
There are two things in life: busy, sober to do things; idle, confused people

author:Xingyu 1124

Confusion is a state of mind, but it is also a kind of cultivation.

  In Confucius's eyes, confusion is "moderation", in Lao Tzu's view, confusion is "inaction", and in Zhuangzi's mind, confusion is "leisure".

There are two things in life: busy, sober to do things; idle, confused people

  I understand in my heart that if I am confused on my face, why not be a state of being a human being.

  Remember there was a story like this:

  Two drowning people. One has excellent vision and one suffers from myopia.

  The two fallen men struggled on the wide river and soon became exhausted.

  Suddenly, the one with good eyesight saw a small boat not far in front of them, drifting towards them. The one with myopia also vaguely saw it.

  So the two plucked up their courage and struggled to swim towards the boat.

  As he swam, the one with good eyesight stopped. For he saw clearly that it was not a small boat, but a piece of decaying wood.

  But the man with myopia did not know that it was a piece of wood, and he was still struggling to swim forward.

  When he finally swam to his destination and found that it was a piece of decaying wood, he was not far from the shore.

  The one with good eyesight lost his life in the water, while the one with myopia was given a new life.

  Many things are better not to know than to know, the unsavory is better than the shrewd, and the unsavory is better than the shrewd.

  This is what people often call "rare confusion".

  Mr. Ma Yinchu, a famous economist, once said: "If you have no other reason, you will live for a hundred years." This is the profound implication of this.

There are two things in life: busy, sober to do things; idle, confused people

  In fact, life is inherently confused, and happiness and happiness are hidden in confusion.

  Once awake, perhaps all the joy and happiness will disappear.

  Zheng Banqiao has inscribed many famous plaques, the most popular of which are "rare confusion" and "loss is a blessing".

  There is also a legend about the origin of these two plaques.

  When Zheng Banqiao was serving as Zhixian of Weixian County, his cousin sent him a letter, and it turned out that the cousin and his neighbors had a dispute over the ownership of a section of the wall foundation of the ancestral house, and they went to The Gate of Xinghua County, and the cousin hoped that Zheng Banqiao could write to Xinghua County Zhixian in order to win the case.

  After Zheng Banqiao read the letter, he immediately wrote a poem back to the book: "A thousand miles carry a book as a wall, why not let him have a few feet?" The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year. "The open-mindedness and optimism are obvious.

  After that, he felt it, and wrote down the words "Rare Confusion" and "Suffering Loss is a Blessing", and added a note under "Rare Confusion": "It is difficult to be smart, it is difficult to be confused, it is even more difficult to turn from being smart to being confused, let go, take a step back, be at ease at the moment, and be blessed later." ”

  Under "Suffering a loss is a blessing", he added: "The one who is full of losses, the one who loses is gradually profitable, and the one who loses to himself is more than half of his mood, and the peace of mind is at peace, and the peace of mind is in the end." These few lines are not only Zheng Banqiao's interpretation of the two words, but also a summary of his own spiritual cultivation and philosophy of life.

  In life, being able to suffer losses is a kind of realm of being a person, and being able to suffer losses is a kind of wisdom in dealing with things.

  The heart should be simple, people should be confused, think less, and not worry about trivial matters, in order to live freely and smoothly, comfortably and broadly.

  Mu Xin said: "In the world of good people, there is always a kind of confusion. ”

  Bai Yansong said: "The two basic points of life are the point of confusion and the point of being dashing. ”

  Some time ago, there was such a thing on the Internet that brushed up:

  The takeaway brother was on the way to delivery, accidentally had a car accident, and collided with a grandfather riding a motorcycle. Although both were fine, the goods were almost completely destroyed. This means that the efforts of two people who are running for their lives for this day are all in vain.

  But afterwards, the two men's approach was surprising:

  The takeaway brother and uncle did not continue to rush, but raised their glasses on the spot to drink together, what a big thing, they all did this cup of wine and then said, and then bothered.

  "In this life, people have passed one level after another, and when no one has fallen down, it is a big deal to lie down for a while wherever he falls." If life really taught me anything, it was enjoying failure. ”

  Yes, what you have is a fluke, and what you lose is life. At the most difficult time, instead of calculating gains and losses, it is better to be confused.

  Confusion is not stupidity, nor ignorance, but a kind of temperament, a kind of cultivation, and even more a realm.

  Sometimes, we have to live a little confused, live a little more comfortable, live a little more casually, turn a blind eye and live a life, which is both to let go of ourselves and others. But those who look at those who are too preoccupied with others are mostly unhappy.

  Be confused with your friends and don't care about paying to get it; be confused with others, so as to win trust; be confused with your lover, give him freedom and give yourself space; be confused about things, and the boat will naturally be straight to the bridge.

  If you are a little confused about money and interests, you will not be hurt and angry; you will be a little confused in the calculation of human feelings, and you will not be ashamed of your conscience; you will be a little confused in the struggle for fame and profit; you will not be confused in gossip and will not be tired of your ears.

  Life is less than a hundred, why worry about Chitose?

For the rest of your life, you will live confusedly, live happily, and be contented and happy!

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