
25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

author:Starry sky dust

Often complained that things are hard to eat by children, what is the experience of packaging ugly? In this era of looking at faces, three-year-old children have advanced to face control, usually buy snacks, they have to pick a good look, the consciousness is really too high!

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

Although the aesthetic ability is cultivated in place, it also faces many temptations, just like the variety of candies on the market, eating more not only grows tooth decay, but also causes poor appetite, obesity and other phenomena, so if you want to conquer the baby, you may wish to start from the appearance, taste and heart.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

Parents may wish to follow the starry sky dust xiaobian today, try to use 25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, make a lollipop, to capture the hearts of children.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

Ingredients: 100g rock sugar, 50g maltose, 3 sydney pears

Preparation steps:

(1) After washing the pear in water, peel and cut into pieces for later.

(2) Use a blender or juicer to juice the pears and use a strainer to retain the delicate juice.

(3) Prepare a non-stick pan and slowly simmer in filtered pear juice, rock sugar, and maltose.

(4) Then stir and boil together to make a small bubble that becomes a small bubble in the later stage, which is viscous enough and then turn off the heat.

(5) Pour the syrup into a clean mold, wait for it to solidify, cool down and remove the mold before eating.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

For children, give him a lollipop, he can be happy all day, after eating will also contain a small stick aftertaste for a long time, pear paste candy to moisten the lungs and cough, autumn and winter, for the weak resistance of children to prepare a few, is a good choice, of course, if you do not want to do it yourself, you can also buy a spare.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

Anhui Province, Yanshan County, located along the Yellow River old road distribution of the Huangpan Plain, where the flat terrain, deep and loose soil, four seasons, rain and heat at the same time, very suitable for the growth of The mountain pear, the mountain is a historical ancient Yi, has thousands of years of pear planting history, from which the local production of the pine pear skin is thin and juicy, the flesh is white, crisp and slag-free, the entrance is melted.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

The pear paste lollipop made of pear as raw material is screened, cleaned, peeled, pitted, broken, pressed, filtered and other more than a dozen processes, without adding a drop of water, following the ancient method of boiling for 15 hours, continuous stirring, in order to boil into a full paste that does not suck, gather but does not disperse, and does not faint.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

After the pear paste is boiled, add a small amount of white sugar, maltose to taste, but also need to boil for about 1 hour, and finally pour into the mold, after 1 hour of cooling, a cute pear paste lollipop is freshly baked.

25 pounds of pear juice to boil out 1 pound of pear paste, how to make a lollipop? The tutorial is ready

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