
Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

author:Jiang Xun
Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > sentimentality and warmth coexist </h1>

Around the time of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, the politics of the Northern Song Dynasty began to stabilize, and its cultural characteristics were also very directly expressed in literary creation. I especially use Yan Shu as a typical representative, because Yan Shu is a figure who has a relatively large influence on Su Shi in literature.

First, let's take a look at the first song "HuanXi Sha", which is the most representative work of Yan Shu, and I think it is also the most familiar to everyone:

"Huan Xi Sha"

A glass of wine with a new song,

Last year's weather old pavilions.

When does the sun set?

Helpless flowers fall,

Déjà vu swallow returns.

The small garden incense path wanders alone.

This sentence is the most important sentence in the pioneering period of the Northern Song Dynasty: "Helpless flowers fall, déjà vu Swallow returns." "It feels like the flower has fallen- adding the subjective idea of the individual, the flower is going to fall is something you can't get back, it is the basis of sorrow and sentimentality in life, but it seems to have found a hope for life for yourself, that is, "the return of the déjà vu swallow".

The swallow that came back probably met last spring. On the one hand, it is the sentimentality that disappears, and on the other hand, it becomes the joy of recovery, and the two exist at the same time, sentimentality and warmth coexist.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

I think this is the most beautiful sentence in the Northern Song Dynasty, and such a sentence is of course not only about the withering of flowers and the return of swallows, but actually about two different states in life, and the lack of either of them is not complete.

You are also often in life between "helplessness" and "déjà vu", there are many lives with you "helpless" relationship, probably to the end, the fate has been exhausted; but there are many lives and you to start a new "déjà vu" joy and happiness, so it is the two states of life.

You will feel that you are always living between "helplessness" and "déjà vu": there is a lot of helplessness, such as the death of a loved one, the farewell of friends, and the loss of youth; at the same time, there are new things that are "déjà vu" emerging, because it is still circulating.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

Life does not fall into depression and despair because of the "helplessness" in front of it, and "déjà vu" redeems the familiar feeling of hope in life, which I call a kind of "body temperature".

"Déjà vu returns" is a body temperature that makes you feel that the "new things" and "new lives" you are exposed to are not the first time you have known. "Helpless" is non-cyclical, but "déjà vu" is cyclical, and the meaning of life and the cyclicality of life are highlighted at this time.

We can see from here that Yan Shu has accumulated this experience since the time of The Flower Word, and has improved it to the most wonderful state.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

This abstraction seems to be very suitable in many scenes, or can be used in many different life states, such as a person who is emotionally injured, or encounters career setbacks, which can probably be said to be "helpless flowers fall, déjà vu returns".

It becomes an abstract explanation, and its connotation is to see the ups and downs and cycles of life. The tides come and go, the full moon is missing, the flowers blossom and thank you, all of which are two sides of things, and this two-sidedness makes the author have an understanding of life when "the small garden incense path wanders alone".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > enjoy the ordinary and quiet of life </h1>

Let's take a look at this one:

"Tasha Walk"

The trail is red and green. The high platform tree color is shady and shady.

The spring wind did not forbid yanghua, and the people were swept away in a chaotic manner.

Green leaf hidden warbler, bead curtain across the swallow. The incense is quietly rotated by gossamer.

When A sad dream woke up, the slanting sun shone deep into the courtyard.

After the Song Dynasty began to have a calm mood, it would go to contemplate some things that were not easy to see in the Tang Dynasty.

Burn a little sandalwood or agarwood in the incense burner, and then the hole in the incense burner will emit fine smoke, which is "incense". "Quiet chasing" means that because it is very quiet and there is no wind blowing, the smoke slowly and slowly wraps around, like a gossamer.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

Therefore, it can be further confirmed that many things in the Tang Dynasty were describing big scenes, or events that must have a purpose in life; but after the Song Dynasty, because of the relative stability of politics and economic prosperity, people could quietly look at some small events that were almost meaningless.

It seems to be a description without purpose, and it does not represent anything in the sense of the whole of life. But all the senselessness and boredom occupy a very important time in life. Our lives don't mean every minute, and sometimes they are moments of stillness and leisure.

The most wonderful part of the Northern Song Dynasty is its mastery of imagery. These images are often very bland, there are no major events in them, but they are small life experiences such as sadness, awakening, and dreams, adding some of the most specific scenes around them, such as "the incense is quietly going through the gossamer".

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

I would like to find verses in our lives today that describe the experience of "the incense is still going through the gossamer" through the words of the Northern Song Dynasty. What kind of methods can we use to depict the quietest space and state in our lives?

Although Yan Shu has achieved great officialhood and influenced a generation of literati, in his words, you will feel that he does not have something as bold as Fan Zhongyan's "Fisherman's Pride", but returns to ordinary life itself.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > transcend sentimentality and joy </h1>

The words I like may be very bland, and they are completely detailed in the lives of ordinary people. For example, the following one:

"Shake the Court autumn"

Don't hear from you, hate this is difficult to send.

