
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

In these days, people have made some subtle changes in the choice of literature and television works in contrast to reality.

Camus's Plague is once again a bestseller in many countries; movies or dramas such as Infectious Disease and Blood Plague have once again received attention and discussion.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

It seems that everyone wants to find some comfort and guidance from it, such a mentality and original intention is naturally not bad, but these works can not be completely used as a "survival guide", and those inaccurate, imprecise fragments, it is necessary to clarify with everyone at this moment.

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Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

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Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

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"Extreme Panic"

Outbreak (1995)

This work, which was born 25 years ago, has become the "viral film enlightenment" of many fans because of the blessing of powerful actors such as Morgan Freeman and Dustin Hoffman.

But perhaps for the sake of the plot effect, the portrayal and presentation of the virus outbreak can basically be summarized as "unprofessional".

Shortly after the beginning of the film, we see the plot of the characters shaking hands with each other, in fact, the high-risk action of "shaking hands" will not happen in the epidemic area, even if you must say hello, you usually only choose to touch your elbow.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The mayor doesn't even wear gloves?

Secondly, in the environment exposed to the virus, the protagonist's protective clothing in the play is damaged, and according to the requirements of the laboratory emergency regulations, it should be quickly withdrawn from the laboratory for disinfection and isolation.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

But the other protagonist can be said to be bold and careful, just the alcohol wipe and tape seal is done, it is indeed not enough to be careful.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

In addition, what has been complained about by experts is the plot omission of "no eye protection equipment", because the development here, the existence of the virus has basically been determined, if you do not wear equipment such as goggles in this environment, it is actually extremely risky.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

If there is a real outbreak of fever, everyone in the isolation ward must wear a mask or eye protection equipment. But the plot in the shot is very chaotic, completely Hollywood-style fiction. ”

What is even more imprecise is that the protagonist's aura alone, the male protagonist judges that the virus is airborne, but in fact, before getting such a core and important conclusion, more accurate detection and investigation are needed.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Dr. House

House M.D. (2004)

In this medical drama with many fans, the 18th episode of the second season deals with the topic of "plague", a disease that is not uncommon in the southwestern United States.

However, in the play, Dr. House, who has always passed the business ability, knowing that the patient has an infectious disease, actually took out a syringe in the same room as the patient, and even used his mouth to pull off the lid, which was indeed out of standard.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Even if you are in a hurry, you can't do it like this?

Even more frightening, after taking a sample of the patient, Dr. House handed the syringe to a colleague next to him.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

In fact, in medical scenarios or laboratories involving infectious diseases, syringes, scissors, and pointed forceps are collectively referred to as "sharps", and for safety reasons, their treatment is often done by a single person alone and must not be handed over.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

This kind of behavior is really dangerous

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Blood Plague

The Hot Zone(2019)

This "Ebola-themed" American drama, filmed by National Geographic, adapted from the best-selling book of the same name by Richard Preston, not only involves the knowledge of the Ebola virus, but also explores its impact on human beings in relative depth, the quality is passed as a whole, but there is no lack of omissions.

Nancy Margaret, played by Juliana Margarets, Jax, who led his subordinates into a biosafety level 4 laboratory, despite their layers of protection, Jax's gloves went wrong, and the wound on his hand accidentally touched the laboratory air that might have been contaminated by Ebola.

The experimental task was immediately stopped, the subordinates rushed to seek help, and Jax himself disinfected as soon as possible, and it has to be said that as of now, the portrayal of the corresponding process is still accurate and credible.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

But then, Jax was quickly told that everything was normal, but Thomas Geisbert (a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Texas who interned at the U.S. Army Institute of Infectious Diseases and was a member of the Ebola investigation team) said that if she had indeed been exposed to the virus, she would have been quarantined for at least a few days, serious enough, maybe even for weeks, not so easily released.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Are you sure you're okay?

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

"Kill out of Madman Town"

The Crazies (2010)

This niche thriller, which fans jokingly call "Chainsaw Horror" and "28 Weeks of Shock", has appeared in the "temperature measurement" segment that everyone is familiar with recently, but their treatment is very absurd.

AMERICAN CDC expert Brian "Although accuracy is not guaranteed, taking body temperature is a routine practice for identifying people with fever," Amman said. But in this movie, the thermometer mistakenly points the thermometer at the ear, a handheld thermometer that should be aimed at the temple a few centimeters away to get the reading. ”

"In addition, the thermometer must not touch the human body, otherwise it will become a virus spreading one by one."

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

I hope that temperature measurement personnel can understand this related knowledge

Subsequently, in the crowd, the suspected patient with fever symptoms was taken away, and the film showed her being pushed through the corridor of the hospital, next to a blood-stained wheel bed, surrounded by armed police officers with guns.

In fact, such a portrayal is far from reality, the isolation facility will be more like a nursing hospital, and there are special people to explain the next steps and give guidance, rather than such a terrifying situation of god nagging and looking like going to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Don't know, think you're treating terrorists?

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

"I Am Legend"

I am Legand(2007)

In the famous work of "Shi Huang" Will Smith, the body temperature measurement also appeared as a key plot, but it was used to check the eye abnormalities.

Checking for eye infections is also a way to detect abnormalities, because then the instrument will not touch each other. But just the protagonist in the film only measured this item and was directly released, which is obviously not enough. Mr. Amman, a CDC expert, believes that this is clearly fictitious and that more scans must be done to ensure that there are no infections:

"Although there are now tests that can get results faster than traditional temperature measurement, they all need to take samples to the laboratory for more testing." So, a simple scan can only tell you who is uncomfortable. After the temperature test, more tests such as blood tests are needed to determine whether the other party is infected with Ebola or other viruses. ”

Anyway, no matter how it is measured, it will not be as easy to let people go as easily as in the film.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Virus Invasion

Pandemic (2016)

This much-maligned apocalyptic movie obviously has many slots, but the most exaggerated of them is the division of the stage of viral infection.

