
Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

author:Huaxia Character Profile
Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

"The heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without." People's hearts are separated, and we can never guess what is going on in the hearts of others. The only thing we can do is to be ourselves. Don't have some idea of harming others, and at the same time, don't lose your guard against others.

Fei Yi, a major minister of the Shu state, held the rank of official to a great general, and was the true ruler of the court, with a position above ten thousand people under one person. Such a powerful person, because of his own negligence and lack of defense against others, was assassinated at a banquet at the head of the year.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

When it comes to the Shu Kingdom, it is impossible to avoid a soul figure - Zhuge Liang. In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Liu Bei was divided by the masses, he divided the world with Sun Quan and Cao Cao and established the Shu state, and Zhuge Liang's contribution was indispensable.

After Liu Bei died of illness in the White Emperor's City, the crown prince Liu Chan took the throne, and he was very dependent on Zhuge Liang. In 234 AD, Zhuge Liang fell ill and died in Wuzhangyuan. Before his death, in order to protect the Shu kingdom without worries, he left a last word: Jiang Huan can take his mantle, and after Jiang Huan, Fei Yi can take over.

When Zhuge Liang was alive, in order to fulfill the grand vision of the former emperor to unify the world, he attacked the State of Wei seven times out of Qishan, but unfortunately in the end, not only did he not succeed, but he hurt the people and lost his wealth and national strength. After Jiang Huan came to power, he began to implement a series of policies of cultivation and recuperation.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

After Jiang Wei's death, Fei Yi took charge, and he also continued Jiang Wei's policy of cultivating life and recuperation, repeatedly rejecting Jiang Wei's northern expedition and allowing the Shu state to recover from years of war.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > quick thinking tongue battle Wu Chen</h1>

Although Fei Yi did not have Zhuge Liang's military ability to expand the territory of the Shu state, he was an excellent politician. It can govern the country at home, and it is not humble and profane externally, and it can maintain the dignity of the country.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Wei was powerful. Although Shu Han and Eastern Wu had many disagreements, they allied with Cao Wei for most of the time. In order to maintain the relations between the two countries, Fei Yi, as an emissary of the Shu state, visited the state of Wu many times.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

Although Wu Shu had formed an alliance, Sun Quan was not a "good thing" and often deliberately made it difficult and difficult. At a banquet, he joined forces with the minister of the State of Wu to drunken Fei Yi, inquire about the state affairs of the Shu state, and stir up trouble. Fei Yi was sober and answered one by one, not taking advantage of it.

Sun Quan was not willing to lose face here. When Fei Yi once again sent an envoy to Eastern Wu, he thought of a new trick. When setting up a feast to entertain Fei Yi, the courtiers completely ignored him.

When he went to the banquet, he encountered such an embarrassing scene. At the banquet, only Sun Quan stopped eating to welcome him, and the rest of the courtiers ignored him and were still eating on their own.

Seeing this scene, Fei Yi naturally could not sit down here, and he did not lose the face of himself and even the Shu kingdom. He looked around and said: The phoenix flew in, the unicorn knew how to stop eating to show welcome, only a group of mules were ignorant, only knew how to eat with their heads down.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

This remark, while raising his own value, also praised Sun Quan, and at the same time reprimanded these unattended Wu ministers, leaving Sun Quan speechless for a while. Since then, Sun Quan's respect for Fei Yi has risen in his heart, and when he was leaving, he also gave him a sword to send off.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > people are sincere and suffer from it</h1>

Fei Yi is broad-minded and acts very sincerely. This would have been a good thing, but the bad thing was that he was like everyone, completely defenseless, and eventually suffered the consequences.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

After Fei Yi came to power, although he implemented a policy of cultivation and recuperation, he did not take the initiative to invade the State of Wei. Wei Guo could not be stopped from taking the initiative to invade. In 244, the Cao Wei general Cao Shuang led an army to attack, and it was only after Fei Yi's command that Cao's army was repulsed.

