
Hubei Luyuan Temple in the yellow tea quality characteristics of the brewing method extension

author:Xuanyu learns tea
Hubei Luyuan Temple in the yellow tea quality characteristics of the brewing method extension

Luyuan Maojian belongs to the yellow tea class, produced in Luyuan Temple, Yuan'an County, Hubei Province. Created by Hubei tea farmers in the Song Dynasty. Luyuan tea has a unique quality, fragrant and rich taste, and is known as the best tea in Hubei. As early as the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, it was selected as tribute tea.

In the ninth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1883 AD), the senior monk Jin tian came to Luyuan Temple to lecture on the Fa, tasted tea inscription poems, and praised Luyuan tea as a gem. Shi Yun: "The mountain essence stone liquid is superior, a kind of sweet fragrance is full of smoke, not only is the heart clear and clear," but the Zen can ambush the demon army." The ancient and modern "water of the clear lacquer temple, tea of the deer garden temple" is the praise of the deer garden tea.

<h1>Quality characteristics


The shape is ring-shaped (ring foot), pekoe revealed, golden color (slightly soaked with roe), fragrant and long, mellow and sweet, soup color yellow net bright, leaf bottom tender yellow evenly.

Hubei Luyuan Temple in the yellow tea quality characteristics of the brewing method extension

<h1>Machining operations</h1>

The picking time of fresh leaves in Luyuan Maojian is 15 days before and after the Qingming Dynasty, and the picking standard is one bud and one or two leaves, requiring fresh leaves to be tender, fresh, uniform and pure, without fish leaves, old leaves, and tea fruits. For the fresh leaves that are harvested, the "short tea" is carried out first, that is, the large buds and leaves are shortened, and the buds and leaves are selected to show the tip of the buds, and the single pieces and tea stems are folded down, and they are fried separately. The habit is to pick in the morning, short tea in the afternoon, and stir-fry in the evening.

The manufacture of the hair tip of the deer garden is divided into five processes: killing green, second green, stuffing, picking and drying.

Killing: The temperature of the pot is required to be about 160 ° C, and master the first high and then low, and the amount of leaves thrown into each pot is 1 to 1.5 kg. When frying, it is necessary to quickly shake and disperse the air, and the combination of shaking and stuffiness is about 6 minutes. Stir-fry until 50% or 60% dry, pile up hot for 15 minutes and spread out.

Erqing: The temperature of the frying pan is about 100 ° C, and the frying pan should be polished. Put about 1.5 kg of wet blank leaves, properly shake and stir-fry, and start shaping the strips, to gently rub, rub less, to prevent the production of black strips, the time is about 15 minutes, when the tea blank reaches 70% or 80% dry out of the pot.

Stuffy pile: The stuffy pile is an important process for the formation of the quality characteristics of the hair tip of the deer park. The tea blank is stacked in a bamboo plate, compacted tightly, covered with a damp cloth, and stuffed for 5 to 6 hours to promote yellowing.

Picking: Flat sheets, clumps of tea and flowers and leaves are mainly removed to improve clarity and uniformity.

Stir-fry dry: fry dry temperature of about 80 ° C, the amount of leaves thrown is about 2 kg, stir-fry until the tea strips are heated back to loosen, continue to rub the strips for shaping, apply spiral gestures, stir-fry mainly, in order to maintain the formation of tea strip ring feet and color oil. Sauté for about 30 minutes, until dry enough, set aside the pan to cool, package and store.

<h1>Brewing method</h1>

Brew the hair tip of the deer garden, when the first cup is poured, drink the second cup, the third cup, its fragrance is refreshing. In addition, if you use an authentic purple sand tea set to brew the hair tip of the deer garden, the taste will be better.

Hubei Luyuan Temple in the yellow tea quality characteristics of the brewing method extension


Luyuan Maojian belongs to the yellow tea class, produced in Luyuan Temple, Yuan'an County, Hubei Province.

Yellow tea is a specialty tea in China, with a long history of production, and became a tribute during the Tang Dynasty, but the real mass production development was after 1954.

Yellow tea is a lightly fermented tea class, found from stir-fried green tea. The production of yellow tea is similar to that of green tea, but with an additional boring process. Due to the stuffy pile, the tea leaves are fermented, so it belongs to the fermented tea category. It is named after the fact that the leaves turn yellow due to insufficient or untimely drying after greening and kneading, so it has the characteristics of yellow leaves. Representative yellow tea has the characteristics of yellow tea body, yellow soup color, sweet and fresh taste. Yellow tea has a long history of manufacturing, and many famous teas belong to this category.

Yellow tea is divided into:

"Yellow Bud Tea": Hunan Dongting Lake Junshan Silver Needle, Sichuan Mingshan County Mengding Yellow Bud, Anhui Huoshan Huonya.

"Huang XiaoCha": Beigang Maojian in Yueyang, Hunan, Maojian in Ningxiang, Hunan, Pingyang Huangtang in Pingyang, Zhejiang, and Luyuan Maojian in Yuan'an, Hubei.

"Huangda Tea": Anhui Jinzhai, Lu'an Huangda Tea, Hubei Yingshan Huangda Tea and Guangdong Daye Green Tea, Anhui Huoshan Huangda Tea.

Hubei Luyuan Temple in the yellow tea quality characteristics of the brewing method extension

(The material in the article originated from the Internet, such as the deletion of the intrusion link)

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