
Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

In the novels and plays written by Matsue Guxian, it is vividly described that there are students who go on the road to take the exam and carry the qin sword book box with them. From the pictures of the life of the ancients who are happy with the heart, the sword, and the poetry and literature room as the bag, it can be seen that the guqin, as an ancient student and literati self-cultivation, is actually a tool for the teaching of poetry and literature. Therefore, it seems necessary to recognize the guqin.


Looking back, I'm ashamed to say. The Book of Poetry yun: "Qin Ser Youzhi"; the Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Xi's "Interpretation of the Name" said: "Shi Strings are high and urgent, and the kites are also natural." However, in the past, I was quite unfamiliar with the guqin, and even the instruments such as the qin, the ser, and the zither were not clear, and often mistakenly confused the 7-string guqin with the more than 20-string ser and zither.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

When I first learned about guqin, I was on an autumn night eight years ago, invited by a friend, to enjoy the moon on the lawn of Sixian Park. That night, the clouds were light and the moon was light, and my friend was dressed in Tang costumes and sat under the moon to play the piano. I was surprised to find that after months of not seeing, my friend was quiet and wise, with a very different temperament, flying fingers plucking strings, quite a gentle and elegant style of pine wind bones and bamboo wind charm, as if it had changed its appearance. Envious, at the same time a little lost, blame friends are not interesting enough, did not take me to learn the piano together. The friend said: "You have the foundation of playing the flute, come to The Rile Mountains and Enjoy the Water, the Harmony of the Piano, and the Laughter and Pride of the Rivers and Lakes, isn't it beautiful!" "After that, I changed the horizontal flute to a vertical flute, immersed in the ancient music of the harp. In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and we went to the Linshui Stone Boat in front of the Square Pagoda Garden Tower together, covered in moonlight, and tried to play the guqin song "Good Night Introduction" for the first time, in the music, the objects in front of the eyes seem to be intentionally illusory, beautiful transmutation. The Song Dynasty flat stone bridge, which runs in a north-south direction and spans the Gushi River, lies on the pillow flowing, like a guqin platform on top of the flowing water. Looking up at the night sky, the curved half-string moon above the tower brake, like the mouth shape of the moon fairy blowing pipe, is infused with the breath between the clouds, and is blowing the nine-section hole of the square tower with full tension. From this lament, once you get close to the piano, you can inadvertently touch the dream in your heart, and the poetic meaning seeps out from the bottom of your heart.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Modern Network words emerge in an endless stream, there is a word called "high cold", which has the meaning of arrogance and high cold or cold. "Gao Leng" naturally can not be the same language as "warm", in a sense, the guqin has the connotation of gao leng, is a lonely instrument, the sound of the piano is simple and ethereal, releasing the sound of the lonely soul. Chen Jiru, who was hidden in the Songjiang Dongshe Mountain in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Although the mountain house is placed in a guqin, although the quality is not purple qiong green jade, it is not ringing in the Jiaowei bell, placing it on the stone bed, quickly making a number of tricks, no one in the deep mountains, the water flowing and blossoming, clear and cold." According to Cai Yong's "Qin Cao", the earliest surviving guqin song "Youlan" in China was composed by Confucius. Confucius traveled around the world for the sake of restoring the Zhou Dynasty, and returned to the country of Lu more than ten years later, opening a precedent for private lectures in China. Confucius once learned the piano from his teacher Xiang, asked for courtesy from the old man, asked for pleasure in Canghong, could drum, blow, beat, and like to sing, according to legend, he had a heavy heart on the way back to the country of Lu, and saw an orchid when passing through a dark valley, sighing "Orchid, when the king is fragrant, now it is unique, and the grass is in the company", touching the scenery, stopping and playing a song, "Youlan" got its name. "You" has the meaning of secluded, hidden, calm and lonely, which is in line with the charm of orchid fragrance. It is said that Confucius's lectures are particularly vivid, not only setting up music as a course of aesthetic education, but also teaching the "six arts" with his versatile talent and learning skills, "flourishing in poetry, standing in etiquette, and becoming happy", which is Confucius's summary.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

