
Tough guy! Arnold. Schwarzenegger's collection of 31 films

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Douban score: 8.1

1984 / USA / Action Thriller / 107 min

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Michael Bien linda Hamilton Paul Winfield Lance Henrykson Rick Rosovich Beth Motta

Director: James Cameron

This is a world of the future, and the world has been controlled by robots. The robot wants to completely occupy the world and exterminate the human race, but encounters the tenacious resistance of the human elite Connor. So the Terminator robot T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is tasked back in 1984 to kill Connor's mother, Sarah (Linda Hamilton), in order to destroy Connor's birth. When Connor learns of this, he sends The Fire Warrior Reis (Michael Biehn) to the rescue. Reis travels to Los Angeles in 1984 to rescue Sarah, who was being chased by robots— she was a college student at the time. However, people see Rays as a lunatic and do not believe in the future of robots ruling the world. It wasn't until Sarah was once again chased by the robot that she believed it all. During the run, she and Reis fall in love and become pregnant with the future Connor, and Reis is also caught in a struggle with the robot. Can the human world change its bad fortunes from this struggle?

Tough guy! Arnold. Schwarzenegger's collection of 31 films

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Douban score: 8.7

1991 / USA / Sci-fi Action / 137 min

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Al Bern, Joe Morton, Epasa Mercson Casturo Guerrera

In the previous installment, the supercomputer Skynet failed to prevent the birth of human resistance leader John Connor, and after 13 years, before Judgment Day arrived, Skynet sent a more advanced biochemical robot T-1000 (Robert Patrick) back to Los Angeles from 2029 AD to hunt down the grown-up John, while John also sent the robot T-800 (Arnold Connor). Schwarzenegger) goes back to protect his young self. At this point, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) is admitted to a spiritual sanatorium for her bizarre words and deeds, while John lives with her adoptive parents and acts rebelliously. The T-800 finds them and gains their trust in the process of escaping the T-1000's pursuit. In order to change the future history and save the fate of mankind, Sarah, John, and the T-800 Model 101 find the father of Skynet, Miles Dyson (Joe Morton), and persuade him to destroy all information about Skynet, at which point the police and T-1000 arrive at the same time, and they are caught in a multi-party fight.

Terminator 3

Douban score: 7.3

2003 / USA / Action Thriller / 109 min

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Nick Starr Claire Denise Christiana Lorcan David Andrew Mark Famguiletti Al Byrne

Director: Jonathan Mosto

The story takes place 10 years after Terminator 2, and the Terminator is back. At this time, John Connor (Nick Stahl) is 22 years old, and after the death of his mother, he lives a life of incognito, unwilling to face the fate that is coming. However, fate does not depend on his will, and after two defeats, Skynet sends the more advanced T-X Terminator (Kristanna Loken) to hunt him down, and the humans also send back the T-800 modified Terminator T-850 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to protect John. John happens to meet his childhood friend, veterinarian Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), whose father is the head of the U.S. military's "Skynet" system, and she herself will become the deputy commander of the human rebel army, and naturally become the target of T-X. The two, under the protection of the T-850, began their escape. At the same time, the US computer system virus invasion, human beings helplessly ready to enable the "Skynet", once the "Skynet" to take over the US military ...

Terminator: Genesis

Douban score: 6.9

2015 Usa Action Sci-Fi 126 minutes

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Jason Clarke Emilia Clark Jay Cottney J. K. Simmons, Dio Okoney, Matt Smith, Courtney Vance

Director: Alain Taylor

After Skynet had an independent consciousness, it launched a bloody massacre of the humans who created it. In the years that followed, John Connor (Jason Clarke) led his comrades and Skynet's army of robots into a protracted war. After a crucial battle, Skynet sends the Terminator to Los Angeles in 1984 in an attempt to kill John's mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke). John, on the other hand, sends his closest comrade-in-arms, who is also his biological father, Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney), to the past. Kyle has just arrived in Los Angeles when he is attacked by liquid metal Terminator T-1000 (Lee Byung-hyun). Meanwhile, "Daddy" (Arnold Schwarzenegger) teams up with Sarah to take out the Terminator T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger). It seems that things have quietly changed in the past, and Kyle is inspired by his encounters in time travel, traveling with Sarah to 2017 to try to prevent the birth of Skynet...

