
If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

author:Top kitchen delivery

<h3 class= "mth-header" > Introduction: If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting! </h3>

The first class of the semester is "Cake, Filling and Decoration", starting from baking various cakes, learning different kinds of cake filling, cream frosting, squeezing flower decoration, basically, it is a lesson that goes around the cake. Most of the foreign food culture and cooking skills are passed down from France or Europe, and there are many European pastries in the course, such as cream cakes, different protein frosting, chocolate sauce, etc., which are very different from the desserts loved by Asians.

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

The chef himself said: If you travel abroad, you will find that the cakes in American bakeries are sweeter and fatter than in other countries, but this is the taste that Americans like, and you will be practicing here in the future, so I have to teach you cakes that meet the tastes of the Chinese people. So chefs also know that their cakes are super sweet (I always thought they didn't realize it), but most Americans are used to this sweetness, and the bakery is certainly good at it. (I tried the cake for six or seven days in class, and the sweetness was really unbearable, and americans had a problem) In addition to the sweetness, there are also types of cakes.

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Foreigners like the taste of cakes is wet and thick, almost a bit like the uncooked batter as wet and wet; biscuits are also, such as American chocolate bean soft biscuits, some people even deliberately do not bake, so that the middle biscuits have a little sticky taste. European pastries are more solid, but also just as heavy, such as the ultra-high proportion of cream in The Italian cream cake or the Brioche shortbread in the English style. As the world's thinnest Asians (haircuts), our dessert preferences are clearly different from theirs. Refreshing, balanced and moderately sweet.

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

I told my classmates that the adjective that praised the dessert in China was "not too sweet, just right," and they were all surprised. Another classmate asked me: If Asians don't like too sweet, why should they eat dessert? Because we don't want to get fat. This lemon cake is a birthday cake for a French friend, he likes lemon flavor, but also likes the Asian refreshing style, after eating especially thank me, fortunately there is my friend, otherwise he really does not know where to go in the United States to find a delicious cake ~ (my friends are very good at talking Oh oh hehe) (cover your mouth) As for the cake decoration (cough), see if I will improve a little after this class.

<h3 class="mth-header" > [lemon cheese fruit sandwich sponge cake].</h3>

Cake body material:

Three egg whites

Three egg yolks

Medium gluten (or low gluten) flour 30 g

Almond flour 45 g

Cream (microwave melted) 15 g

80 g sugar

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

One lemon zest

One teaspoon of lemon juice

Place the egg whites and egg yolks in large, clean bowls

Cake decoration materials:

High fat whipped cream 250g

120g sugar

Lemon cheese 200g

Slice fresh strawberries to taste

One lemon and one each from Lyme


Beat the egg whites in a blender until they are foamed, pour in half of the sugar and lemon juice in divided doses, and continue to whip

After the start of the fight, play for another minute or so

Pull it up with a firm hook

Pour the egg yolks, vanilla extract and the other half of the sugar into a large bowl and stir well (the sugar will cook the yolks, mix the two a second before stirring, otherwise the yolks will clump)

Stir for five minutes until the yolks are lighter and slightly fluffy

Scoop a tablespoon of egg whites with a spatula and gently mix well with the egg yolks

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Then divide the egg yolk paste back into the meringue, scrape from the bottom up, and gently mix the two well (don't stir too hard, the egg white will defoam)

Sift the powder and mix gently with the egg paste

Then pour in the melted cream, mix well, and the batter is complete (tips learned in class: melt the cream from the side into the batter, it is easier to mix well) (this is a wrong demonstration)

Take a six-inch cake mold (I spread baking paper on a baking sheet with a mousse mold) and grease it next to it

Gently pour the batter into the mold, smooth the surface with a spatula and sprinkle with lemon zest

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Preheat the oven: 180*C/360*F, bake for 10 to 12 minutes, and remove when the surface is golden brown

Let it cool slightly in the mold for five minutes

Then release and place on the cake rack until completely cooled

The cake must be completely cooled before it can be cut open, otherwise it is easy to break or cut

Whipped cream with sugar to the point of small bends

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Lemon cheese is simple and simple, but there are also some eyebrow corners, and I will write another note later

The bottom layer of the cake is first coated with whipped cream and then a layer of lemon cheese

Smooth with a spatula

Spread with fresh strawberries (or peaches and pineapple slices are also available) (I think sweet and sour fruits are suitable)

Cover the other layer, this cake looks very thick, but it is actually very mini, cut three layers I am afraid that the cake will not taste enough, I am afraid of messing up, two layers is good

Scoop a thick layer of whipped cream on top of the cake and slowly smooth it out with a spatula, and it doesn't matter if the cream slides to the edges

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

The first task is to smooth out the surface of the cake first

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Place the cream spatula at ninety degrees next to the cake, and while turning in a circle, you can have a flat cake circumference

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Isn't it? (Proud)

As a result, the lemon cheese was too heavy, and the whipped cream slid down to become pudding (even if it was so cute) (sloppy)

Cut lemons into thin slices with Lym and arrange them in order of color

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

Squeeze the middle and edges with cream flowers and you're done.

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

In fact, whipped cream can only be used to sandwich the filling, not suitable for squeezing flowers, because it is too soft to come out of the angle. But I didn't bother to make another cream frosting for this little cake, anyway, it doesn't matter if my friends eat it themselves, the blurry flowers also have a vague beauty. (Huh?)

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

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Shangli Oven Home Small Baking Small Oven Multifunctional Fully Automatic Mini Electric Oven Baked Cake Bread ¥99.9 Purchase

The whole cake is made with pure whipped cream without solid cream to help mold, so put it in the refrigerator as soon as it's finished, and if you need to ship it, it doesn't matter if you freeze it for an hour.

If you want to eat cake and make it at home, you can learn it in 3 minutes, sweet but not greasy, not collapsing and not retracting

This is a cross-sectional show that a friend later passed on to me, he said that the taste is very light, the lemon flavor is very sufficient, eating too much is not greasy, the two couples in two days to taste this cake is really embarrassed. It doesn't matter, we won't get fat if we eat more Asian cakes. (There is no such thing)

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