From this to the other, a question comes to mind: Who is the piano played to? I thought that one was heaven and earth, the second was Zhiyin, and the third was myself. The natural sound emitted by the guqin is a sound of the intersection of heaven and earth. In 1977, the only Chinese music recorded on the gilded record of "Sound of earth" carried on the Voyager 2 spacecraft launched by the United States was "Flowing Water" played on the piano. Later generations have rumored that the piano song "Alpine Flowing Water" was written by the violinist Boya in the Spring and Autumn Period, whether it is credible or not, but the story of "Alpine Flowing Water" recorded in "Lü's Spring and Autumn" is passed down from ancient times. Bo Ya drum piano, aiming at the mountain. Zhong Ziqi had a spirit in his heart and sighed: "Majestic Like Mount Tai." Bo Ya drum piano, aiming at flowing water. Zhong Zi's heart moved with the sound of the piano, and he sighed: "The soup is like flowing water." After Zhong Zi period's death, Bo Ya broke the strings of the piano and stopped drumming the piano for life, "thinking that the world was not enough to return to the drum and piano". Thus passed on the good story of the ages, the mountain flowing water meets the sound. The simple guqin is not only a frank dialogue between people and the universe and between people, but also a self-talk in the emotional world and a self-confession in the depths of the soul. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the pianist Cai Yong , who had been in exile for twelve years , composed the famous guqin songs "You Chun", "Shui Shui", "Yu Si", "Sitting Sorrow" and "Autumn Thought" that were combined into the "Five Lanes of Cai". Cai Yong's daughter Cai Yan (蔡琰), courtesy name Wen ji (文姬), "Miao yu musical rhythm", had a rough life experience, and at the end of the Han Dynasty, he was captured by the Southern Xiongnu as a concubine, and had two sons, who were later redeemed by Cao Cao. According to later generations, guqin songs such as "Hu Di Eighteen Beats", "Big Hu Di", "Little Hu Di", "Bei Hu Er", "Yi Hu Er" and so on were all composed by Cai Wenji. From the above guqin songs, the heartfelt sound of homesickness, the pain of separation, and the pain of lovesickness is heard, which makes people touch a suffering soul and silently pour out the true feelings of love and boundless love.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"


According to the "History of the Qin": "Wu Shengqingwan, if the Yangtze River flows widely, it will continue to pass away, and there will be the wind of the land." From this, he remembered that the Brothers Lu Ji and Lu Yun of Huating in Wu County in the Western Jin Dynasty lived in the same era as the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, including the guqinist Ji Kang, who left a good story of "Guangling San" through the ages, and ruan, who was famous for composing the piano song "Drunken Madness". Ji Kang's "Qin Fu" Yun: "The breeze is gentle and the wind is soothing. Lu Ji's "Wen Fu" Yun: "Poetry is affectionate and beautiful." "Yi Jing" and "Qi Jing" both contain the meaning of beautiful and beautiful. It can be seen that poetry and guqin beauty coexist, send out the sound of Qingming dun harmony, and cultivate the aura of Haoran. Lu Ji's brother Lu Yun's poem "Answer [Brother Plain]" reads: "Yong Pi Qing Sheng, be sergeant." Taste this special sound, comfort the heart. "

