
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: It is only natural that the DPP authorities will create "anti-China" sentiments and arouse resentment and counterattack among the vast number of netizens

author:Taiwan Strait Net


Beijing, 27 Oct (Taiwan) -- The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference this morning, and Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, presided over the press conference.

Taiwan Lianhe Bao reporter: The song "Glass Heart", sung by Malaysian singers and Australian Chinese singers, recently became the third place in an Asian pop chart, and some mainland netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the song, and the Weibo accounts of the two singers were also blocked. What does the spokesperson think about this? Thank you.

Ma Xiaoguang: I am not familiar with this song, I don't have time to listen to it, and I don't have a say in the song. I hear the sound of your question, and I would like to respond here.

Since 2016, the DPP authorities have undermined cross-strait relations, repeatedly provoked "independence" and created "anti-China" populist sentiments. Plant melons to get melons, plant beans to get beans. It is only natural that their perverse behavior has aroused the resentment and counterattack of the vast number of netizens. It is not difficult to find that since 2008, before 2016, there has been no such situation. It goes without saying who is the root cause of the current situation and who is responsible. It is not difficult to eliminate this situation, as long as everyone resolutely opposes "Taiwan independence," especially the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots must have consciousness and vigilance. Compatriots on both sides of the strait are one family, and they will eventually move towards a spiritual fit.

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