
"Speaking of Texts and Interpretations" Lang Jie_Liu Ji cut the dragon vein

author:Words know the words

Shuowen: Jade Ministry: "Lang, Lang, bead-like." From jade, good sound. ”

Translation: Lang, Lang, jade like a round bead. From jade, good sound.

"Shuowen" Yubu, shape and sound characters. Now it is the royal department.

"Speaking of Texts and Interpretations" Lang Jie_Liu Ji cut the dragon vein

Shuowen: Yubu: "玕, 琅玕也." From jade, dry sound. ”

Translation: 玕 (gan 一声), 琅玕. From jade, dry sound.

"Speaking of Texts and Interpretations" Lang Jie_Liu Ji cut the dragon vein

"Lang Jiu", the original meaning is shaped like a bead of beautiful jade, such as Zhang Heng's "Four Sorrowful Poems": "The beauty gave me a golden Lang Yue, how to repay the double jade plate." ”

Also refers to the legendary jade tree. For example, Li Dongyang's "Song of the Spirit Shou Staff": "The ladder is hanging on the ladder and cannot be stepped on, who comes to qingbi red langyao."

Another example is the fourth of Liu Ji's "Song on the River" of the Ming Dynasty: "Lang Jiu is not a tree in the world, where there is a phoenix in the morning sun." "It's all the legendary Yushu.

"Speaking of Texts and Interpretations" Lang Jie_Liu Ji cut the dragon vein

Liu Ji, known as Liu Bowen, was the founding minister of Zhu Yuanzhang, and it is said that he was proficient in "elephant, number, reason, and occupation" and could predict auspiciousness. In the process of Zhu Yuanzhang's establishment of the dynasty, Liu Bowen actively advised him and made great contributions, so he was named Chengyi Bo and was deeply trusted by the emperor.

Liu Ji was gifted and intelligent, and was enlightened by his father to read, and it is said that the seven elements are all down. At the age of 12, he was known as a "child prodigy".

At the age of fourteen, Liu Ji entered the government to study and learned Spring and Autumn from his teacher. The Spring and Autumn Period is an obscure, concise and profound Confucian classic, which is difficult to read, especially for beginners, who generally just hold books and recite them, without understanding their meanings. Liu Ji is different, he can not only recite it like a stream after silently reading it twice, but also according to the meaning of the text, he can explain it in a subtle way, which has never been said before. The teacher was surprised to see this, thinking that he had read it before, so he tried several other passages, and Liu Ji could see it through his eyes. The teacher was very impressed, and secretly praised, "What a genius, and I will not be an ordinary person in the future!" ”

There is also an anecdote about Liu Ji's unforgettable vision, once flipping through a book in a bookstore in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (present-day Beijing), and after turning it over, he could immediately recite it, and the owner of the bookstore wanted to give him the book, but he said: "The book is already in my chest, what is the use of the book?" ”

Liu Ji, who is known as "Living Zhang Liang, Sai Zhuge Ge", is not only unforgettable, but also has many legendary stories handed down, among which Liu Ji chops the dragon vein and "The Song of Burning Cakes" is full of mythology.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, one day he dreamed that a country was replaced, Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, so he sent Liu Bowen to cut off the dragon vein, Liu Bowen traveled all over the country, looking for the dragon vein, like now Jiangsu, Anwei, Zhejiang have the legend of Liu Bowen cutting the dragon vein. Liu Bowen cut off the whole world, and finally walked to Changbai Mountain, found that this was the last dragon vein in the world, and turned around with his men and left in a hurry. Because in ancient times, the dragon vein is a symbol of the true dragon tianzi, cutting the dragon vein is detrimental to virtue and life, if the last one is cut off, the Ming Dynasty will not be affected, I don't know, but Liu Bowen is sure that his family will be affected, in order not to let his family be punished by heaven, Liu Bowen saw the Changbai Mountain and left in a hurry, and did not stay.

Legend has it that the Changbai Mountain Dragon Vein gave birth to the Qing Dynasty, Changbai Mountain was later known as the birthplace and holy mountain of the Manchus, after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, Changbai Mountain was banned for 200 years, which is related to the Changbai Mountain Dragon Vein.

"The Song of Burning Cakes" is a combination of prophecies, and it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang covered the burnt cake with a bowl after eating a bite, and then asked liu Bowen when he came in: "Sir knows the mathematical theory, can you know what is in the bowl?" Only to see Liu Bowen close his eyes and pinch his fingers, he replied: "Half like the sun and half like the moon, once bitten by the golden dragon, this food is also." Zhu Yuanzhang said to Liu Bowen: "Although it has been determined since the rise and fall of ancient times, the world is not the world of one person, only the virtuous can enjoy it. "Force him to predict the fate of the dynasty after that. However, because of the importance of the matter, Liu Bowen fell to his knees in horror and pleaded: "Leaking the heavenly opportunity, the crime of the subject is not light, Your Majesty forgives the death of the subject, and only then does he dare to take the risk." Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang gave him a gold medal to avoid death, making him bold and speak out. In this way, the two junchen began to ask and answer, and Liu Bowen finally revealed a series of prophecies. These prophecies were recorded by the people of the time, and later generations called them "Songs of Burning Bread".

Among them, "the royal driving of this city is full of pro-conquest, a courtyard of mountains and rivers Yongle Ping", prophesied the Yan Kingdom's number Yongle; "Muxia is a head, the eyes are a knife and a pentad", prophesied Li Zicheng's rebellion, and so on.

Liu Bowen assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in leveling the world, and the plan was set, and people could not predict it. Zhu Yuanzhang repeatedly called him "my son's room". In Chinese folklore, there is also a saying that "Zhuge Liang, who is divided into three parts of the world, unifies Liu Bowen of the Jiangshan Mountains; Zhuge Liang, the former military division of the dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military division of the later dynasty".

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