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Songjiang guqin has a long history. Tao Zongyi, who lived in Sijing South Village in Songjiang in the Yuan Dynasty, often sailed with Sun Daoming to Nanpu, a word, a flute, a pole gull wave of thoughts, and enjoyed the pleasure of fishing and reading. Tao Zongyi wrote the "Nancun Shu Cultivation Record", and compiled the notes and novels of his predecessors into 100 volumes of "Saying TheOry", in which the above works contain content related to the guqin, such as the detailed biography of the Lei Qin family in Shuzhong and Xie Zhuang's "Yaqin Directory". Shudi in the Tang Dynasty was the best base for making violins, among which the Sichuan Lei clan was famous for a long time. Lei family generations of harp, Lei Wei is good at innovation, others make the violin with paulownia wood, he chooses the pine fir wood in the deep mountain old forest that can make a melodious sound after being blown by the wind, so it is called "Lei Qin" or "Lei Gong Qin". It can be seen that in the history of the Chinese guqin, Tao Zongyi accumulated day by day, written and passed down to the world, and made great achievements. By the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Songjiang Qinyi came to the forefront and jumped to the forefront, giving birth to the Songjiang School, which competed with the Zhejiang School. It should be noted that the Zhejiang school, which preceded the Songjiang school in the Chinese piano world, was one of the main genres that dominated the Chinese piano world during the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. For example, from the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jingshi (汴梁), Jiangxi, Liangzhe and other piano schools were colorful. According to the Commentary on the Qin, "The Beijing master is too strong, Jiangxi is lost in frivolity, but the two Zhejiang qualities are not wild, and the literature is not history." "The rating is quite high. Confucius advocated aesthetic indoctrination standards, one for the "poems" called "innocence". This means that for human beings, they will be converted to evil. The second is "moderation is morality", that is, under the norms of etiquette, the way of "system" and "harmony"; the third is "literary and polite". The Analects of the Analects: "Quality wins over literature and wilderness, and literature wins over quality and history." Polite and then gentlemanly. Compared with Confucius's aesthetics and the commentary of "On the Qin", it can be seen that the position of the Zhejiang school in the Chinese guqin is very important. Therefore, the juxtaposition of the preface to the "Feng Xuan Xuan Pin" "There are two generations of cao, that is, Zhejiang (Zhejiang) cao Xu (Xu hezhong) gate, Jiang (Songjiang) cao Liu (Liu Hong) door" juxtaposed praise, indicating that the Guqin Songjiang school, which surpassed the accumulation of thousands of years in other regions and leapt to the forefront, was extraordinary after entering the Ming Dynasty. The leading figures in the Songjiang school, Liu Hong and Zhang Yongyi, were two of the three major violinists in the early Ming Dynasty, and later won over Guqin masters such as Yang Biaozheng, Yang Biao, and Jin Qiongjie.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

However, the Zhejiang school, which is good at absorbing the strengths of various pianists, not only covers a vast area, but also has a large number of talents, and has sorted out and developed a large number of traditional works and created many new piano songs, which are known as "Zhejiang scores". As a rising star, the Songjiang Qin School of the Ming Dynasty, why should it compete with the Zhejiang School, which has a large number of people and rich roots? In addition to the above mentioned three major pianists in the early Ming Dynasty, two of them are from the Songjiang school, and the contributions made by the Songjiang violinists in the Ming Dynasty are worth mentioning. According to the book "Illustration of Songjiang", Yang Biaozheng, who is highly accomplished in the guqin, has written the "True Biography of the Sound Spectrum of the Text to the Sound of The Sound of The Sound" and the revised version, and collected 105 songs, of which "Fishing Tree Q&A" is the most famous, one of the top ten ancient songs in China. Yang Biaozheng pays attention to artistic accomplishment, summarizing and refining the essence of "fourteen suitable bullets" and "fourteen inappropriate bullets". Later commentaries said: "Yang Biao was emphasizing the text of the text in the early years of the Wanli Calendar, confronting the Zhejiang school of 'going to the text to save the hook and kick', and supplementing a large number of piano pieces, and being able to create boldly, with the Weijiang school (Songjiang school) yu without falling." "

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

In addition, Yang Shu, who composed the guqin song "Autumn Sound Endowment", wrote "Yang Shu Tai Gu Relic", which collected 34 songs; "Boya Heart Method", which collected 29 songs, which is not only the main score of the Songjiang Qin School, but also an important cultural heritage of the Ming Dynasty piano scene. Jin Qiongjie, who lived in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, was a Huating native who played the piano and planted anthers, and called himself "The End of Yi Sorcery". It is said that his piano was taught by strangers, and the sound of the piano was lonely and bitter. He died in his eighties, and he received three disciples in front of him, Yuan Ziyi, Shen Weicun, and Wang Rude. Jin Qiongjie evaluated three people: Yuan Yueshi, Shen Yueyao, Wang Yueyin, that is, Yuan Neng sold art, Shen died prematurely, and Wang Disappeared. Later, all of them were said by him, Yuan used piano skills to travel between the gongqing, Shen died in his early years, Wang passed on the piano to his son Wang Duan, after Wang Duan's death, Jin Qiongjie's piano learning was passed on, hidden and unsustained. It continues to say that Lin Youlin, the son of Lin Jingyang of huating, lived in Jingde Road, Songjiang Province, was honest and diligent, talented, and tired of the prefect of Long'an. Shi Zailin was noble and humble, rich and courteous, and enjoyed the reputation of "The Prince of Pingyi", and wrote such masterpieces as "Suyuan Stone Notation" and "Qinglian Fangqinya"; his four volumes of "Qinglian Fangqinya" recorded 51 piano styles, and recorded the system, name, allusions, and fu chants of the guqin.


