
"Prodigy" Sun Tianchang: Only 5 days of junior high school, 13 years old was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China, now what happened?

author:Zhou Shao said

In 2007, the news shocked everyone, only 13-year-old Sun Tianchang scored an excellent score of 659 points in the college entrance examination, which was completely possible to go to Tsinghua University at that time, but he chose the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China. Sun Tianchang only went to kindergarten for three days, five days in junior high school, and won the first prize in the junior high school group of the first children's English Speaking Competition in Taiyuan City at the age of 6; passed the university English level 4 examination at the age of 10; took the first college entrance examination at the age of 12 but obtained an excellent score of 594.5 points. However, when he entered the university, he slowed down after driving his sprinting shoes. This issue of Zhou Shao said to take everyone into the legendary growth history of "genius prodigy" Sun Tianchang.

"Prodigy" Sun Tianchang: Only 5 days of junior high school, 13 years old was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China, now what happened?

In March 1994, Sun Tianchang was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, to an intellectual family, where his grandparents were engaged in education work, and his parents attached great importance to education. Sun Tianchang's grandmother Liang Caifeng is a very powerful figure, engaged in primary school teachers, she came into contact with a large number of children, she found that some children are very smart, and some children are very slow to learn, so she tried to start exploring the early education of children, and Sun Tianchang naturally became the character of grandma's test experiment. Not long after Sun Tianchang was born, the family began to discuss the education of Sun Tianchang, and they agreed that the child's education should be grasped early, and the smart children would become smarter in early education.

With this decision, the family began to label Chinese characters in various parts of the house. Although Sun Tianchang did not know at this time, but every time his mother passed by the place where the Chinese characters were pasted, she would tell him what it was, so Xiao Tianchang began his literacy life, and when he was 2 years old, he already knew more than 2,000 Chinese characters and was able to complete the reading of books by himself, which made the family feel very happy and made them more insistent on their ideas.

When Sun Tianchang was 3 years old, her mother began to teach Xiao Tianchang English, she would apply simple English words to all corners of life, such as when it rained, when she hit an umbrella, her mother would tell him that "there is another way to say umbrella, umbrella"; If he didn't want to eat dumplings, his mother would say, "You can also say I don't want to eat tumblings, etc." Mother not only integrates English into all corners of life, but also uses other knowledge in daily life, she will teach Xiao Tianchang to use addition operations when she goes upstairs, and subtraction when she goes downstairs; moreover, when Xiao Tianchang takes a bath, she uses a floating boat to tell him that water can hold up paper boats because water has buoyancy... Although Xiao Tianchang did not understand this knowledge, he was able to integrate it when he grew up.

"Prodigy" Sun Tianchang: Only 5 days of junior high school, 13 years old was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China, now what happened?

When Xiao Tianchang reached the age when he should go to kindergarten, his mother sent him to a local kindergarten, one day passed, two days passed, and on the third day, Xiao Tianchang returned from the sun. Under the inquiry of his parents, he told him what had happened, it turned out that Xiao Tianchang had peed his pants, but the teacher did not change his pants for him, but let him stand in the sun to dry. Hearing this, the family was very angry and distressed, and finally the family unanimously decided to let Xiao Tianchang study at home.

Under the careful education of his family, Xiao Tianchang made great progress, in only four years he learned all the knowledge of junior high school, and at the age of 6 he had already won the first prize in the junior high school group of the first children's English speaking competition in Taiyuan City; at the age of 10, he passed the fourth level of college English, he did not stop because of the temporary results, and Sun Tianchang then won the second prize in the first national junior physical chemistry competition. In this competition, Sun Tianchang was the youngest participant and won the appreciation of the famous scientist He Zuoxiu, and this competition also became Sun Tianchang's battle for fame.