Terminator Dark Fate

2019 / USA / Sci-Fi Adventure / 128 minutes

Starring: Mackenzie Davis Natalia Reyes Linda Hamilton Arnold Schwarzenegger Gabriel Runa Diyego Bonnetta

Directed by: Tim Miller

Twenty-seven years after Terminator 2: Judgment Day, future-altered by future Skynet's successful killing of young John by Future Skynet, a newly evolved Liquid Metal Terminator is sent from the future to hunt down Dany Ramos, the semi-cyborg Grace, and her friends who hold the key message. This led Sarah Connor and the T800 Terminator, who had successfully killed John, to help them and their party fight together for the future of humanity.

"Kill Gunther"

Douban score: 5.7 points

2017 American Comedy/Action

Director: Taran Kiram

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Kobee Smuders / Hannah Simone / Taran Kiram

Arnold Schwarzenegger will star in the comedy "Why We're Killing Gunther." Taran Kiram (Saturday Night Live) is self-written and self-directed. Schwarzenegger plays Gunther, the "world's number one killer," while an elite of killers from around the world intends to concoct a perfect plan to take it out. The film will be launched in June, and will also be featured at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival.

"Golden Cicada Shelling"

2013 American Thriller, Action

Douban score: 7.7 points

Directed by: Mikael Haverström

Starring: Sylvester Stallone / Arnold Schwarzenegger / Jim Cavidze / Farran Tahir

Kongwu's ruthless Ray Breslin (Sylvester Stallone) manages to escape from a heavily guarded prison after careful planning. He is affiliated with an independent BC security company, commissioned by the Federal Prison Service to test the security of prisons across the country, using escape masters such as Bresling to find loopholes in prisons to ensure that no prisoners escape from their cages. In the past eight years, Ray has successfully conquered 14 prisons. This time, in order to verify the safety of the facility where the most heinous terrorists were being held, the CIA commissioned Ray, who was preparing to retire, to enter the mysterious international detention center. But something seems to go wrong with the operation, with Ray losing contact with the team, the ruthless warden Hobbes (James Caviezel) ignoring his evacuation request altogether, and the murderous jailer (Winnie Jones) obsessed with killing people. Lonely, Ray can only find a glimmer of escape with the help of the prisoner Emir (Arnold Schwarzenegger) ...


Douban score: 7.7

1987 / USA / Action Thriller / 107 minutes

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Karl Weatherers Elpidia Carrillo Bill Duke Jesse Ventura

Directed by: John McTiernan

A U.S. pilot disappeared in the primeval forests of South America, where not-so-friendly local guerrillas were entrenched. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a major instructor of the U.S. Special Forces, led his men to search and rescue himself. They soon found the body of the missing pilot in the forest, dead in horror. Everyone thought it was the local guerrillas who had done it, and the angry members began to search for the local guerrilla base to avenge their comrades. However, when they found the local guerrilla camp, they found that the locals were also shrouded in an atmosphere of terror. Subsequently, the team members were attacked and killed one after another, but each time they did not find half a shadow of the enemy. It was as if the other person had become invisible out of thin air. Daqi, alone, is determined to face this mysterious and terrifying force on his own...

The Devil II

1994 American Comedy, Science Fiction, Romance

Douban score: 6.4 points

Director: Ivan Reitman

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger/ Danny DeVito / Emma Thompson / Jack Kyle

Alex (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and Dr. Larry (Danny DeVito) have studied a new fertility formula, the fetal spirit, which can greatly reduce a woman's risk of pregnancy. However, the drug has not been approved by the Federal Drug Service for human trials, so it has not been marketed. The funders withdrew both the funds and equipment, and the two PhDs were placed by rival and boss Noah to assist in the work under Dr. Diana (Emma Thompson). In order to make their products go on the market smoothly, Dr. Larry secretly combined Diana's eggs and Alex's sperm to prepare for experiments in the laboratory to form a fertilized egg, and persuaded Alex to implant a fertilized egg in his body, and the world's first case of male conception was born! Alex began taking their product, The Fetal Spirit, which they intended to remove when the fetus was 3 months old. However, as Alex takes more and more fetal spirits, he begins to show feminine features in every way, and he begins to resolve to give birth to the fetus...