Although "literati are all kinds of arts, the piano is the first art", in the qinqi calligraphy and painting, the qin is the first, but just like "cherries are delicious and trees are difficult to plant", it is not easy for contemporary people who choose to learn the piano and can persist for several years. This difficulty is roughly reflected in the following three aspects:

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

First, we must have the spirit of not being afraid of hardship. Playing the piano first has to practice finger kung fu, there are more than thirty kinds of right finger methods alone, and eight basic fingerings, such as thumb support, index finger pick, middle finger ticking, ring finger plucking, etc., beginners, fingers drilling heart swelling and pain, until the growth of calluses, to alleviate. Some learners, because they have survived the pain of not having a hand, look forward to the piano and are afraid, and then change from learning the piano to listening to the piano under the moon, or although they have been learning the piano for a long time, they have not seen growth.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Second, we must have the feeling of being willing to be lonely. If the learner is attached to the elegance, just to play for others, it is very different from the guqin that is not arrogant, generous and elegant, low-key and not ostentatious, and has a simple tone. Learning the art of the guqin is actually a practice of tranquility. Confucian "University" Yun: "Knowing and then settling, being fixed and then being able to be quiet, being quiet and then being able to be at peace, being able to be at peace and then being able to worry." Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are all still quiet and cultivating, and educating people to cultivate meditation is a major feature of China's excellent traditional culture. In order to make people feel at peace, Gu Xian chose the guqin as an important tool for self-cultivation. The ancients played the piano, a piano table, a piano stool, and an incense table, the pure Yang aroma, accompanied by the pure rhyme of the piano tone, and added a little light, refreshing, refreshing calm atmosphere. The so-called "100 ware of the study room, the furnace as the first instrument, the literati 100 arts, the piano as the first art", the two "heads" gathered together, you are in the world of reiki, remove the utilitarian tacky, in order to calm the state of mind, guard the nobility of the soul.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Third, it is necessary to spend effort to learn the profound and profound culture of the guqin. First, China's guqin culture has a history of 2,500 years, and there are many poems, palms, legends, myths and celebrity anecdotes related to it. In both cases, the guqin has more than 700 pieces of music and more than 3,000 pieces of music score. This rich accumulation is beyond the reach of other instruments. The three, in the long river of history, have produced a rigorous violin-making process and many famous violin-making artists. The four, the long-standing practice, have formed many local piano schools with their own style characteristics, and have written and left a large number of theoretical documents on guqin art. People who learn the guqin need to learn a wide range of relevant knowledge, only in terms of piano music, the current level one to six "Guqin Examination Grade Song Collection" contains only 52 piano songs, which is only the tip of the iceberg in the brilliant Chinese guqin music, and the practitioners often only skillfully play a few of them, which can be described as a morning star. Therefore, to truly understand "among the many instruments, the qinde is the best", and resonate with the qin in terms of ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, moral norms, etc., to cultivate the beauty of the human nature of literary and politeness, to inherit the piano art, and to carry forward the qinde, it is necessary to have the spirit of "the road is long and the road is long, and I will seek it up and down".

