
The right way to drink goji berries in water? It is best to eat as many goji berries a day

author:Never expected 000

  Goji berries are recognized as tonic ingredients in life, and it is a good effect of Chinese herbal medicine, many people have heard that using goji berries to soak in water to drink, it is very good for the body, can nourish the strong body can also clear the liver and eyes, but want to let the goji berries soak water to drink, play the best effect, must master its correct method, and can not be over-eaten, before using it to soak water to know how many goji berries a day to eat is best. So what is the correct way to drink goji berries in water? How many goji berries are best to eat a day?

The right way to drink goji berries in water? It is best to eat as many goji berries a day

  The right way to drink goji berries in water

  1, usually with goji berries soaked in water to drink, should first use warm water to rinse the goji berries, and then put it in a cup, add boiling water above 90 degrees to brew, after flushing into boiling water, should cover the cup lid, soak for 3 to 5 minutes, and then drink the soaked soup, so that the human body can absorb most of the nutrients in the goji berries.

  2, goji berry soaking water drinking in addition to can be eaten alone, can also be paired with some other ingredients, chrysanthemum is the best partner of goji berry soaking water, put them together in soaking water to drink, can make goji berries clear liver and eyes and antioxidant effect more outstanding, it has a good preventive effect on human eyes redness and swelling pain.

The right way to drink goji berries in water? It is best to eat as many goji berries a day

  3, usually use goji berries to soak water alone, the soup is light and tasteless, then you can add an appropriate amount of honey or rock sugar for flavoring, which will make the taste of goji berries soaked in water sweet and attractive, and can make it have an important role in nourishing yin and dryness, which can effectively alleviate human lung and kidney yin deficiency.

The right way to drink goji berries in water? It is best to eat as many goji berries a day

  It is best to eat as many goji berries a day

  It is to drink with goji berries soaked in water, although it can supplement the human body with rich nutrients and enhance the body's disease resistance, but also pay attention to the dosage. Because goji berries are also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, it is a three-point poison of medicine, if excessive consumption will be detrimental to the human body, when it is serious, it will aggravate the heat in the body, and it will make people have a variety of symptoms of fire, so under normal circumstances, people can eat thirty to fifty goji berries every day.

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