Devil Commander / Original Dragon Pond

1985 American Thriller, Action, Comedy

Douban score: 7.2 points

Directed by: Mark M. L. Leicester

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Rey Dawn Chung / Dan Hadaya / Vernon Wells

A series of assassinations suddenly occur in the calm city, the victims are former subordinates of retired Special Forces Colonel John (Arnold Schwarzenegger), the old boss Kebby visits John's mountain hut to warn him, the retired John only wants to enjoy life with his young daughter Jenny, and does not want to get involved in the vendetta again, this time the enemy followed Kirby to John's residence, they abducted Jenny, forced John to assassinate the President of the Ovidian Republic, In order to pave the way for the mastermind behind the plot, Arius, to ascend to the presidency of the country. John certainly wouldn't give in, he got rid of the accompanying surveillance staff, jumped off the plane, and after temporarily escaping from Arius's control, he only had eleven hours to rescue Jenny. At the airport, John asks sidi (Rae Dawn Chong), a black girl he never knows, for help, and the two go through a series of fiery battles together, and Sidi's attitude towards the strange burly man changes from guard to full assistance, and finally lands on the island where Arius is hiding...

"Aftermath of the Air Crash"

(Mainland Release Version)

2017 American Thriller, Plot

Douban score: 5.6 points

Director: Elliot Lester

The film was produced by Darren Aronofsky's company Protozoa Pictures and written by Javier Gullón of Old Enemies. The director is undecided, and filming is scheduled to start this fall. Due to the mistake of air traffic control, the hero's wife and children were unfortunately killed in the air crash, and although the air traffic control department was unanimously condemned by the public afterwards, he still wanted to seek the truth and seek an explanation.

"The Sixth Day"

2000 American Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action

Douban score: 6.9 points

Directed by: Roger Spoty Wood

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger/Michael Rapaport/Tony Godwin/Michael Luke

Cloning technology has made great strides in the near future, but replicants remain a de jure and forbidden area, and the government has strictly prohibited human cloning through the Sixth Day Act. Pilot Adam (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has a happy family, and he instinctively dislikes genetic techniques that go against the laws of nature. Adam's usual job is to send tourists to snow peaks with his partner, and on this day they serve Chuck (Tony Goldwyn), the owner of the pet cloning company, and the partner drives for Adam but has an accident... Returning home, Adam found that a clone had taken his place for his birthday party, and in an inexplicable panic, he was chased by unknown killers, and he soon realized that he had become a human copy experiment of the pet cloning company, and as a mother, he was in danger of being wiped out. During the escape, Adam, in cooperation with organizations that violently oppose the human cloning program, successfully infiltrated the pet cloning company and took control of Dr. Will, the head of the human cloning technology...

Border Warrior

1986 American Action, Thriller, Crime

Douban score: 6.1 points

Director: John Evan

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger/ Kathleen Harold / Sam Warnermaker / Blanche Baker

The film was directed by John Alvin, who shot "Flesh and Blood Retreat." Arnold plays a former FBI agent, and the film is full of muscle and gore, which is typical of Arnold's films. Governor Arnold's action cop movie, which has been out of the United States before, is rare. Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger is the work of a thousand heroes. In order to achieve his heroic dream, former FBI agent Arnold Schwarzenegger accepts a mission that is close to death, and after using his unique hand to deal with criminals, he will outwit the evil group and complete the difficult task! Among them, the explosive gun battle in the play, Arno's fighting action with his bare hands and fists, has become a simulation clip of all A-class Hollywood films in the future.