Bisha autumn moon, sycamore night rain, several times sleepless!

The height of the building is broken, the sky is dark, and it is only haggard.

Read the red candle of Lan Tang, the heart is long and short, and weeps to people.

"Don't hear from me, hate this is difficult to send." Autumn moon, sycamore night rain, several times sleepless. "Probably just about an insomnia experience, after a friend leaves, there are not many opportunities to let the other party know his emotions." 」 "Bisha" is a pale green yarn, hanging down, it is very similar to the bead curtain, it is in the Song Dynasty life in order not to let birds and insects run in casually.

I don't know if people will ask: Is he sentimental at this time? But I am afraid that there is another situation, and that is joy: on a sleepless night, you see the moonlight outside.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

When the joy and sentimentality in life are together, it may form another state of mind that transcends sentimentality and joy, and I think this state of mind is closer to what Song Ci really wants to pursue.

Zhang Ailing said that she likes the four words "long heart and short flame" the most, she feels that this is a state of life, it is not talking about candles, but about a great passion that has burned to the end, your inner passion is still so much, but the possibility that matter can provide you with burning is already so little.

I think this is also the interesting part of the Song Ci, a good creator can probably really realize that "the heart is long and the flame is short" is the most important four words in this song, telling the situation that a certain passion in life will become ashes and will end.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

In Yan Shu's works, it is obvious that there are no big events, no big ambitions, and they are all quietly describing the things around life--whether it is red candles, swallows, autumn moons, or night rain, they are all around the scenes.

In terms of religion, Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty pursued the solemnity and magnificence of bodhisattvas, but the Arhats of the Song Dynasty became very common figures. For example, Ji Gong, whose practice is originally a part of his life, does not deliberately elevate himself to the greatness of a Buddha or a bodhisattva.

You don't think Luohan is great, but you think he's kind and cute, as if there's a kind of night market person. From this we can see that the religion, literature and art of the Song Dynasty are all moving towards secular life, and when all ambitions for outward conquest are exhausted, returning to be peaceful and becoming a person has become their real pursuit.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > incomprehensible perception </h1>

Finally, let's look at Yan Shu's "Butterfly Love Flower":

Butterfly Loves Flowers

The sills are sad and the smoke orchid is weeping, the curtain is light and cold, and the swallows are flying away.

Mingyue did not know how to leave hatred and bitterness, and the slanted light reached Xiao to wear Zhu Hu.

Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and I went up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world.

If you want to send a color note without a ruler, the mountains and rivers know where to go!

The author of this poem has always been controversial, and many people believe that it was written by Feng Yanmi, but it has not been conclusive until now. In particular, the "last night's west wind withered bi tree" in xiaxia is considered by many people to be Feng Zhengzhong's sentence.

"Sills chrysanthemums are sad and smokey orchids are weeping, Luo Mu is light and cold", pay attention to the bead curtain and bisha mentioned earlier, and now the Luo Curtain mentioned, you can feel from the Song Ci that the living space of the Song Dynasty is very interesting, not a wall, but a transformation space.

Wang Guowei selected three song poems in "Words and Sayings on Earth" to illustrate three different realms of life, the first realm is "last night the west wind withered the green trees, went up to the tall building alone, and looked at the end of the world."

In reality, "last night's west wind withered the bi tree" is last night because of a gust of west wind blowing, green leaves have fallen, dense cover is gone, so after "going up to the tall building alone", you can "see the end of the world", you can see a very far road.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

For Yan Shu, this sentence is just a picture, but Wang Guowei extends it to the first realm of life. When living in prosperity, it is actually difficult to understand life, and the understanding of life often begins at the moment of prosperity and decline, which is what we once talked about as "decadence".

This "decadence" is not the decadence of the world, but has a high sense of reflection and self-precipitation.

If you have been in the spring and summer, you have no chance to linger on spring and summer, and you have nostalgia for spring and summer because spring and summer are going to pass. "Last night the west wind withered the green tree", the leaves fell before you began to have a feeling, only then did you have a love and cherish for life.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings

Yan Shuzi is the starting point of Song Ci's enlightenment, which is why I like his words. In particular, although he has a life of glory and wealth, he can write about the reality of his life in a very plain way.

Yan Shu's words often express an emotion that he wants to convey, but this emotion cannot be conveyed. The inability to convey and the mountains and rivers are not necessarily directly related, but show a sense of loneliness, feeling dazed about finding a confidant in life.

It is actually vulgar to have glory and wealth without a sense of loneliness, and the most wonderful aristocrats often carry a strange and inexplicable sentimentality and loneliness.

Jiang Xun: Yan Shu, let me see the most beautiful Northern Song Dynasty life sentimental and warm coexist, enjoy the ordinary and quiet in life Beyond sentimentality and joy Incomprehensible feelings


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