
Jinning Kunyang Street "three single system" to open up the "last meter" to serve the masses

author:Spring City in the palm of your hand

At 11:00 a.m. on October 22, zhang kaishun was busy cooking at his home in the Tianxin community of Kunyang Street, Jinning District. When he finished his meal, he wiped the liquefied gas stove clean with a rag. "This stove is the best gift given to me by the party members in the community, so I cherish it very much."

In the Yueshan community, after the granddaughter of Yang Yunhui, a troubled person, "wanted a new school bag" was reflected to the community party branch, less than two weeks later, the community staff sent the new school bag.

The realization of their wishes is the result of kunyang streets' in-depth promotion of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". According to the relevant person in charge of the Party Working Committee of Kunyang Subdistrict, Kunyang Subdistrict has implemented the "three-single system" service model of "mass ordering, village (community) party organization dispatching, and party member + (resident units, volunteers, social organizations) receiving orders", which has opened up the "last meter" of serving the masses.

"Order" to find out the needs of the masses

"I want a school bag", "My reading glasses have been used for many years, I want a new pair", "There are many elderly people in the community, can you hold several lectures to prevent telecommunications fraud"... These are the "lists of needs" of the masses, and these needs are eventually included in the "list of serving the people" of community party organizations.

At the beginning of this year, in order to better do practical things for the masses, do good things, solve problems, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security, Kunyang Street implemented the "micro-wish" dream realization system, that is, the masses "ordered", put their wishes on the wall, and were "claimed" by party members.

According to reports, the village (community) party organizations in Kunyang Street use various service carriers such as party members to contact and serve the masses, volunteer services, double reports and double reports, and through the combination of "online (WeChat group, telephone consultation) + offline (party members contacting and serving the masses to visit records, mass opinions and suggestions collection book)", collect the needs and difficulties of the masses through multiple channels, and in accordance with the principle of "legal compliance, do their best, do what they can, and are suitable for implementation", the collected residents' needs are classified and sorted out, forming a "list of needs" of the masses. To further clarify the needs of the masses and clarify the direction of service.

"Dispatch" provides accurate service

In the Yueshan community, there are "two trees", one called "Wish", which is plastered with the "micro-wishes" of the masses; the other is called "Heart Circle", which is written on the actual things that party members do for the masses.

Between the "wish" and the "heart circle", it is the specific action of serving the "last meter" of the masses. "We let party members sink the community, listen to the demands of residents, and then sort out and classify them and deal with them, and what the community can do is handled by the community, and those that the community cannot do are reported to the street office, and the street cannot be reported to the district government, in short, we must ensure that the voices of the masses are responded to." Yang Cunfen, general secretary of the party branch of Yueshan Community, said.

According to reports, for those "demand lists" that have not been claimed for the time being, the village (community) party organizations in Kunyang Street will combine the functions of resident units, the wishes of party members and cadres, various service resources, etc., to match one by one with the "demand list" of the masses, form a "service list", select suitable party organizations and capable and willing party members and cadres, community properties, volunteers and other groups to carry out "accurate dispatch" to achieve "supply and demand matching" and ensure that every single is grasped, managed, and implemented.

The effect of "taking orders" makes the masses evaluate

"I am willing to buy reading glasses for the elderly", "I can buy a water heater for the poor elderly", "I can talk about anti-telecommunications fraud knowledge for the elderly", "Our unit can provide health and wellness lectures for the elderly in the community"...

On August 30 this year, the Yueshan community in Kunyang Street released 100 "micro-wishes" at the "Yunling Pioneer", which was claimed by the community's "double report to double report" party members in just two minutes. While sending love, party members also pasted words of blessings such as "longevity and health" and "peace and joy" on the items, making the "micro-wish" more heart-warming.

In order to achieve efficient "order acceptance" and high-quality "order making", so that the masses can experience a real sense of gain in the "service list", after the unit and individual "receive orders", Kunyang street and village (community) party organizations will regularly visit the degree of order completion, completion quality, mass satisfaction, etc., and comment on the completion of orders by party organizations and party members and cadres. "As far as the current survey results are concerned, the masses have responded very well and have basically achieved the expected results." Zhu Qin, a member of the Kunyang Street Propaganda Committee, said.

Statistics show that as of now, the party organizations of 30 villages (communities) in Kunyang Street have carried out more than 160 lectures on fire safety knowledge, anti-telecommunications fraud knowledge lectures, and health knowledge training sessions according to the orders of the masses, covering more than 8,600 person-times, completing "micro-wishes" for 320 people, carrying out more than 90 convenient services such as free clinics and home appliance maintenance, and resolving more than 40 neighborhood disputes and family conflicts.

The person in charge of the Party Working Committee of Kunyang Street said that it will continue to deepen the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", improve the use of the "three single system" service model, exert force on the "point", extend on the "line", and integrate on the "surface", penetrate the main channel of "the people calling me to go", open up the "last meter" of serving the masses, and jointly draw "concentric circles" for grass-roots governance.

Kunming Daily All-Media Reporter: Zhao Shuyong Correspondent: And Xiao Min

Editor-in-charge: Li Dongyu

Editor: Zhou Xiaoxue

Final Judge: Qian Hongbing

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