
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

author:Datong Daily

Exhibit Datong birds and protect the ecological environment

Migratory bird protection requires the strength of everyone

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

I have a dove in front of the window of my house

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful


The pearl-necked dove is a wild bird, how can it be raised?

There's a long story here! Tell you slowly~~


Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• In late March, two birds came from an iron basket under the kitchen window, busy picking up branches to build their nests. This is the posture of coming to settle down. There are birds that have taken a fancy to our house, not to mention how happy they are.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• At the end of March, two bead-necked doves began hatching their eggs, and I also booked a monitor online to record this rare experience without disturbing them.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• The first eggs were laid on March 22, and I took photos of them while they were out. Although their nests are simple, they have a round and full egg, which immediately "shines with a canopy". They laid two eggs in total, but unfortunately I only got one.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• But the good times did not last long, the family saw their simple nest, worried that the bird egg would fall, so they put a cardboard box for it, and as a result, a bird egg fell and shattered. Coupled with a strong wind, the scraps of paper that blew up hit the incubating birds. The bead-necked dove did not return for two days. When they come back to hatch, they find that the remaining egg is cold. Once human "kindness" ruined their first egg hatching. The family blamed themselves.

For a long time, the cries of the bead-necked dove outside the window made me feel bad. But the story doesn't end there...


Bead-necked dove

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Bead-necked spotted dove Storks, storks, doves

Also known as partridge eagle, partridge, medium spotted, spotted dove, flower neck dove, pearl dove, spotted dove, bead-necked pigeon, spotted beetle, is distributed in South Asia, Southeast Asia and southern China in a wide area of a common spotted dove.

The head is pigeon grey, the upper body is mostly brown, the lower body is pink, the back of the neck has a broad black, and it is covered with collar spots formed by small white spots, which are very conspicuous on the pale pink neck. The tail is very long , with black-brown lateral tail feathers and white ends , which are highly noticeable when flying. The mouth is dark brown and the feet are red.

However, this pearl spot is only found in adult bead-necked doves, not in young birds.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

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• In early May, two more bead-necked doves came out of the window. In order to make up for the mistake of the last time, we put their favorite corn in the basket every day, so they come every day.

I don't know from what day, open the window, the corn is placed inside the window sill, they also boldly walk in, eat the corn, sorghum, mung beans all. Feeding the birds has become a great pleasure for the family.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

This neck is slender and timid, and we named it: little ghost. This should be a female bird. Always cautious when eating, the slightest noise quickly flashed out of the window.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

The hair on this back suddenly picked up a piece, and it was named: Cha Mao. Obviously, this is just an "old jianghu", calm and calm, a big guy's style. It is a male bird. After seeing its courtship calls and looks, you will laugh and drip!

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• Every morning they were outside the window, saw me busy in the kitchen, and waited for me to open the curtain, sprinkle beans, and then come in with a big swing and eat with my head covered. If you can't see anyone, you 'grunt', which translates to: "Hurry up, hurry up, we're hungry!" "At this time, even if you want to be lazy, you have to get up and feed them as soon as possible."

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

They are a couple. Sprinkle us with "dog food" often.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• In the past, two birds used to eat together every day, morning, noon and evening. From August 1, the two shifts were found separate. Guess they must have hatched eggs somewhere else. So, feed more diligently and more. Although I never knew where they nested, everyone was very happy every morning when they saw the little ghost or Zha Mao coming. I hope that one day they will bring the young bird with us to see.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

• When I looked at the photos taken in March, I suddenly realized that the two later bead-necked doves were the same as before, and it turned out to be them! The euphoria was indescribable.

It also made me understand that for wild birds, survival and reproduction are also quite difficult. In addition to dealing with predators, human "kindness" will also make them "sin" to some extent.

The story of our family and the pearl-necked dove will continue forever, and we look forward to sharing it with netizens next time.

The above is a small editor's own shooting

You can also be in the lens of a Datong photographer

Get to know them well

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Photo by MCA ▲


The pearl-necked dove usually appears in cities, villages and surrounding open fields and woodlands, which are easily seen in trees and on the ground next to urban parks and roads, and even on light poles and telephone poles. It mainly feeds on plant seeds, especially crop seeds, such as rice, corn, wheat, peas, soybeans, beans, rapeseed, sesame, sorghum, mung beans, etc.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Yun Zhongshan people photo ▲

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Yun Yiyi photo ▲


Courtship males are extremely inclined during performances and stretch their wings and tails to attract females as they fly in circles. The bead-necked dove is usually monogamous, breeding two to three times a year, and the breeding period is from April to October. Usually two eggs are laid at a time (there are also individual three or four), about a day or two apart. The incubation period is 15-18 days, and the little spotted dove will break the egg and come out. The eggs are incubated and the baby spotted doves are cared for by males and females in turn, feeding them the milk. In another two weeks or so, the little spotted dove will have to leave the nest.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

This is the bead-necked dove under the window of the netizen

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Upstart Time Photo ▲


It has been included in the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Under National Protection that Are Beneficial or Of Important Economic and Scientific Research Value" issued by the State Forestry Administration on August 1, 2000.

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Ding Yaqin photo ▲

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Yin Ji photo ▲

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Zhou Wei photo ▲

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Tian Lujun photo ▲

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful
Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Photo by He Ninghua ▲

Photo photographer for this issue

Guo Zhong

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

Yun Zhongshanren, a member of the Shanxi Photographers Association, a bird photography enthusiast, and a wildlife conservation volunteer, is committed to the protection and rescue of the local ecological environment and wild birds. After years of follow-up and observation, he is familiar with the bird situation in Datong City and the Sangan River Basin. He has organized volunteers to carry out publicity activities on the protection, rescue and anti-poaching of wild birds in the Sangganhe Wetland (Tongshuo area) for many times, and rescued and participated in the rescue of injured wild birds, most of which are national first- and second-level protected birds.


Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association, a member of China Digital Photographers Association, and a bird photography enthusiast.

Ding Yaqin

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association. She loves photography and likes to use the lens to try to record every touch in her heart. Bird photography enthusiasts.

Upstart time

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association. Claiming to be a newcomer to photography, he started to challenge the difficult bird shooting, and the moment he picked up the camera, he joined the bird shooting ranks without hesitation.

Yin Ji

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

The net name is Alpine Flowing Water, a retired employee of the Datong Municipal Finance Bureau. He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association, a member of Datong Photographers Association, and a director of Datong Enterprise Photographers Association.

Zhou Wei

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

A native of Changsha, Hunan, he now works for Pingshuo Group Company and is a bird photography enthusiast.

Liu Yufang

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

The screen name Yun Yiyi. He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association. She likes to record the beauty of life with the lens, especially in the process of photographing birds to experience a different kind of happiness.

Tian Lujun

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association and Datong Photographers Association. Bird photography enthusiasts.

He Ninghua

Datong: My zero-distance relationship with "her"... Wonderful

He is a member of the China Photographers Association and the China Photographers Copyright Association. He is a member of Shanxi Photographers Association and Datong Photography Association. Bird photography enthusiasts.

General Planner: Guo Zhong, He Ninghua, Jingxing Datong

Masthead inscription: Cuckoo

Copywriter of this issue: He Ying

Source Datong Daily Rong Media WeChat public account

Edited by Du Yibo

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