
What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

author:Specialty Encyclopedia

Hancheng's specialties are: Hancheng Dahongpao Peppercorns, Hancheng Lamb Dumplings, Shortbread, Sesame Cake, Stone Dumplings, Dumplings, Finger Apricots, Hancheng Apples, Mixed Dumplings, And Hancheng Steamed Foods. Hancheng has a long history, and was synonymous with "Dragon Gate" during the Xia and Shang dynasties. It is bordered by Yichuan river to the north, Huanglong to the west, Heyang to the south, and Hejin to the east across the Yellow River. Its complex structure, rich in minerals, with many food and specialties, known as "the most Korean city of Chinese".

1. Hancheng Dahongpao peppercorns

Hancheng Dahongpao peppercorns won the reputation of "Chinese Famous Peppers", with bright colors and rich aromas.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

2. Hancheng lamb dumplings

Hancheng lamb dumplings are known as one of the three best food in the north, with strong tendons and sharp mouths, but not easy to digest.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

3. Puff pastry

The puff pastry is crispy on the outside and crispy on the inside, and the crispy is delicious when chewed.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

4. Sesame roasted cake

The sesame cake is golden in color, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and delicious in flavor.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

5. Stone bun

Stone bun is known as a living fossil in China's food, rich in nutrients and easy to digest.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

6. Wontons

The wontons are meticulously made, have shapes, edges and angles, and are delicious and beautiful.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

7. Finger apricot

Finger apricot flesh is soft and honey, the food is sweet and sour, delicious, and it is a treasure among apricots.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

8. Hancheng Apple

Hancheng apples are rich in calcium and help to metabolize excess salt in the body.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

9. Stir the dough

The dough is nutritious and delicious, and is loved by most people.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

10. Hancheng steamed food

There are more than 100 kinds of Hancheng steamed food, with different shapes and meanings.

What are the top ten specialties of Shaanxi Hancheng?

Hancheng steamed food has a beautiful allegory and ancient cultural connotations, which cannot be replaced by any high-end tobacco and alcohol. It is hoped that the people of Hancheng can maintain the simple and simple etiquette between people, so as to preserve the crystallization of the ancient history and culture of Hancheng steaming.