Collateral Damage

2002 American Thriller, Action

Douban score: 6.3 points

Director: Andrew Davis

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger/Francesca Nelly/Cliff Curtis/Clyde Tull

Firefighter Gordon (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has a wonderful and happy little family. However, there was a catastrophe: Colombian terrorists blew up a building in the bustling section of Los Angeles for their own purposes, and the late Gordon witnessed that the fire caused by the explosion would burn his wife and children alive in front of the building, but the US authorities only gave Gordon a four-word explanation - indirect injury. Although Gordon has been running around calling for the murderers to be taken advantage of, Colombian officials say it was the work of the rebels, who have been fighting a 10-year civil war with government forces, and the government has no way to arrest the bandits. The official weakness infuriated Gordon, who was determined to go to Colombia himself to find out the terrorists and pay their blood debts!

The Devil's End

1999 American Horror, Action, Thriller

Director: Peter Hyams

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Gabriel Byrne / Robin Tony / Michael Rocha

Twenty years later, on December 28, three days before the end of the century, Satan (Gabriel Byrne) reappears in the flesh of a human banker, the former police officer Jerek (Arnold Schwarzenegger), who has lost his wife and daughter, and his own security team is employed by the devil in disguise. Protect it. Soon a priest risked his life to snipe Satan, but failed, and he warned Brick before he died. Brick and his companions follow the clues left by the priest to find the woman Christine (Robin Tony Robin Tunney) and learn that she is the woman destined to marry Satan, and if Satan can have a relationship with Christine on the night of the millennium, it will mean the destruction of the world. Brick decides to stop Satan at all costs as a human being...

Evaporation Secret Order

1996 American Crime, Action, Classic

Douban score: 7.3 points

Director: Chuck Russell

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger /James Kenn/ Vanessa Williams/James Corborne

Allen (Vanessa Williams), a senior employee at the Western Calendar Company, America's largest weapons and weapons manufacturing company, slowly discovers some of the shady scenes of the company, which produces a prohibited weapon and trades it on the black market. The FBI used Allen to obtain some evidence, and Allen became a key witness in the case. Given the company's power, the Witness Protection Center sends Marshal John (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to protect Alan. When John arrives at Alan's house, the killer is murdering Alan. John rescues the terrified Alan and tells her about the situation. After settling Alan, John travels to the bar to meet with his companion Robert (James Caan), who tells John that he needs to rearrange because of a plan to protect witnesses leaked, and asks John to act together. John, who had always completed the task independently, became suspicious, and he slowly began to feel that the forces behind this matter were not simple.

"Kindergarten Detective"

Douban score: 6.7

1991 / USA / Comedy Crime / 111 min

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Penelope Miller Pamela Ried linda Hunt Richard Tyson Carol Baker Joseph Cousins

Synopsis : The drug dealer Chris's wife takes three million dollars and escapes with their son, Chris shoots and kills an insider while inquiring about his wife's whereabouts, a murder that gives Detective Jimbo (Arnold Schwarzenegger), who has been tracking Chris for years, a chance to take him into custody, but if Chris is to plead guilty, Campbell must find his wife as an important witness. The police have limited clues, and Jimbo and her female colleagues have to go to a small town and go undercover disguised as a teacher to find Chris's son, who is attending kindergarten. Due to the acute illness of a female colleague, Jimbo has to take on the heavy responsibility and deal with a group of restless little ghost heads, and there is a spark between the school's female teacher Joyce (Penelope Ann Miller) and Jimbo. Jimbo's teaching career is gradually going well, and at this time, the identities of Chris's wife and son surface, which surprises Jimbo...

Conan the Destroyer (alias: Conan the Destroyer)

(Original disk without words)

1984 American Fantasy/Action

Director: Richard Fletcher

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Grace Jones / Wilt Chamberlain / Iwamatsu Shin

In the legendary age of heroes, the mighty Simili hero Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has to accept the request of the alien queen Taramis to accompany the queen's niece Jenna to obtain the magic key "Heart of Evil" in order to revive his beloved Valeria. Jenna is the Chosen One recorded in the Ancient Scrolls, only she can get the key to unlock the legendary treasure, and Taramis's plan is to use Conan to protect Jenna and kill them all after success, and Taramis sends the bodyguard Bonberta to accompany Conan and spy on them. Conan and his party rescue the Oriental wizard and the black female warrior on the road, plus the thief friend, the seven arrive at the lake castle where the evil heart is hidden, the wizard in the city casts a spell to take Jenna away, Conan and the others finally rescue Jenna, and this is only the beginning of the adventure...