From one to three, it seems to make sense, and the way to talk about it is the Way, in fact, it is all up to the screenwriter to make it up.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Mr. Amman said: "In the real isolation point, there is no such classification, and the most conventional operation is actually to separate the suspected patient from the confirmed patient." ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Infectious Diseases

Contagion (2011)

This film was written 9 years ago by Gwyneth M. The movie "Contagion", starring Paltrow, Matt Damon and Jude Lowe, an all-star cast, has attracted much attention recently, with foreign fans commenting: "There are too many similarities between the plot of the movie and what is happening now."

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Domestic film fans commented: "At first glance, I don't know the meaning of the film, and then I see that I am already a person in the film."

The film's virus, which spread from animals to humans, first detonated in Hong Kong and then spread rapidly around the world, has seen Google searches and iTunes subscriptions soar since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus earlier this year, with many of its more scientific details praised.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

However, the plot of vaccine development is very different from reality.

In the film, scientists test candidate vaccines on primates, and to prove the vaccine's effect, the scientist even ventured to vaccinate himself.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

"Such a vaccine development will not be effective and will not guarantee safety," said The epidemiologist Ma Dalin. "The effectiveness and safety of vaccines must be built on multiple people, not on one person."

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Resident Evil

Resident Evil(2002)

In this film, there is a bridge section with a robot in the laboratory, and the robot also breaks the glass jar.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

CDC expert Amman said: "In the prevention and control center, there are actually robots, they will move in a small area, and do tasks such as dipping agents, they are more like automated extractors than the nature of "people".

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

In addition, Amman joked: "Because glass bottles are easy to break, we do not use glass bottles in high-level control laboratories." I suspect the writers wrote it on purpose. ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Rise of the Apes 2: Dawn Battle

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(2014)

In the film, the first person infected with the virus is referred to as "Patient Zero."

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The media often refers to it as "Patient Zero"

CDC expert Amman specifically emphasized in an interview with Wired magazine that the correct statement should be "source patient" rather than "patient zero", and these two statements are also controversial in the medical community.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

According to Wikipedia, Chinese translation of "Patient Zero" came from a misunderstanding in a news report.

In a 1984 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the earliest documented HIV patients was code-named "Patient O," where the letter O stands for "Patient Leaves California." But because many readers who read the report mistakenly saw the letter O as the number 0, the name "Zero Patient" spread.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Excellent assignments

But if it is pertinent to say that these works are by no means useless, they not only improve our understanding of the human environment and viruses, but also play a good role in popularizing science to some extent.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

In the movie "Infectious Disease", there are some remarkable points.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The situation of health workers

For health care providers and laboratory workers, it is essential to take measures to prevent viral infections.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

Epidemiologist Maddarin notes that "in some scenes," the film's paramedics "wear protective gear, which is a more common response to patients with potentially infectious diseases." ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

But paramedics are by no means on guard at all times, with epidemiologists played by Kate Winslet using only masks and gloves to protect themselves as they rush to track down an infected person on public transport.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The character also died of an infection later

Glenn Wortmann, director of the Infectious Disease Research Center at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, notes that "in the event of a large outbreak, it is essentially impossible to get all health care workers to achieve the appropriate level of infection prevention [completely]." I think the film is aware of this real gap. ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The concept of popular science infection rate R0

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The epidemiologists in the film discuss several key points of infectious diseases, namely the virus's "R0" (pronounced r-zero) or what the reproduction rate is. (Note: R0 refers to the average number of people infected by a patient, and as the film progresses, R0 continues to climb in Infectious Diseases.) )

Experts say that the film script's reference to the concept of R0 is an advantage in itself.

"The current outbreak promises to help people better understand the concept of R0," said William Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. "That way people should be able to understand that once precautions are started to avoid transmission," he said, "then the number of R0 could be reduced like SARS." ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong
Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

The origin of the "Pandora's Box" virus

Also in the movie "Infectious Diseases", in addition to its spare scientific popularization and objective presentation of human vulnerability in the face of virus invasion, in the last two minutes of the film, the film strives to accurately explore the origin of the virus outbreak, which has been praised by many pathogens and praised as "very real", so much so that Rebecca Katz, director of the Center for Global Health Sciences and Security at Georgetown University, said that she often showed the end of the film to her classmates.

In the video, a bat that loses its habitation trees, strays into a pig pen, drops a banana it is eating, and happens to be eaten by a pig, and in the pig's body, the virus carried by the bat mixes with the pig virus and mutates. In Hong Kong, a chef prepares a dish with a pig that may have been infected with the virus, puts his hand in its mouth, and then shakes hands with the role of paltrow's businesswoman without washing his hands, thus triggering a big crisis in humanity.

Katz said: "I showed the last few minutes of Infectious Diseases to the whole class to show the interconnectedness between animals, the environment and humans. If you cut down trees, the bat's behavior will change. Bats interact incorrectly with pigs, transmitting the virus to pigs, which are kept for eating, eventually infecting humans. But this is just one example of how emerging infectious diseases can cross species and enter human populations. ”

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

From film and television works back to reality, the virus is still raging, and it has not been eliminated at this moment.

The judgment of authoritative experts in Europe is that "the new crown virus will exist for a long time", and we may have to be prepared for this for a long time.

Taking body temperature like they do, is wrong

When you can't hold on, you may try to distinguish between true and false in film and television works, plus remind yourself:

Don't panic, but be vigilant at all times.

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