In order to weaken the power of the State of Wei, Fei Yi began to carry out some "salary drawn from the bottom of the cauldron" strategy. The use of high-ranking officials Houlu and mansion beauties to lure the Wei generals to abandon Wei and surrender to Shu, and under such circumstances, many captured Wei generals chose to accept Zhao'an.

Fei Yi not only did not defend these Wei generals in the slightest, but also treated them quite kindly. He often led these generals to banquets and enhanced their feelings with the generals of the Shu kingdom.

"If you are not of my race, your heart will be different." A general of the Shu state named Zhang Ling, seeing that Fei Yi had treated the Wei general in this way, wrote to him to warn him: Eastern Han Ming would be assassinated by assassins, and you are now in a high position of power, you must learn a lesson and act cautiously.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

However, Fei Yi did not pay attention to his words at all, and still acted as before. In the first month of 253, at a banquet held by the Shu kingdom, he was very happy, drank a lot of wine, and almost got drunk.

At this time, Guo Xiu, a Wei general who was present, suddenly burst into flames and killed Fei Yi with a sword. Due to drinking too much and being mentally confused, he did not avoid it in the end, and was assassinated on the spot, and Guo Xiu was also hacked to death by the Shu generals present.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > kindness should be appreciated and caution should be exercised</h1>

"Knowing people knows faces does not know hearts." In the face of generals who have defected from the enemy country, it is not too much to be cautious. Fei Yi regarded it as "his own family" and was very fond of him. Fortunately, he himself "suffered the consequences of self-inflicted wounds", did not implicate others, and did not cause more serious consequences.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

Guo Xiu's original target was Liu Chan, but due to the strict protection, he did not succeed, and finally turned to target Fei Yi. If it was Liu Chan who was assassinated, and the Shu state was destroyed by the Wei state under the chaos, Fei Yi would become a sinner for eternity.

The short stories of "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf" and "The Farmer and the Snake" must be familiar to many people. Regardless of the wolf's "evil" nature, Mr. Dongguo chose to save it from the hands of the hunter.

Who expected that as soon as the hunter left, the wolf completely disregarded Mr. Dongguo's kindness and opened his wolf's teeth to eat him.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

The same is true of the farmer, who, in the cold winter, sees a frozen snake, regardless of its own danger, chooses to carry it into his arms and warm it with body temperature. The snake gradually woke up, and then instead of thanking the farmer for Dade, he bit his poisonous fangs on his body, and the farmer was finally killed on the spot.

The result of kindness, however, ultimately leads to bad consequences. Is this a warning: Don't do good? Do your own thing? Of course not, we are all flesh and blood beings. If you raise your hand, you can help people get through the difficulties, and even save their lives, why not enjoy it?

What we want to advocate is only that in the process of doing good deeds, we must pay attention to ways and methods, and do not let our own goodness lead to our own unfavorable situation.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

People who used to see the old man fall rushed to help. Gradually, however, people were afraid to lend a helping hand, for fear of being slandered from a rescuer to a "perpetrator."

In the expansion of surveillance coverage, the popularity of mobile phones can be more convenient for video recording today, people are slowly and enthusiastically reaching out a helping hand, all this is not because of their own "goodness", with protection, will not be arbitrarily slandered?

Kindness and honesty deserve to be celebrated, but "fearless" kindness and honesty should not be promoted.

Sometimes your goodness, like Fei Yi and so on, may be used by others to put yourself and the people around you in trouble; it may also be like Mr. Dongguo and the farmer, and be eaten by others.

Why did Fei Yi, a heavy minister of the Shu Kingdom, encounter an accident at the first feast of the Year, and who was the murderer? Quick Thinking Tongue Battle Wu Chen is a man of absolute sincerity, and he should be kind to him and should be cautious in his actions

In the process of doing good, we should also act cautiously, so as not to do "good things" but "evil things" instead of "good things."

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