not peaceful
Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

"Rose Walker" Wang Zhigang as Cao Yongming

In "Rose Walker", actor Wang Zhigang plays an anti-drug policeman, a character with a sense of justice and blood.

Q: Can you briefly introduce the character of Cao Yongming in "Rose Walker"? What do you think of this character?

Wang Zhigang: Cao Yongming is a warrior who has worked hard from the grassroots level, is resourceful, pioneered, and brave and just.

Q: In the play, Cao Yongming, as the deputy captain of the anti-drug brigade, did not accept Lin Qiang, played by Lin Peng, to join the team and finally affirm her achievements, what do you think is the reason for the change in Cao Da's attitude?

Wang Zhigang: Cao Da's gradual affirmation of Lin Qiang is actually a growth process of Cao Da himself. Looking at a person is not only to look at the surface, but also to look at its essence, and to look at people and things with the perspective of development.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

Q: How is the crime-based work of "Rose Walker" different from previous works?

Wang Zhigang: Each work has its own commonalities, and it is individually different, so in each play and character creation, it must first have a macro understanding of the script and characters, and then speculate and analyze the function of this role in the play, so as to create a flesh-and-blood character.

Q: What was the most memorable segment of The Rose Walker?

Wang Zhigang: The impression is that in the first few days of the start of the camera, I would shoot a big scene with Qiu Hu, pretending to be Cantonese, and speaking Cantonese. As a northeasterner, coupled with little understanding of Guangdong, I did a lot of practice and preparation before shooting this.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

Q: Last year, you played the role of Prosecutor Wu in "The Silent Truth" to impress the audience, although the role is not much, but from the early support to the hidden evidence in the back, many viewers think that the character is very real and call it a "cowardly good person", how do you evaluate this role?

Wang Zhigang: Prosecutor Wu in "The Silent Truth", although there are not many scenes, I carefully analyzed the inner world of this character, and began to protect himself from his behavior of treating the truth at his job, so that the bad guys could not be truly punished. Before retirement, self-reproach in conscience, and finally bravely publicize the evidence, which is also the self-redemption process of this character. Procurator Wu's character is plump and three-dimensional, thus verifying what I have always affirmed: To be a good person, it is too late.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

Q: Did you have a message from the audience when you were filming "The Silent Truth"? Ever thought that this character has such a high degree of topicality?

Wang Zhigang: I also read some messages, but I still didn't want to get such a high degree of topic. Of course, when I agreed to take this role, I also saw that the character is in line with human nature, a character with growth, change, and sublimation.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

Q: Do you have any criteria for the selection of characters now? Would it be preferable to a certain role or can it all be?

Wang Zhigang: I am particularly inclined to create characters with distinct personalities and extremely rich inner worlds, who have a deep understanding of human nature, or who have a bad fate, but also are particularly strong and carry forward the beauty of human nature, and are grounded and fresh people.

Q: Some time ago, the chapter of "Chu Ci" in "China in the Classics" that you participated in recording also met with the audience, which is a rare clip of your costume, what do you feel? What were your thoughts when you participated in the recording?

Wang Zhigang: I am very excited to play King Wen of Zhou in "Chu Ci" in "China in the Classics". As an actor engaged in theater, it is very meaningful to experience a new art form on stage.

It's just a pity that there are not many scenes, and I hope to cooperate next time.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

Q: Don't you have a lot of social media accounts, such as Weibo or Douyin, to separate work from life? After that, will you consider signing up for these platforms and sharing your life with the audience?

Wang Zhigang: If you meet the needs of your future career, according to the company's philosophy and requirements, Weibo and Douyin can be registered, and the audience who has liked me and paid attention to me for decades can communicate and interact more.

Q: What other works will you see next?

Wang Zhigang: In fact, in addition to "Rose Walker", there is also "Sweeping Black Storm", in which I play Mai Zili. At the same time, I am now filming "Nightcrawler", playing Ji Tianping, the leader of the joint investigation team.

Interview with Wang Zhigang: Characters are also real "people"

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