
The Turks and the countries of the Western Regions were in harmony

author:Ah Jun Cao Tang

When the Turks were strong, from the Daxing'an Mountains in the east to the Bohai Sea, to the Caspian Sea in the west, to the Great Wall in the south, and to the surrounding area of Lake Baikal in the north, the territory was no less than that of the Xiongnu in its heyday; the Western Turks had more than present-day Xinjiang and Central Asia, and all the oasis countries were subordinate, so it was inevitable to have marriage relations with the countries of the western region.

The Turks and the countries of the Western Regions were in harmony


I. The peace between the Turks and the Kangju state

At that time, most of the Central Asian regions were Sogdians, and the oasis countries they established were the nine surname states of Zhaowu as general literature said. The Sogdians were good at business, and no matter how far away they were, they did not hesitate to work as long as the profits were there.

The countries with the surname Zhaowu are typical commercial peoples, and whoever has great power will turn to whomever they want, without any sense of independence. Mr. Wang Guowei once said in the "Kwun Tong Jilin" that this place is the great Xia Yue clan when it comes, it submits to the Great Xia Yue clan, when it comes, it submits to the Da, the Turks come to submit to the Turks, and when the big food comes, it submits to the big food. Although they have changed hands many times, the people's production and operation have remained the same.

When the Turks were strong, all nine surnames of Zhaowu were subject to the Turkic Khaganate. The same is true of the Kangju state, and the Turks and the Kangju state are basically equal.

According to the "Biography of the Northern History and Western Regions", "The Kang Guo, the king of the world, was generous, and won the hearts of the people. His wife, the daughter of the Turkic Dadu Khan. "Dadu Khan is the Datou Khan of the Western Turkic Lineage.

From the first year of the Sui Dynasty to the fourteenth year (605-618), the King of Kangju, Qu Shuzhi, married the daughter of the Western Turkic Tongye Yehu Khan.

2. The harmony between the Turks and tuguhuns

Tuguhun was not prominent in the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms era, and often claimed to the strong.

However, in the late southern and northern dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties, it was once strong, and its power reached the area of the southern foothills of the mountain today, which can also be regarded as a temporary hero.

The "Northern History of turkic Biography" once said: "Tugu Hun, the mother of the young son of qiren Mohe, also set up." The "Qiren" here is the Qimin Khan of the Eastern Turks.

Therefore, it can be known that Qimin Khan was once friendly with Tuguhun and gave birth to Mohe Rushi. The reign of Qimin Khan was from 599 to 609 AD, about the nineteenth year of the reign of Emperor Wen of Sui of the Central Plains Dynasty to the fifth year of Emperor Daye of the Sui Dynasty.

Here's a look at Tuguhun.

Tuguhun was originally a personal name, and in the early days of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, Murong Xianbei had Murong Xi and Tuguhun, each supporting the people.

Later, the people of the two sides had a horse fighting incident, and Tugu moved west with his own people in a huff.

At first, he arrived in Yinshan, and then moved south to reach the area of today's Gansu and Qinghai, where he subdued the local Qiang and Qiang ethnic groups and established political power.

Later, Tuguhun's grandson Ye Yan established the state under the name of "Tuguhun". Although Tuguhun was not within the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, it was the longest ethnic minority regime in the country and did not perish until the time of Wu Zetian.

3. The harmony between the Turks and the Yanqi

Yanqi is an ancient civilization in the Western Regions, and the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty call it Aqini. Yanqi was surrounded by mountains on all sides, the road was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the earliest inhabitants were The Tocharians (present-day eastern Iran), who had their own language and script, and believed in Buddhism.

When the Western Turk Khaganate was strong, Yanqi submitted to the Western Turks, and the yanqi king at that time was surnamed Long, and his name was Tuqizhi.

In the fourteenth year of Emperor Taizong of Tang (640), during the reign of the Western Turk Emperor Lili, the Western Turk chancellor Qu Lizhao married the daughter of the King of Yanqi as his brother, and the two sides formed a military alliance through marriage. With the Western Turks as their backers, Yanqi no longer submitted to the Tang Dynasty or paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Taizong of Tang then ordered Tang Anxi to protect Guo Xiaoke's army against Yanqi, and the Western Turk Qu Lili did lead an army to help, but was defeated by Guo Xiaoke. The Tang army invaded yanqi city, captured the yanqi king Longtu riding a couple alive, and escorted them to Luoyang.

4. The harmony between the Turks and the Khitans

In the early Khitan period, it was nomadic in the west of Gaoche, and in the Han Dynasty, Gaoche lived on the east and west sides of Lake Baikal (ancient Beihai), and the south of Khitan was Hujie, and the south of Hujie was the Xiongnu.

After the disappearance of the Xiongnu, the Khitan moved south to be adjacent to the Turks. According to the New Book of Tang, "Jiankun (i.e., Khitan), the powerful country, the land and the Turks, etc., the Turks took their wives and their hao chiefs. ”

It can be seen that the Turks did have a marriage relationship with the Khitans.

5. The turks and Khotanese peace

Khotan is famous for producing jade in ancient and modern times. According to the "Biography of the Northern History and Western Regions", "[the people of his country] are quite similar to Huaxia", while the Old Book of Tang and the Biography of Khotan say: "His king's surname was Wei Chi, and he was first subject to the Western Turks".

It can be seen that Khotan is also a vassal state of the Western Turks.

According to relevant literature, the sister of the Khotanese king Fujayasa Ramo was once married to the Western Turk Khan and became the Western Turk Kogadun, but later did not know why she became a nun.

Since Khotan and the Turks were in-laws, the two sides naturally became military alliances. In the thirteenth year of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (725 CE), Yu Khotanese defected from the Tang Dynasty with the support of the Western Turks.

6. The Harmony between the Turks and Persia

Persia ruled the two-river region of Central Asia. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Persia bordered Tochara and Kang to the east, the Khazarian khazaria of the Turks to the northwest, the Eastern Roman Empire to the northwest, and the sea to the southwest.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Western Turk Yehu Khan once attacked the Persian Sassanid Dynasty, and both Persian kings died at the hands of the Western Turks. Later, the Western Turks fought to the east for the position of Great Khan, and in order to stabilize Persia, the Western Turks married the khan's daughter to Persia.