Batman and Robin

1997 American Rugged, Sci-Fi, Action

Director: Joe Schumacher

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / George Clooney / Chris O'Donnell / Uma Thurman

Batman (George Clooney) and Robin (Chris O'Donnell) encounter the biggest challenge of their lives: "Frozen Man" (Arnold Schwarzenegger)! The Frozen Man was originally a scientific wizard, but an accident left him with a living on emergency machines. Worse still, unless he keeps the temperature throughout Gotham City below freezing, his beloved wife will never wake up. The Frozen Man begins to build his frozen kingdom step by step, and Batman will be the biggest obstacle to this plan, and the Frozen Man urgently needs to get rid of this thorn in the eye. Robin gradually becomes Batman's right-hand man, and the two work together to defuse the conspiracy of the "Frozen Man". However, the appearance of the beautiful "Poison Ivy Woman" (Uma Thurman) brings a crisis to the relationship between Robin and Batman: "Poison Ivy Woman" uses Robin's heart for her and sets traps step by step, inducing the two to suspect each other. Will Batman and Robin finally be able to resolve their knots and defeat "Frozen...

"The Lost Daughter"

Directed by Henry Hoberson

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Abigail Breslin / Jolly Richardson / Laura Kylotti

In the near future, the terrible zombie virus has spread across the globe, infecting tens of thousands of civilians, many losing their lives, many becoming bloodthirsty living dead, and many giving embarrassing identities. Farmer Wade (Arnold Schwarzenegger) drives worriedly to the hospital in the quarantine zone, where his daughter Maggie (Abigail Breslin) was recently transported. Maggie is attacked by zombies, infecting the virus. Although it is still some time before she completely becomes a zombie, her tragic fate seems to be doomed. Wade obtained the consent of the hospital and returned home with his daughter. The familiar environment and atmosphere added a lot of sadness and annoyance to Maggie. She was constantly maintaining her family, but the distance was opening up little by little. Time passes, the breath of Maggie's body continues to fade, the smell of death increases day by day, and she and her loved ones will finally usher in a painful farewell moment...

"Pass the Level"

(Original English without words)

1987 American Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action

Douban score: 6.7 points

Director: Paul Michael Glaser

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Maria Concorta Alonso / Jim Brown / Jesse Ventura

The film continues Schwarzenegger's consistent heroic style. In 2019, the United States has become a dictatorship, and here, different voices are not allowed to appear. Ben (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a police officer who was found guilty and arrested for refusing to carry out the order of the authorities. Now there is only one chance to set Ben free again, and that is to participate in the TV station's "Pass the Pass" program and win. The show wantonly distorted the facts and misled the audience, and the people of insight in the show were distorted and killed. After Ben painstakingly escaped from the TV station, he united with a group of righteous people and prepared to kill the TV station to expose the deception of the show

"Heavy Strike Defense/Battle of the Backwaters"

Douban score: 7.6

2002 / USA / Thriller Adventure Story / 98 min

Starring: Lindsay Price Jesus Nebot Jesus Nebot Kenya Moore

Synopsis: A Honduran university teacher smuggles himself to the United States in search of a better living environment, but his wife and a daughter die, leaving him to live with another daughter, Christie, who earns money by working as a black worker. But one day, while picking up his daughter, he accidentally killed an American girl, causing the police to round him up, and he had to flee with his daughter. The film sensitively captures the living conditions of illegal immigrants in American society and tells this tragic story.