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Having said that, the recognition of a guqin song conveying the voice of the heart is closely related to the story behind it. For example, there is a magical masterpiece in "Zhuangzi", which later became the Song Dynasty guqin song "Zhuang Zhou Mengdi"; another example is the guqin "Green Qi", the name of the piano leads to a long-standing love story and a guqin song, that is, the love story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun and the guqin song "FengQiu Phoenix". In addition, the Guqin song "Yangguan Three Stacks", which is composed of the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei's seven words, sings three sighs at a time, "persuades the king to drink a cup of wine, and the west out of Yangguan has no reason", the scene blends and moves the heavens and the earth. Ming Dynasty Songjiang Dong Qichang "Titled Under the Qin" Yun: There is no Jiaowei people, who knows the Reward of Zhonglang? So the piano is silky, and Qianqiu is mourning. "In the poem, the classic "Jiaowei", Jiaowei qin is one of the four famous chinese pianos, the pianist Cai Yong, known as "Cai Zhonglang", was born in a bumpy life, and the Book of later Han has a legend. Another example is the story of Qu Shui Liu, which tells that in March, poets and painters such as Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty put the feathers pouring wine on the lotus leaves and put them into the stream, and who they drifted in front of them, they had to recite a poem. At dusk, Wang Xizhi collected the poems of his friend "One Look and One Song" into the "Lanting Collection", composed his own preface, named "Lanting Collection", and later had the guqin song "Liuqin". Therefore, learning the guqin art course is also a process of enhancing the understanding of China's excellent traditional culture. Drawing essence from it can not only sublimate the aesthetic mood, but also cultivate sentiments and obtain spiritual comfort from settling the soul.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Further speaking of elegance, gentleness, softness, and subtlety are the rhymes of the Orient, and the guqin, which tastes lightly and knows the heart and mind in nature, is actually the most representative instrument of the Oriental rhyme. Wind and bone sentiment and intellectual mind have always been the two basic connotations of traditional Chinese literati, just as the so-called people are not flattering and skinny, and the family is not poor. The piano has a piano path, the avenue is like the sky, and its beautiful sound can help people distinguish between good and evil, abandon evil and promote good, and have the moral power to improve human nature. At the same time, the guqin culture contains wonderful poetic feelings and can give people rich associations. From Tao Zongyi's "Speaking of Gao" and Lin Youlin's "Qinglianfang Qinya" writing style, you can feel the names and inscriptions engraved by the ancients on the bottom of the piano, etc., mostly related to the heart to nature and the story and perception of the owner, such as Song Xue, Spring Thunder, Yunquan, Yu Linglong, Bitianfeng Blowing, Wanren Songfeng, etc.; and also such as the four famous Chinese piano bells, winding beams, green Qi, Jiaowei and so on. It is true that due to the influence of taoist simple culture, there were also "nameless" pianos in ancient times, big sounds, invisible elephants, and noble in the heart, such as the Eastern Jin Dynasty Tao Yuanming's drunken piano, which is a stringless piano with "He Lao string sound", which is magical, and there is a sound outside the string. Therefore, it is said that since ancient times, the guqin art with excellent traditional cultural logos has profoundly influenced and enriched the spiritual life of literati and scholars of all generations, and is an important carrier for Chinese civilization to promote the indoctrination of liturgical music and the cultivation of the soul.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

On the guqin, the words are long and short, and it is difficult to say a word. It is said that the guqin originated in the Shang Zhou, ascended in the Spring and Autumn Period, expanded in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the qin was mainly used as an accompaniment instrument for sacrifices, and by the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it had become a solo instrument to express emotions and aspirations. Due to the advocacy of Confucius, the qin was given the function of cultivating temperament and perfecting personality. During the Han dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, a large number of instrumental music came out, which was an important period for the development of piano art, and by the Tang Dynasty, the national fortune was prosperous, and the piano art also reached its peak. The guqin belonging to lacquerware is generally not easy to preserve, and the surviving Tangqin is very rare. Among the more than 30 guqins in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, there are 6 Tangqins, one of which is named "Caifeng Mingqi", which was beheaded by lei Wei, a famous Tang Dynasty harp, and is even rarer. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the guqin became the preferred instrument of the official eunuch literati, and its status was greatly improved; then with the end of the Yuan Dynasty's rule, the literati and doctors spared no effort to restore and carry forward the tradition, ushering in another spring in the development of the guqin; before the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the guqin art was still deepening and developing, and the late foreign enemies invaded, the people were not happy, and the guqin art style withered slightly. In response to that sentence: "The cultural movement is related to the national fortune." During the Republic of China period, people of insight devoted themselves to "rescuing the guqin", but the difficulties had been accumulated for a long time, and the effect was not obvious, and by the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were only a few people in the country who could play the piano. Until the reform and opening up, the guqin in a state of unpopularity gradually heated up.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