Sun Tianchang can have such achievements, mainly because of the difference in his family education concept, Sun Tianchang's grandfather once frankly said: "Education is not to bind people to books, but to liberate people." Grandpa believes that the act of copying books and memorizing is a way to bind people, so when educating his grandson, he will always use a relaxed and pleasant way to let Sun Tianchang accept and understand. It is precisely this educational concept that Sun Tianchang finds very interesting in the face of other people's difficult to understand books such as "Zizhi Tongjian", "Analects", "History", etc., and he is even more familiar with the content.

The family not only pays attention to Sun Tianchang's education, but also cultivates some of Sun Tianchang's hobbies, such as: Sun Tianchang likes to paint, once used 2 minutes to draw a sketch, 10 minutes to paint an ink painting; Go is also a must, often with others to compete in skills; table tennis is also good... These interests made Sun Tianchang's childhood colorful, and at the same time made him feel how relaxed and pleasant the family atmosphere was, but in the blink of an eye, Sun Tianchang was about to reach the age of junior high school, and this time his family wanted to send him to school to study and live.

"Prodigy" Sun Tianchang: Only 5 days of junior high school, 13 years old was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China, now what happened?

In the eyes of his family, Sun Tianchang walked into the door of the junior high school, and this time he only went to school for five days. The reason is that on the fifth day, when his father sent him to school, he accidentally encountered a traffic jam, so Sun Tianchang was late. Faced with Sun Tianchang's late arrival, the teacher let him stand in the corridor for 30 minutes without asking the reason, such a punishment made Sun Tianchang feel that the school was very boring, so he did not want to go to the school again, and then he kept studying at home.

When Sun Tianchang was 12 years old, he had already mastered all the knowledge of high school, his family felt that he could take the high school exam, and in order to give him a systematic learning environment, his parents sent him to a local private middle school. In this way, Sun Tianchang conducted the first college entrance examination in 2006 and achieved an excellent score of 594.5 points. At that time, this result was enough to go to a 985 and 211 university, but Sun Tianchang, who had a clear goal, did not choose any university, and he decided to fight for the college entrance examination again. The news was then reported and caused quite a stir at the time.

In 2007, Sun Tianchang once again walked into the examination room of the college entrance examination, he was calm and calm, and he did not panic in the face of the problem, and he confidently walked out of the examination room, this time he was confident! Sure enough, after the college entrance examination results came out, Sun Tianchang achieved an excellent score of 659 points, which was completely accepted by Tsinghua University at that time, but Sun Tianchang did not give up his long-term goal of the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China because of this. There is no doubt that Sun Tianchang was admitted to this university, and he was only 13 years old this year.

In 2007, at the age of 13, Sun Tianchang went to the university alone to study, and he was very happy in the face of the class full of children of his age, and he was often uninterested in the classroom when he was fully exposed to school education for the first time, so he gradually disappeared from the crowd in college. However, this only means that Sun Tianchang was not guaranteed to graduate school, and finally he reacted in time and finally used his own strength to be admitted to graduate school.

"Prodigy" Sun Tianchang: Only 5 days of junior high school, 13 years old was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China, now what happened?

Now that so many years have passed, what happened to Sun Tianchang, the former "genius prodigy"?

In 2015, Sun Tianchang, who was admitted to graduate school, is still studying at the school. Although the aura of the past has always existed, he clearly knows that only by improving his own strength is it very important. Therefore, now Sun Tianchang concentrates on his professional study, in the face of the praise of the outside world's "genius prodigy", he has not lost himself, I believe that in the near future, we can hear the news about him academically.

In the face of Sun Tianchang's success, the most emotional thing for people is the family education he received, so people's vision must be long-term, in the face of children's early education problems, we should hold a scientific attitude, so that children become a person who not only likes to learn, has curiosity and curiosity, but also has a wide range of interests. However, the success of Sun Tianchang's education does not mean that the current school education is undesirable, and Sun Tianchang gradually becomes ordinary because he has no self-restraint during his college years. This shows that the birth of genius is not only based on talent, but also has the efforts of the day after tomorrow, and both are indispensable.

What do you think of the "genius prodigy" Sun Tianchang?

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