True Lies

1995 American Action, Thriller, Comedy

Douban score: 8.2 points

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger /Jamie Lee Curtis /Tom Arnold/Bill Paxton

Harry (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a senior FBI agent who is being ordered to investigate a transnational nuclear weapons smuggling case. For security reasons, Harry didn't even tell his wife, Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis), who had been married for 15 years, to reveal his true identity. Helen is an ordinary white-collar worker, and her ordinary life has made her tired. Once, car dealer Simon pretended to be an FBI agent and sneaked into Helen's house to lie that he was being hunted down. The intense experience soon fascinated Helen. None of this escaped the eyes of real FBI agent Harry. Harry uses espionage to make Simon look good, and disguises himself as the French are trying to tease Helen when he is suddenly attacked by terrorists and the two are abducted to a tropical island. Will Harry and Helen eventually escape and foil the terrorist plot?

Cosmic Veyron / Total Memories

1990 American Sci-Fi, Thriller, Action

Director: Paul Verhoeven

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger/ Rachel Ticotin / Sharon Stone / Ronnie Cox

In the futuristic world, engineer Douglas (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is haunted by persistent dreams, a series of experiences that take place on Red Mars. Douglas found an introduction to the Memory Travel Company in the ad, and although colleagues warned him that such a virtual trip could harm the human brain, the Memory Travel Company was a good choice over going to the rebel-filled Mars himself. Douglas accepts the service of recalling the trip as he wishes, but the process of virtual memory suddenly goes wrong, and a series of incredible experiences appear on Douglas, first his wife Laurie (Sharon Stone) attacks him and confesses that he is a spy spy spying on Douglas, and then strangers appear to help him escape and point out that he is an agent sent by the Martian dictator against the rebels, only to change the standing copy because of a woman, Mei Li (Rachel Ticotin). Douglas sets off for Mars, where there is a mystery of everything, or is it all just a dream?

"Jingle Bells All the Way/ Santa Bean"

1996 American Comedy, Family

Director: Brian Levant

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger / Sinbad / Phil Hartman / Rita Wilson

Christmas is approaching, and the work-ridden Howard (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has long since forgotten his promise of his son's Christmas present— he promises to give his son a Turbo Superman as a Christmas present. On this day, after being reminded by his wife, Howard ran to the toy store early in the morning to snap up, and in the toy store he met the same father's postman Maru (Simbe Sinbad), but turbo Superman had sold out in the morning, and the two could only be disappointed. A disappointed Howard barely had the courage to go home and face his son's disappointed eyes, and he encountered the Winter Parade as he wandered the streets. Confused, he was pulled into a float to play the live-action version of Turbo Superman, according to the requirements of Turbo Superman can choose a child to participate in the game and award him a Turbo Superman, Howard found his son in the crowd. When he picks his son up, he finds that it is Maroo who plays the villain, and Maru also tries his best to win the last Turbo Superman for his son!

The Mystery of the Dragon Card

2019 Mainland Fantasy, Adventure, Action

Douban score: 3.6 points

Director: Igo Stampchenko

The movie "The Mystery of the Dragon Card" tells the ancient oriental legend that the Dragon King's eyelashes grow to the ground when he sleeps. The Dragon King seals mana in the Dragon Card and gives this power to the White Magic Master (Jackie Chan), who takes care of his eyelashes, and his daughter Cheng Lan (Yao Xingtong). The evil black magician imprisoned the white magic master and Cheng Lan in a foreign prison, the Dragon King also fell into a deep sleep, and the vast number of villagers who made a living from tea have since lived in the water...

Conan the Barbarian

Douban score: 9.0 points

Arnold Schwarzenegger James Earl Jones Max von Sydot Iwassonson

1982 / USA / Adventure

The story takes place in ancient times. Conan's parents were brutalized to death by thugs when he was a child, and Conan grew up alone and alone since childhood. Perhaps God saw that he was pitiful and gave him infinite strength. When Conan grows up, he meets a mysterious elder who teaches him martial arts. After leaving school, Conan began to roam the rivers and lakes on his own. Conan then obtains a powerful "Sword of Kings" in his struggle with the witch, and with his superb martial arts and this sword, Conan becomes a swordsman of civilizations near and far. Misfortune ensued, and Conan lost his beloved. In order to take the princess back from the wizard, the evil queen sacrificed the princess's blood to keep herself on the throne forever, and asked Conan to take back the princess. After learning that only the Queen's magic can bring his lover back from the dead, Conan embarks on a quest to find a princess.

