
The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

author:Du DouDou Ten Thousand Volumes Of Good Books Reading Club

Wen Du Bean

Watching the Disney classic with my son in the morning, the movie version of "The Lion King", once again relived the emotions of more than a decade ago. However, after experiencing more, I have a different sense of life and an understanding of the screenwriter's creation.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

When I was in my twenties, I saw the shock of the picture, the beauty of the music, and the tension of the plot. The subject matter may still be vague and hazy, and it is not real.

Looking at it now, the theme of this animation seems to automatically jump to the mind, that is, two words: mission.

This drama, the whole is about the awakening of the mission, the answer is the process of finding "who I am", playing the story of prince Simba, the little lion, after the murder of King Mufasa, awakens from the sinking, finds his mission, and finally returns to the throne.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

The structure of the creation is a distinct Western three-act play:

Prelude to act I.

Explain the background, the main characters on the field, from a faction of peace, to the emergence of conflicts and unexpected turns, step by step rhythm.

Simba was born, with everything that seemed to be the best: a future king, a beautiful family, a rich land, an innocent and happy childhood.

But there are dangers buried at all times: the scars of uncles who covet the throne, the evil and greedy hyenas, one conspiracy after another. Until the king, in order to save Simba, was usurped by the conspiracy scar. Simba fled because of self-blame. This is the first turning point.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

Act 2, The Twist.

The protagonist's life and emotional changes, first sinking and avoiding the world, then being awakened by love, and then thinking and wandering.

After Simba fled, he met Peng Peng and Ding Man, and under their persuasion, he lived a seemingly carefree life and became a civilian.

At this time, the kingdom that once belonged to him, a glorious kingdom with lush green trees and thriving, fell into the dark rule of scars and hyenas, and his mother was humiliated, his family was in decline, and his bones were everywhere.

The encounter with Nana of the Green Plum Bamboo Horse became the second turning point. Nana awakens him to his responsibility to the kingdom, and a series of loyal servants who once assisted King Mufasa, as well as the help of good friends, finally make the confused Simba realize his mission.

So he decided to rise up.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

Act III, Decisive Battle.

The emotional change here is already very clear, and justice must win, which is a universal theme.

However, the screenwriter is very clever, or planted a foreshadowing here, that is, "How did King Mufasa die?" With this secret, the duel that followed had a twist-and-turn effect.

Simba decided to go home, and the crowd was quickly embraced. However, when the showdown begins, Scar brings up the past, simba, because of his guilt for his father, thinks that his adventures have led to the death of his father Mufasa, and he is psychologically defeated and begins to retreat.

At this moment, seeing that Simba was about to be forced into the abyss by the knife scar that launched a psychological offensive, the screenwriter lost no time in letting the knife scar himself and triumphantly revealed the truth.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

Simba rose up in anger and finally counterattacked, fighting with all his might, leading the lions to fight in blood, and finally succeeded.

In the end, don't think about it, naturally it is a happy ending, the reset is successful, and the kingdom is back on track.

But apparently, the screenwriter left a small tail, that is, instead of executing scar, he was exiled. This means that the danger is still there, and the show has a sequel in mind.

The whole plot structure is clear, the plot is ups and downs, the foreshadowing is clever, the picture is exquisite, and the soundtrack is even more praiseworthy, which is worthy of a generation of classics.

The sea rises and falls, and life is like a shuttle. Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life. That's what I read from this play.

The Lion King: Recognize who I am and live a meaningful life

I've shared this morning and hope it's valuable to you.

Read with me! I am Du Doudou, who has devoted my life to reading thousands of good books, writing thick words, and living a deep life. Welcome to follow me. In the impetuous era, read and write with peace of mind and nurture the soul.

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