Around 2000, the guqin changed from cold to hot in the nine peaks and three valleys where the Songjiang Qin School was born, and the qin society, the qin hall, the qin yuan, and the qinfang mushroomed one after another. What is even more gratifying is that a group of middle-aged people with knowledge and talent and many children and teenagers have joined the ranks of practicing the piano. I have listened to the wonderful performances of the wusong guqin club pianists, I have also watched the performance of the Songjiang violinists in the CCTV children's Spring Festival Gala program, and I have observed the teaching experience class of "Alpine Flowing Water" in the Yayin Hall of the Jingde Road Suyuan Qinguan, and I have also appreciated the excellent performance of promoting the guqin art such as the Yanmo Qinyuan, and I feel that the guqin art in Songjiang is being oriented to the public by the "niche" and attracting the mainstream crowd. In the spring of the Year of the Rat, Zhongshan Street invited the four seas of piano friends to bring together the eight voices to solemnly hold the "Spring Rhyme between the Clouds" Guqin New Year Concert. The colorful clouds, the seven-string guqin, the sound is pleasant, reminding me of a day in July 2019, when the Yu Jiapeng Guqin Art Exhibition was unveiled at the District Cultural Center. I sighed for it, "Gutong Three Alleys", contemporary Matsue has a violin maker. In the exhibition hall on the second floor of the cultural center, you can see exquisite guqins and engraved names one by one, such as cicadas in the clouds, Sheshan bamboo chants, Huating Cranes, Cross-pond Wind, Guangfulin, Bailongtan and so on. These affectionate piano names have the local characteristics of the pine and harmony under the wind, and the spring and stone, which reflect the ingenuity of the luthier who is full of timeless nostalgia. Thus thinking of the humanistic Songjiang, inheriting the past and the future, nourishing the heart with cultural people and art, constantly brewing the background of urban happiness, and continuing to play the clear sound of cultural self-confidence and cultural consciousness in the clouds. Touching the past, Panasonic drums, yo yo deer singing; thousand autumn echoes, East Sea dragon chanting. Sincerely sighing, the real ancient, can always be new.

Songfeng bamboo rhyme says "guqin"

At the end, I would like to say that this year's Spring Festival is unforgettable, resisting the new coronavirus, staying at home, caring for the world, and watching out for each other. Although the days are a little lonely and lonely, but the piano book accompanied, slow down the pace, wait for a life, quiet a quiet soul, quite a feeling: to retreat into the advance, to defend as an attack, to do nothing, is the wisdom of the East; to remove material desires, away from the rough ignorance and ignorance, to return to the truth, goodness and beauty of the source of life, to practice a civilized and healthy way of life, the unity of heaven and man, the harmony of all things, the clarity and tranquility of the soul, the freedom of life, is a harmonious auspicious sound; more dangerous times, condensing majestic strength, making people tearful, there is no mountain that cannot be passed, There is no obstacle that cannot be crossed, see the rainbow after the wind and rain, and walk together on the road of happiness. Looking up at the blue sky of the motherland, I saw groups of "white pigeons" flying to Wuhan, and "white lotuses" blooming beautifully in the heroic city. Wuhan refueling, the national flag flying, the national anthem stirring, the people's hearts and souls, the will of the people, the great Chinese nation will be able to defeat the epidemic, tide over the difficulties, write true love on earth, welcome the spring and warm flowers, with the beautiful China's high spirits, and establish the forest of the world's nations. See the truth in the midst of suffering, meet the sound of the mountain flowing water; the sword breaks through the clouds and fog to send the cold night, and the piano plays the stars and the moon to meet the dawn. In the home, the heart window is open, and the breeze carries the letter, paying tribute to the angels in white and the people who are overcoming difficulties and creating miracles. The heart has sunshine, and the spring color is bright. The magnolia flowers in the community are full of buds, and the distant piano sound is flowing and long, it is "Youlan", "Flowing Water", "Spring Wind"...

Author: Yin Jun

Editor: Sun Xinqi

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