Phantom Heroes

(Chinese dubbing)

1993 / USA / Action Fantasy / 130 min

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger F. Murray Abraham, Arte Kearney, Charles Dans, Frank McRae, Tom Nonnan, Robert Prowski

Synopsis : The Jack series of films is a series of films starring Schwarzenegger. In this film, Schwarzenegger's Jack (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is always the savior of the world, and whenever his old rival Benedi (Charles Dance) comes out to do evil, Jack is always able to arrive in time to tell Benedi about Benedict's fight. The little boy Danny is a big fan of the Jack series of movies, and he can recite the first three episodes of the Jack series of movies backwards. On this day, his good friend, the film projectionist Nick, gave Danny a magical movie, and Danny entered the fourth episode of the unscheduled Jack series with this movie ticket. Unexpectedly, Benedict stole Danny's movie ticket and came to life from the movie. His goal is to get rid of Jack's character, Schwarzenegger, so that no one in the movie world can stop his evil plans.

Daredevil 1

Douban score: 6.8

2010 / USA / Thriller Action / 103 minutes

Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham Jet Lee Duff Longel Eric Roberts Randy Kuzo David Zayas Steve Austin

Director: Sylvester Stallone

His unassuming veteran Barney Rose (Sylvester Stallone) lives somewhere in the city, but in fact he is the leader of a special forces force, with Lee (Jason Statham) and Young (Jet Li) and other masters. Just as the so-called artists are bold, as long as the honorarium is sufficient, even dangerous tasks dare to take over. On this day, Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) from the CIA contacts Barney and hires them to travel to the South American island of Bilena to eliminate the dictatorial general David Zayas, who is opposed to the U.S. government. Due to the difficult task, Barney and Lee explore the way first, and discover that Garza has colluded with former CIA officer James Monroe to brutally squeeze the people of Bilena. Soon Barney and his comrades rush to the island, and a bigger challenge awaits this group of brave warriors...

Daredevil 2

2012 / USA / Action Adventure / 103 min

Starring: Sylvester Stallone Jason Statham Jet Li Yu Male Chuck Norris Shange Wynton Bruce Willis Arnold Schwarzenegger

Director: Simon West

Once again, there is a bloody storm of gunfire, with Barney (Sylvester Stallone), Christmas (Jason Statham), Gunner (Duff Longel Dolph Lundgren), Billy (Liam Hemsworth), Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Caesar (Terry Cruise Terry Crews) These iron brothers of the daredevils are enjoying the rare comfort after the big battle. But one night the church (Bruce Willis) came to the door and forced him to go to the Gazak Mountains of Albania to find a safe on a shot-down plane and make sure that the box would not fall into the hands of the enemy, and the church assigned Maggie Zhang (Yu Nan) to accompany the group of tough guys. Seemingly simple missions are actually full of danger, and Billy is brutally killed by his opponents. This is no longer a mission, but a war of friendship and honor for the warriors...

Daredevil 3

2014 / USA / Action Thriller / 126 min

Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham Arnold Schwarzenegger Duff Longel Wesley Snipps Mel Gibson

Director: Patrick Hughes

The film opens with Barney Rose (Sylvester Stallone) leading the death squad's old buddies Lee (Jason Statham), Gunnar (Duff Longel Dolph Lundgren) and others to hijack the train in a helicopter to rescue the imprisoned knife-wielding doctor (Wesley Snipes Wesley Snipes). After a short break, they head to Somalia to infiltrate the lair of an arms trafficking organization, and barney discovers that the leader of the organization is Conrad Stonebank (Mel Gibson), a death squad comrade who should have died. After a fierce exchange of fire, Stonebank managed to escape, while the death squad suffered heavy losses. After this battle, not only the military and the death squads hid a wave of anger, but even Stonebank was completely enraged, and the strongest tough guy ushered in a life-and-death duel...

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